Replaced 8 of my boosted 90 set items already in 2 days, that is pretty cool.
Just looking for some good Rogue swords now, when solo-ing I use a Combat build and for that I want some new swords, any suggestions? (preferably solo-able)
Might not be your cup of tea but I'd say go pvp and buy weapons from the vendors. Takes rng out of the equation.
I give up
The horseman mount will never drop
After flying around enough for two halloween cats on two alts I have to say that Wrath Alliance town design is probably the peak of Blizzard's Art team in making cities look both designed and lived-in. The inns, the town halls, the little villages that dot the landscape, it fits so damn well in the landscape. It's a huge step up from the alien weirdness of Outland and the variety of civilizations present sets it apart from the Mogu/Pandaren-dominated zones of Mists.
Wrath zones > your favorite zone.
We can agree on this.
Then what killed me? I went in the tunnel and within 10 seconds I was insta-killed, despite the fact that the mobs could barely scratch me.
Anyone got that guide for newly dinged 90s again? Was posted a few days back
I have done the dungeon EVERY DAY (except the first) and have gotten..
a) no helm
b) no pet
c) no horseman mount
Magic Brooms are the best though.
Instant cast mountMakes levelling archaeology just that bit quicker.![]()
Anyone got that guide for newly dinged 90s again? Was posted a few days back
1. Feel free to let go of some of your gold on some 500+ pieces in Townlong. Similarly, grab any 550 gear you want from the pvp vendors..
Can you buy gear with gold nowadays? (from vendors that is)
Which vendor(s) do I need to visit in Townlong? (mind you, I have never been there)
If you do one run through the first part of Throne of Thunder in LFR then you will reach friendly with the Shado Pan Assault faction and be able to buy most of their 522 stuff.
Rizzi is right, totally forgot if you're really fresh you'll just need to hit friendly. This is pretty easy and you can get some loot from ToT as well. Also forgot to add in you can do a quick world boss run if you want as well and you my get lucky and get something 500+ from Oon.
Plus you can do the Blasted Lands quests going on right now and get a few pieces of 515 gear and a 520 Trinket, and they're fairly easy to do.
Got my transmog ready for the invasion of Draenor. For Stormwind!
Whatever you feel like, really. You gain a lot of xp from dungeons and their quests, though. Especially at that level, you'll probably get a level up or so off of each dungeon the first time you so them.So with me and a friend starting to play this really for the first time last week we got to about level 25 - 26. Should we do any dungeons just now or just focus on questing to level?
If you do one run through the first part of Throne of Thunder in LFR then you will reach friendly with the Shado Pan Assault faction and be able to buy most of their 522 stuff.
I don't think Throne of Thunder was available in the Raid Finder?
There were 4 available when I started and I think one unlocked (Nightmare of Something Something) after downing some bosses in another.
Not at my PC atm so can't check the real names...
I did finish that Blasted Lands questline btw and got the trinket.
This is my current gear :
LFR splits the raids into different wings. The one you want is called "Last Stand of the Zandalari". See below for an overview of the wings:
Mogushan Vaults: Guardians of Mogu'shan and The Vault of Mysteries
Heart of Fear: The Dread Approach and Nightmare of Shek'zeer
Terrace of Endless Spring (single raid wing)
Throne of Thunder: Last Stand of the Zandalari, Forgotten Depths, Halls of Flesh-Shaping and Pinnacle of Storms
Siege of Orgrimmar: Vale of Eternal Sorrow, Gates of Retribution, The Underhold and Downfall
Got my transmog ready for the invasion of Draenor. For Stormwind!
13 hours 50 minutes! It took me 12 hours to get my undead mage, my old main a month after TBC came out 12 hoours to get to level 12. Now I got to level 60 in that time nearly. Wow.
Here's my character currently:
Missing the goldweave tunic for my proper transmog alongside an argent tabard, but I'll get those. I think she looks cool so far <3
13 hours 50 minutes! It took me 12 hours to get my undead mage, my old main a month after TBC came out 12 hoours to get to level 12. Now I got to level 60 in that time nearly. Wow.
Wait, are they still going to update the blood elf models? I thought those were going to stay as-is.(I'm really psyched to see the tweaked and updated Blood Elf models - likely at Blizzcon)
Easiest way to quick-level: full heirloom set, heirloom trinkets and rings and 300% experience elixirs.Are you serious....even with all the increases to levelling speed on offer, 14 hours to level 60 still seems so much faster than I could ever do it.
What was your trick? Did you stick to questing, or have any help grinding dungeons repeatedly from capped friends?
(Obviously full heirlooms and perks)
Wait, are they still going to update the blood elf models? I thought those were going to stay as-is.
Easiest way to quick-level: full heirloom set, heirloom trinkets and rings and 300% experience elixirs.
Just keep hitting up dungeons and you'll outlevel them faster than they open up.
And whaaaa @300% experience elixirs?? What the fuck are those? I thought there was a rare drop off of Archerius on TL for a 1hr 100% bonus exp elixir, but that doesn't seem like something you could farm very practically.
Where do you get a lot of 300% ones ?
Are you serious....even with all the increases to levelling speed on offer, 14 hours to level 60 still seems so much faster than I could ever do it.
What was your trick? Did you stick to questing, or have any help grinding dungeons repeatedly from capped friends?
(Obviously full heirlooms and perks)
Here's my tried and tested guide to new 90s for patch 6.0, assuming your simple goal is to grab a BOA before xpac.
-if you have spare gold/honor like most people do step 1, if not, skip to step 2-
1. Feel free to let go of some of your gold on some 500+ pieces in Townlong. Similarly, grab any 550 gear you want from the pvp vendors.
2. Go to Timeless Isle and do the quests/sneak your way into a frog group. Farm for 30 mins and you will fill out your entire armor set with drops for your class.
3. At 496 you can either:
a) LFR SoO to get 520+ gear. You can do start to finish in about 2 hours with most groups.
b) Keep farming frogs to get charms and upgrade any 500+ gear to squeeze out ilvl. If you plan to do LFR you should do this anyway for seals.
4. Once you hit 510 you can now run UBRS and fill out slots in 550 gear if you still need to.
Extra bonus tip: Farm Headless Horseman now until you get a few of the ~540 pieces.
Your goal is basically to get around ~530-550 so you can get into a garry kill group on normal. If you want heroic, you'll definitely need at least 550. I took me about 2 days to get my fresh 90 sham to 525 and I main healed garry on normal at 527 for my boa. If you're anything but heals/tank you'll want to squeeze all the ilvl you can because that's all they really have to go on for dps.
Rösti;136103815 said:I don't think Velen actually dies in this scene, it seems like he fuses with that Naaru. Though I'm unsure if this is explained more thoroughly in a book or some later quest, albeit I have completed most quests of the leveling experience, so I could be wrong.
Nah, he's gone.
He gave her the mark.
is it alternate universe velen or current velen?
or are they one and the same :O
Would people mind marking what their spoilers are please? I'm not too worried about it but someone might think it's something else, open it and complain they've had something spoilt for them.
It's about what happen with Velen (Draenei leader) in the expansion. Some major spoilers i guess if you care about the story.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. I read it, I mean I didn't want to know about the story but it doesn't bother me so much, but it'd be nice if people mentioned if a spoiler was do with story/mechanics or something when they posted it :> just a suggestion is all.