wth. I used Kite everywhere.
Same, the kite is super fun. I guess I'll help keep the Goblin Glider market alive then.
wth. I used Kite everywhere.
Why did they nerf my beloved kite?Well, they apparently nerfed skinning. Mobs that gave anywhere from 6-12 leather now only give 2-4. I sold like 25 stacks earlier today, had I known this was coming I would have held off.
Edit: Patch notes
They murdered the kite too. Worst patch ever.
In Skyhold, Quartermaster Durnholf will pay more attention to players and not walk away from them so quickly.
Why have they done this? Its fucked things right up when it was perfect before.the lag is real
What is that a picture of?the lag is real
What is that a picture of?[/QUOTE
They have opened up cross realm more and as a result anyone without a powerhouse pc is going to see huge performance drops, not to mention too many people everywhere. Cannot see why they have done this, it's unplayable for me and this has been the most fun I've had in wow since release
As a fellow mage, you are supposed to spellsteal the buff.
Leatherworking question: If I've completed all the way through Mounting Made Easy should I have every one of the first type of sets at rank 2? It seems I maybe did some out of order and got the rank 2 before the rank 1 so when I did finally complete the rank 1 to get the recipe it didn't knock it up to rank 2. I have four different items that are rank 1 and I can't get them to rank 3 without that step in between. I tried buying the book for 800g that recovers lost recipes from swapping professions and it said I knew everything.
It just seems like something went wrong but I figure I should check with others before seeing if I need to set up a ticket.
I didn't realize how quickly World Quests reset. Or was it just quick on a bunch because of the weekly reset? It's a fairly nice system so far and I look forward to seeing it evolve. I was hoping they'd be a bit more like Guild Wars 2 in that people work towards common goals and maybe have the reward scale by the amount of participation and also the quests evolved and cycled through events so that by completing a chain of them lead to a big boss or something.
Still seems like an improvement over the staid dailies that people have disliked each expansion.
I dont see the app on the EU play store?
i kind of don't see how withered training is possible for mage...tanking an elite mob to face while your withered run around and aggro everything in the room.
they only run around if you activate the dmg buff. Also you want to avoid tagging those arcane elemental fuckers, they barely give any points and are a pain. And avoid spawning the ninja elites, from the web cocoons and shit
they only run around if you activate the dmg buff. Also you want to avoid tagging those arcane elemental fuckers, they barely give any points and are a pain. And avoid spawning the ninja elites, from the web cocoons and shit
i'll give that a go. really does feel like a piece of content that was designed with tankspecs in in mind though. i don't see why it would have been difficult to make the scenario vary depending on what kind of class you are.
This leatherworking mount quest is amazingly awful. Holy shit.
I was wondering where that asshole came from, he totally destroyed me.
Which class seems to be the best healer atm?
I hate that the warrior has to do three class hall quests that take 1 day and 14 hours each and can't be done at the same time, to be able to progress with the class campaign.
If anyone knows, am I nearing the end of the campaign?
they dont take one day, they take 12 hours if you counter all the things the quest has (and are appropriate lvl). how are people still having trouble with this?
edit: sorry I didnt mean for that to come off as bitchy as it did lol
No no no, there is an INITIAL set of three missions, that take 12 hours each. And later into the quest line, there is an ADDITIONAL set of three more missions, that take a full day and 14 hours if you counter everything.
I fully understand the system and use all the advantages I have at my disposal. I use the 20% reduction from the class hall investigation and I also counter everything, and these missions STILL take 1 day 14h EACH. It did come off as bitchy btw.
Yup. We have the longest one in the game... Meh, never mind. Finished mine today & did a daily heroic with my shiny new weap. 192k DPS & 117k HPS. Just Warrior things.
Every class seems to think that their own class hall is the longest in the game, lol. I actually wonder if they're all the same length but because of duration decreases/increases on follower abilities nobody's really noticed. I know that Mage had 5x12 hour missions at some point although I think I got a couple of them down to 8 hour, and I haven't yet done a second block of them but I assume they're coming.
After these three extremely annoying and long missions, how much longer do I have till I get my new skin!?
Every class seems to think that their own class hall is the longest in the game, lol. I actually wonder if they're all the same length but because of duration decreases/increases on follower abilities nobody's really noticed. I know that Mage had 5x12 hour missions at some point although I think I got a couple of them down to 8 hour, and I haven't yet done a second block of them but I assume they're coming.
But the Warrior one actually is the longest one in the game. Rather have 5x8h missions than 3x1d16h missions (after lowering them all from over 3 days a piece).
A short scenario, and that's it. Scenario is decent.
Also, warriors, don't deactivate Hymdall. You need him to complete one of the order hall missions.
Messy. I guess double the class hall quest length is the payoff for having double the DPS.Thanks.
And exactly, there is a comparison in the bnet forums. Every calss averages at 100 hpurs with this set of missions and warriors have it at 196 hours.
So yeah.
I didnt know different classes had different times. Thats stupid and I apologize
I didnt know different classes had different times. Thats stupid and I apologize