Messy. I guess double the class hall quest length is the payoff for having double the DPS.![]()
The assumption of all class hall missions being the same time should be correct. Having different time gates for what is essentially the same thing is dumb as hell.
Nothing to apologize for. It's so stupid that no-one thinks it's possible - That's Blizzard's fault.
Oh man, I just had a cloak pop up as a reward for a world quest that was 835 epic without it warforging or anything. Is that going to happen more now that my ilvl is 830?
What Itlvl does the raid require?
Raid finder is 825 requirement
Most normal raiders will be 835-845
There's gonna be raid finder for legion?
You just made me happy beyond comprehensionYep. And they even added Raid Finder versions of the raiding tier sets back to them, rather than the really shitty LFR sets that WoD had.
Man I'm so burned out of BM. I'm going to dump all my artifact power from now on in SV.
Raid finder is 825 requirement
Most normal raiders will be 835-845
Probably a silly question, but does completing the class campaign give you another relic, or just unlock the third slot?
Awesome.Both. You get an 825 relic for that third slot.
im missing 2 flight paths. both in highmountain, fucking place
The dev time to offer a tutorial for each spec would be very high.Is there a reason why you can't try different specs on trial characters?
Working on my dk a little and man worgens are so badass. Also blood so op, pulling 10+ mobs all the time without a problem. The shadow priest struggles vs 3+ mobs is so unfair![]()
this caw caw quest just ends with them all dead? no follow up to kill that dragon?
It felt good to see those owlkin charred. Why would you want to kill that dragon.
this caw caw quest just ends with them all dead? no follow up to kill that dragon?
dragon is a world boss, hopefully we get a quest to turn in somewhere after we kill him
The dev time to offer a tutorial for each spec would be very high.
Favourite/Least favourite 5 man Dungeons so far? Can't comment on Court of Stars or the Arcway as i haven't unlocked them.
Really love both of the Stormheim dungeons - both are visually stunning and complement the other nicely. Eye has grown on me a lot also, even though i don't find Naga and Murlocs the most exciting foes the openness of the place is refreshing. Not keen on Violet Hold, but never was in the first place. Can see why it was brought back, but feel they could have improved upon the repetitive wave mechanics.
WoW comments are so confusing. One person tells me that all the Warlock specs are the worst, the other tells me frost mage is the worst, the other tells me elemental is the worst, the other tells me assassination is the worst, the other tells me fury is the worst the oth--
What are you trying to find? The current "best" class/spec for DPS?
Don't listen to anecdotes for that. For now the most accurate measure would be simulations like this for example.
Violet Hold is the only one I dislike, didn't enjoy it during Wrath either.
Maw definitely has some character, but I pretty much like them all otherwise
Favourite/Least favourite 5 man Dungeons so far? Can't comment on Court of Stars or the Arcway as i haven't unlocked them.
Really love both of the Stormheim dungeons - both are visually stunning and complement the other nicely. Eye has grown on me a lot also, even though i don't find Naga and Murlocs the most exciting foes the openness of the place is refreshing. Not keen on Violet Hold, but never was in the first place. Can see why it was brought back, but feel they could have improved upon the repetitive wave mechanics.
you dont know data west do you?![]()
When I saw Violet Hold returning, I thought "Oh, that's okay, the place can return but they won't do the same mechanic again, that'd be silly."
Edit: And during the Legion reveal, it was stated that "Violet Hold had some deep secrets that we didn't discover the first time around, but these are now awakened by proximity to the Tomb of Sargeras. We learn more about the origins of Dalaran, mages of Dalaran, and the origins of the world itself."
Uh huh.
No, I don't. Am I supposed to?