Is there an easy way to get a new epic weapon for a fresh 90, outside of LFR (which rely too much of RNG)?
Is there an easy way to get a new epic weapon for a fresh 90, outside of LFR (which rely too much of RNG)?
How much is 2h weapon with honor? And i think i heard that honor from BGs is really shit since 6.0 if you're not in a winning game, true? I havent played BGs for a while.
Pvp? Y'all nuts? Get to frog farming and buy it, only 20k coins. Takes like an hour tops in a group.
Pvp? Y'all nuts? Get to frog farming and buy it, only 20k coins. Takes like an hour tops in a group.
Hey guys I got a question. I haven't played since before transmorgification or whatever its called came out and really don't want to return to my pally, was thinking about rolling a DK.....but I was wondering are mounts transferable or accessible on alts? I had some pretty neat drakes and would like to use them on any alt I create.
Hey guys I got a question. I haven't played since before transmorgification or whatever its called came out and really don't want to return to my pally, was thinking about rolling a DK.....but I was wondering are mounts transferable or accessible on alts? I had some pretty neat drakes and would like to use them on any alt I create.
Anyone play on Thrall-US? Thinking about transferring there since my server is mostly a ghost-town for Horde. Seems big and active, but not too big with queue times.
Yup. Mounts and pets are account-bound (minus PvP mounts). So your alts would be able to use any of them.
Mounts, pets, and now toys (meaning most fun vanity items) now use a system that lets you access them on any character on your account, save for faction-specific ones.
Alt-itis striking again. I didn't need my bank alt anymore with the changes to reagent stacking and storage, so I deleted it and made an Orc Shaman. I was inspired by that transmog armor that drops from the Dark Shaman. Plus, with such a big focus on Orcs in the new expansion, I have to imagine that there will be more awesome armor for Shaman.
Wish we had one more character slot. I have one of every class but Druid on this server, and I can't make anymore chars.
You get 11 character slots per server since Mists with the addition of monks. Enough for one of each class.
Still a 50 character limit per account, though you'll realistically never make full use of that many.
Bonus fact though - if you're on a merged server group, you can technically have 22 (or 33, etc.) effective characters per realm. Can be nice if you want to baron the AH with a massive army of alts. Though 9 90s and a bank alt I'll probably level eventually is already pushing it for me.
Not sure if I ever want to make a monk on my home server or save the last slot for a second DK (main) or something.
Nice. One of my favourite swords in the game tbh. Don't see it much on my server.Possible new weapon transmog. Was rockin' the Spellfire Longsword for a bit too long and everyone seems to be using it now *shakes fist*
Lookin' good!Finally!
Still going for the mount though <3
Grats mang! So jealous.Aw Yisss
p.spoor graphics and worse compression, thanks macbook
What is with the end bosses in WotLK raids with bullshit mechanics? Yogg-Saron was super busy and The Lich King seems to have the meanest kick around and sends me flying to my death in 1 hit...
What is with the end bosses in WotLK raids with bullshit mechanics? Yogg-Saron was super busy and The Lich King seems to have the meanest kick around and sends me flying to my death in 1 hit...
Could also be the things in phase 1 if he's doing heroic. Shadow traps I think they're called. You step on one even a little bit and you go flying.Do you actually know the mechanics of the fight? You're dying to ice orbs. Don't see how it's "bullshit."
What is with the end bosses in WotLK raids with bullshit mechanics? Yogg-Saron was super busy and The Lich King seems to have the meanest kick around and sends me flying to my death in 1 hit...
thorim will not wipe the group if you go up the tunnel anymore and there are melee abilities that hit the head on mimironA bigger annoyance for me with WotLK raid bosses is the number that are unsoloable due to mechanics. I went into Ulduar last night. Soloed all of heroic 25 as protection warrior except for 2 that weren't soloable, and not due to just being hard, but just literally impossible. Thorin because you need to split into 2 groups, and Mimiron because you can't hit his head during 4th phase as melee. Shit like that just pisses me off.
Edit: Actually I couldn't solo Algalon either, but only because I didn't have high enough DPS. As long as you can kill him in <120 seconds or so, you're ok.
Do you actually know the mechanics of the fight? You're dying to ice orbs. Don't see how it's "bullshit."
You need to stand with your back to the bottom of the stairs for LK and kill ice spheres before they hit you.
My DBM does not work, so you'll have to forgive me if I haven't seen that mechanic before, I've never noticed them to in previous non heroic modes.
thorim will not wipe the group if you go up the tunnel anymore and there are melee abilities that hit the head on mimiron
I think shadow trap has a castbar and if it doesn't, it's a black 'spark' on the ground that you need to move out of ASAP or it blows you off the platform. If you go back and watch old 25M heroic videos you see the LK being slowly kited around during the first phase. The group is avoiding shadow traps.
Thorim did it to me last night.
Are you alliance?Yeah it was those pesky shadow traps that we knocking me off. Its a pain that DBM will not work for me at the moment...
But I just downed him on 10m HC. 3 Achievements left to get that 10 man mount, shame I'll need to recruit a healer to help me do the dragon.
Thorim hasn't done anything of the sort for a little bit now. Just plow the tunnel asap.
Are you alliance?
What's the "best" healing class? I'm thinking about rolling up an alt and want to be able to get instant groups in dungeons and still perform well.
Then what killed me? I went in the tunnel and within 10 seconds I was insta-killed, despite the fact that the mobs could barely scratch me.
Ah, damn. Was going to help a brother out, but I'm US Alliance.Horde Eu sadly, I used to be Alliance but moved my main to my new boosted characters
You should report that as a bug I just did it without any problems did it to me last night.