Not Spaceghost
Hey guys. What's going on in here
Nothing anyone is proud of.
Hey guys. What's going on in here
So I guess Emerald Dream will never be an expansion... That sucks.
Yeah, that does suck. I guess there wouldn't be enough Orcs there for Metzen/Kosak to ever bother with it.
So I guess Emerald Dream will never be an expansion... That sucks.
i can see it still being an expansion. just show it as a "corrupt" version of the Emerald Dream. but basically it'll never be the Emerald Dream where there's nothing bad happening.
Malfurion cleaned up most of the Emerald Dream during his one book. Hence why him and Ysera are around at the beginning of Cataclysm. There's still a wee bit of corruption in there, but I doubt they'll get to that story anytime soon. It's being caused by the old god N'Zoth...who's also likely trapped underneath Vash'jir and is the reason for the heavy old one presence there (and eventual capture of Neptulon)...and was the creature responsible for driving Deathwing insane.
yeah i knew pretty much all of that already. blizzard made it possible for us to go back to old Draenor, so i don't know why Emerald Dream getting fucked by N'Zoth again wouldn't be a possibility if that was something they wanted to do.
This is actually really likely to happen. There's that rift that Malfurion wanted to fix, but didn't have enough time to, so he sealed it instead. I feel like they left that little thread there so that we could revisit the dream later.yeah i knew pretty much all of that already. blizzard made it possible for us to go back to old Draenor, so i don't know why Emerald Dream getting fucked by N'Zoth again wouldn't be a possibility if that was something they wanted to do.
:lol eh, part of it goes to charity. It's not all bad.This pet is adorable, he gives you free booze and you can also do /helpme emote at him and he will wag his tail and make a whiny noise O_O
I am really sorry for supporting Blizzard's shitty anti-consumer practices.
yeah i knew pretty much all of that already. blizzard made it possible for us to go back to old Draenor, so i don't know why Emerald Dream getting fucked by N'Zoth again wouldn't be a possibility if that was something they wanted to do.
Stahp, there is nothing there regardless of how many orcs it contains.
Uldum is definitely awesome.Everyone hates on Cataclysm zones, and I tend to agree because I think Vashjir is dogshit to quest in, and I don't think Deepholm's that great, but I love Uldum.
I'm a sucker for Egyptian themed zones ever since Everquest 1.
Maybe Warlords of Draenor will fill so much orc quota that they will need only one major orc in the next expansion.
Hahaha who am I kidding Warlords of Draenor II: Azeroth Boogaloo
I remember the questline in Azhara were you had to get four tablets and then deliver them to four different dudes in the different cities.
Got tons of XP doing that.
And visit that dude in the tower.
I honestly love every single Wrath zone. Northrend is just a fantastic continent. Love going back there for mount runs and to tame spirit beasts.
Maybe Warlords of Draenor will fill so much orc quota that they will need only one major orc in the next expansion.
Yrel is a new character in Warlords of Draenor, starting as a naive priestess in old Draenor. When the conflict kicks into gear she will need to become a hero over the course of the story, a new major Alliance heroine, and take a leadership role among the Alliance.
On the bright side:
A major female Draenei character? Sign me up! The only named female Draenei (adult, let's not forget Dornaa!) is one who crops up occasionally in questing whose name escapes me right now, but she's not particularly common.
That's actually sorta sad because so far I'm far more interested in the Alliance side of the expansions (as in, actually interested in any way because Garrosh and orcish clans zzzzZZZzzZZzzzZ) but I'm not gonna abandon Horde after 7 years come on![]()
I loved Barrens and Stranglethorn Vale. Barrens was awesome because of the chat, the music, the quests (I enjoyed them), Wailing Caverns, ganking people in Ratchet, and fighting at Crossroads. STV was my favorite because the jungle atmosphere was great. I also loved that it was really my first experience at world pvp since it was the first hostile zone I leveled in. So many wars started at the camp.
Duskwood is definitely my third favorite. I had a lot of fun in that place.
I felt like Northrend was on a whole other level when it came to zones. I enjoyed every single one of them, with Grizzly Hills, Howling Fjord, and Storm Peaks just being the very best the game ever had to offer. WotLK also had one of the best soundtracks, not just for WoW but for the entire generation. Even Sholazar Basin, which seems to be kinda forgotten, had fantastic music.
Duskwood was really awesome. Wish they did more like that. The best was the big Abomination quest that used to mow newbs down on the road. Or the Skelly dude in the graveyard that would sneak up and one shot you, Stalahan, Stavram, or something.
Duskwood was really awesome. Wish they did more like that. The best was the big Abomination quest that used to mow newbs down on the road. Or the Skelly dude in the graveyard that would sneak up and one shot you, Stalahan, Stavram, or something.
Expansion zone tiers
Comfy as fuck
Scholazar basin
Grizzly Hills
Storm Peaks
Shadowmoon valley
ehh it's ok
Howling Fjord
Blade's Edge
Twilight headlands
fuck this shit
Terokkar forest
Borean tundra
There's a special place in hell for this one
Too lazy to list Pandaria zones too