Oh forgot about my mouse and G13.I did the same with my keyboard (G19), mouse (WoW Cataclysm Mouse), and gameboard (G13). It's a little washed out because I play with a triple monitor setup and it really kicks out the light.

Oh forgot about my mouse and G13.I did the same with my keyboard (G19), mouse (WoW Cataclysm Mouse), and gameboard (G13). It's a little washed out because I play with a triple monitor setup and it really kicks out the light.
I know for a fact that felslate is
I already caught a few rare fish but my question is are they zone wide or specific spots in that zone?
That's horrible, DK and Warrior looks cool as Tauren tho, but it's really shit how some stuff for some classes is 'broken'Went and got my Elemental artifact and wow. It's as shitty as expected. The fucking thing even clips the ground if you're a male Tauren and still disappears if you sheathe it. So not only do Elementals get fucked in main hand transmog options with artifact shields that look like colored farts, they can't even see their artifact most of the time.
It's embarrassing how Blizzard treats certain specs.
hate that you can only have 5 followers active, fuck off with that horseshit blizz
hate that you can only have 5 followers active, fuck off with that horseshit blizz
That's disappointing. I'm already thinking about levelling a second char to 110 and Ele/Resto Shaman was topping that list. Would consider Enhancement but I already have my DK for melee DPS. Maybe I'll go Priest instead.Went and got my Elemental artifact and wow. It's as shitty as expected. The fucking thing even clips the ground if you're a male Tauren and still disappears if you sheathe it. So not only do Elementals get fucked in main hand transmog options with artifact shields that look like colored farts, they can't even see their artifact most of the time.
It's embarrassing how Blizzard treats certain specs.
The "Wanted: Arru" world quest in Highmountain is super bugged. You're meant to take the bear down to low health and a nearby hunter NPC tames it, but right now he won't tame it. The bear just sits at 1hp, invincible, attacking all who come close and being kited way across the zone.
All of the artifacts look like crappy modern Blizz designs. They're all humongous and absurdly ornamented.
I transmogged the Dreadblades into Cruel Barbs.
All of the artifacts look like crappy modern Blizz designs. They're all humongous and absurdly ornamented.
I transmogged the Dreadblades into Cruel Barbs.
All of the artifacts look like crappy modern Blizz designs. They're all humongous and absurdly ornamented.
This xpack is way too fucking fun, man. It's crazy that they went from WoD to this.
Then again, they went from MoP, which was awesome, straight into WoD.
This is exactly what I like about modern Blizz designs. Love my ridiculous weapons and armor.
Not a fan of the beast mastery artifact, for example. Looks like something fairly disposable that you would easily pick up while question.
Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?Yeah. Blizz used to make such sleek and elegant items back in vanilla and tbc, much more realistic.
All of the artifacts look like crappy modern Blizz designs. They're all humongous and absurdly ornamented.
I transmogged the Dreadblades into Cruel Barbs.
Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
MoP was only good in hindsight and the launch was the absolute worst, all the shit with daily quests and grinding rep in MoP at launch was the absolute worst.
The "Wanted: Arru" world quest in Highmountain is super bugged. You're meant to take the bear down to low health and a nearby hunter NPC tames it, but right now he won't tame it. The bear just sits at 1hp, invincible, attacking all who come close and being kited way across the zone.
Don't forget everybody was gushing about how fun and high-prod-val WoD was at the start.This xpack is way too fucking fun, man. It's crazy that they went from WoD to this.
This xpack is way too fucking fun, man. It's crazy that they went from WoD to this.
Then again, they went from MoP, which was awesome, straight into WoD.
that feel when your artifact weapon is your lowest ilvl piece of gear![]()
Is Stormheim the only zone where the storyline/quests differ from Horde & Alliance? Seems like it considering it's the only zone with faction specific flight paths...
I don't know how I'm going to quest on other characters after doing it first on my Demon Hunter. Everything will feel so slow![]()
Love the many times I queued as DPS for a random Legion dungeon I wait and wait and just say forget ti since don't have time. Last night I queued for the first one from the Azsuna for the final quest. Pops within several minutes. Run went pretty smooth so on to the next zone.