The names you're thinking of are probably for Stalvan Mistmantle, which was one of the more interesting Vanilla chains with quite an unpleasant backstory. I know they've changed it to be more Worgeny, dunno how effective it is now.
How can you put Terokkar below Blade Edge??? Blade Edge was a questing nightmare, while Terokkar had tons of quests all put together so you could do like 10 of them at once.
I just really really really hated Terokkar Forest.
And yeah, Blade's Edge at least had some cool music!
I quested there yesterday on my hunter, it's really not that bad. But... i guess being an overpowered hunter full of BOAs makes everything looks not as bad as they once were. But I still won't quest in Blade Edge, even with him. I typically do 59-60 in Hellfire, 61-62 in Zangarmarsh, 63-64 in Terokkar and 65-67 in Nagrand and im out of that outdated continent once I hit 68.
I quested there yesterday on my hunter, it's really not that bad. But... i guess being an overpowered hunter full of BOAs makes everything looks not as bad as they once were. But I still won't quest in Blade Edge, even with him. I typically do 59-60 in Hellfire, 61-62 in Zangarmarsh, 63-64 in Terokkar and 65-67 in Nagrand and im out of that outdated continent once I hit 68.
I'm not going to do tiers, but I must confess that Vash'jir may be my favorite(non starting) zone ever.
Haha, now that you mention it, I've only gone through Vashj'ir on my hunter thus far and really enjoyed it.I have a strong feeling that everyone who hated vashjir played melee, because I hated it on my rogue and pally but loved it on my mage.
I have a strong feeling that everyone who hated vashjir played melee, because I hated it on my rogue and pally but loved it on my mage.
Everyone hates on Cataclysm zones, and I tend to agree because I think Vashjir is dogshit to quest in, and I don't think Deepholm's that great, but I love Uldum.
I'm a sucker for Egyptian themed zones ever since Everquest 1.
Wrath zones were amazing. Secret best expansion.
Nah Silithus is the worst. It's so bad Blizzard didn't bother updating it in Cataclysm.the worst zone was vanilla Arathi Highlands.
I havent had the pleasure of doing vash. Probably never will.
I like dragonblight. Cool zone. Has many levels of lore. Quests arent insulting, and the random snowfall is cool.
the worst zone was vanilla Arathi Highlands.
I havent had the pleasure of doing vash. Probably never will.
I like dragonblight. Cool zone. Has many levels of lore. Quests arent insulting, and the random snowfall is cool.
I have a strong feeling that everyone who hated vashjir played melee, because I hated it on my rogue and pally but loved it on my mage.
I have a strong feeling that everyone who hated vashjir played melee, because I hated it on my rogue and pally but loved it on my mage.
Had trouble with Thorim tonight, never had problems. So many various bugs when trying to do it solo. Finally kill him head to Vezax... no trash spawn and no Vezax spawn. God damn bugs this is 2 weeks in a row that has happened to me.
I have a strong feeling that everyone who hated vashjir played melee, because I hated it on my rogue and pally but loved it on my mage.
Arathi Highlands was awesome for Horde! Tons of quests neatly packed together. It was almost like a proto TBC zone.
WTF, no offense Dawg, but this is bullshit.Expansion zone tiers
Comfy as fuck
Scholazar basin
Grizzly Hills
Storm Peaks
Shadowmoon valley
ehh it's ok
Howling Fjord
Blade's Edge
Twilight headlands
fuck this shit
Terokkar forest
Borean tundra
There's a special place in hell for this one
Too lazy to list Pandaria zones too
Alterac was bad, but Loch Modan and Azshara were even worse. Loch Modan had like two quests, and Azshara had zero.The worst of vanilla in catagories:
Leveling Zone - Silithus
Most Unused - Burning Steppes
That's a zone? - Alterac Mountains
Burning Steppes seemed to have depth behind it but I rarely used it. Alterac Mountains was a whole different story. I thought it was a waste. I loved the lore behind it and all of that but it barely had anything to it. The quest givers were on the road and there was only one zone that was really anything which was the castle that the ogres took over.
Alterac was bad, but Loch Modan and Azshara were even worse. Loch Modan had like two quests, and Azshara had zero.
Back in Vanilla, I thought everyone had to go to Aszhara for the class specific Sunken Temple quests that existed at the time?
But sunken temple is in Swamp of Sorrows...
Alterac was bad, but Loch Modan and Azshara were even worse. Loch Modan had like two quests, and Azshara had zero.
Back in Vanilla, I thought everyone had to go to Aszhara for the class specific Sunken Temple quests that existed at the time?
But sunken temple is in Swamp of Sorrows...
You guys have terrible memory of Loch Modan, it had more than 2-5 quests. :lol
Netherstorm and SMV are my favorite zones.
Did anyone else buy the fey dragon? So tempted. Would match my sprite darter pet that I have.
Arathi Highlands was awesome for Horde.
So many nice quests, and it even had a a great series of group quests where you fight a bunch of elites in a castle.
There was also a nice multi zone quest where you fought a giant stone princess at the end.
Haven't done it post cata though, not sure how it holds up now.
There was also a nice multi zone quest where you fought a giant stone princess at the end.
But sunken temple is in Swamp of Sorrows...
That pretty much encapsulates Vanilla WoW; there were a shit-ton of quests where you'd talk to a guy in Booty Bay and he'd ask you to retrieve 6 bottles of wine he dropped in the ocean in the Hinterlands.
Pages of Fucking Strangletrn
That pretty much encapsulates Vanilla WoW; there were a shit-ton of quests where you'd talk to a guy in Booty Bay and he'd ask you to retrieve 6 bottles of wine he dropped in the ocean in the Hinterlands.
Pages of Fucking Strangletrn