My least favorite part of being a druid is that you get all this gear but you don't ever get to see any of it and that still exists but it's diminished because of the new forms and the weapons themselves being cool as shit outside of animal forms
I just want to reiterate how much fun I am having
I finished val'shara at 102, did like the first line of quests in azsuna, and with inscription and herbalism quests and then getting the quests at 103 to get my other artifacts and finishing the dungeon quest for end of Val'Shara i'm at 104 with only 3 quests done in my second area because there are so many other (beneficial) distractions.
Also being a druid is dope because you get 3 real neat artifact quests (resto was meh), you get a great class hall, cool champions, and DarkHeart Thicket is a good ass dungeonand some sick bear forms.and the first boss, a corrupted archdruid, comments on you being a powerful druid yourself and his dialogue adapts based on your spec.
You could make a Demon Hunter, do the starting quests (2 hrs) and get a guaranteed 1k gold, send gold, delete hunter, start over.
That might be terribly inefficient compared to other methods, I'm not sure.
There's a conspiracy theory floating around that if you have an end of zone dungeon quest for a pillar of creation and queue for that dungeon specifically, you basically have queue priority. Sounds pretty silly, but I got an instant queue as DPS for neltharion's lair the other day when I was finishing Highmountain.
I need to get as many characters as I can to 110 before Brewfest starts on the 20th. I am getting that fucking brewfest ram this year, I swear.
Of course, it would be a lot easier if the holiday dungeons used the level scaling system introduced in Legion. I don't think there's any way of knowing that in advance though.
Just take double gathering professions and auction stuff as you level.
I added a small handfull of addons, and one of them is adding a new tooltip directly below anything I mouseover that shows vendor values, auction house values and whether i should vendor, disenchant or auction an item. Most of the time it overlaps with item I'm trying to see . Does anyone know which addon this is and if it's possible to configure it out of the way.
Has anyone tried queueing for a specific dungeon without a Pillar quest? I've just been doing the dungeons as I get to them in the story and I've been getting instant queues as well. Either they are prioritizing people with the quests or maybe not a lot of people are doing the random queue?
I don't think reaching max lvl has ever been this overwhelming, regarding how much stuff there is to do and see.
Can't decide between Enh Shammy, Frost DK, or Havoc DH as my alt. Anyone with 110 of any of these specs have any recommendations/input/warnings lol?
I don't think reaching max lvl has ever been this overwhelming, regarding how much stuff there is to do and see.
awuidhguiawhgdiaygweygawe :3850 legs from Halls of Valour normal
Don't mind if I doooo
That happened to me, though it wasn't a Pillar of Creation quest exactly, just somewhat related (the Val'Sharah ending dungeon). Had a quest to go into Darkheart Thicket and the queue took two minutes. Last night without any dungeon quests the random queue took close to an hour lol.There's a conspiracy theory floating around that if you have an end of zone dungeon quest for a pillar of creation and queue for that dungeon specifically, you basically have queue priority. Sounds pretty silly, but I got an instant queue as DPS for neltharion's lair the other day when I was finishing Highmountain.
Is the arcane mage artifact the only one that talks to you? It also occasionally sucks energy from environmental magic sources to give you a buff.
Can't decide between Enh Shammy, Frost DK, or Havoc DH as my alt. Anyone with 110 of any of these specs have any recommendations/input/warnings lol?
Not bad.
Does Legion include a month's time? I haven't played in a very long time but I feel so left out, my whole friends list is playing. Really can't afford it but damn it sucks being out in the cold lol.
There's a conspiracy theory floating around that if you have an end of zone dungeon quest for a pillar of creation and queue for that dungeon specifically, you basically have queue priority. Sounds pretty silly, but I got an instant queue as DPS for neltharion's lair the other day when I was finishing Highmountain.
People were logging off literally every second in my guild just now, followed by me.
People were logging off literally every second in my guild just now, followed by me.