Well this just happened, i'm happy
Well this just happened, i'm happy
Anyone else notice they nerfed the amount of ancient mana you get in the vineyard? Used to be able to get 1k easily in a couple minutes but spawns seem to have slowed down alot.
Can't have people bypassing the time it takes to farm mana.
This expac is full of little gates, cleverly disguised.
Wow, I got a whole one treasure chest from the withered shitlord training today! I sure love when an elite spawns and one shots all my withered, that's awesome fun!
So I've been doing holy for dungeons and mythics but main shadow. Read some very disheartening posts on mmo priest forums, is shadow really in the "get kicked because aoe is awful" state? I know they have crap aoe but I love the single target. On the few dungeons I was shadow the main annoyance was a knock back during void torrent which really kills dps. So what's the overall feeling with shadow, just wait for raids where we'll be needed for insane surrenders?
Those elites respawn. Note their location, avoid their spawns in the future.
But, sadly, you gotta pop em all at least once to get their shit.
i play with an arms warrior who does shit for aoe but is godly for single target
i guess if youre in pubs they can be pretty bad so
Ignore the bosses
Check wowheads suramar guide for a list of their locations
Spec for hard cc and interrupts
Focus on killing mobs until you reach 425 score
For the wraith guys, silence their spells and stun the suicide
Don't use the aggressive mode unless the area is clear, it draws a lot of aggro
You can stun most bosses out of their withered killing shit
Go in with as much troops as possible
Stay away from ledges your guys can fall down and draw aggro
Try to get a few glittering chests when you're done racking up score, they give you special units in the future
And I'll add, bosses ranked in terms of danger, from most to least:
Lapillia: AoE is much larger than the indicator shows
Volatile Wraithlord: Can pull away the nuke, and stunned out of the explosion
Leystalker Dro: Can be stunned/incapacitated out of omnislash
Furog the Elfbreaker: Can be stunned out of grab/stomp
Brood Guardian Phyx: Cleave can be aimed away/interrupted, stunned out of Brood Expansion
I've never done Psillych so I left it out.
my only CC is polymorph and slow![]()
Dro can be stunned out of rush. And he's easier the more withered you have because as far as I can tell he targets randomly. More withered = damage being spread out.
I went into Dro once with ~35 withered and lost only 3. Also you should toggle the berserking on Dro if the area is clear.
Oh right, I forgot to mention you should try to pick up all the Mana expansion packs so you can get to 2000, or 1300 at the very least.
Well this just happened, i'm happy
Good thing I have CC options as a shadow priest.
Yeah I was considering how to do it on a mage. You might have to go Fire for Dragon's Breath.
On top of switching talents you might have to switch spec as well.
I think they're on an internal cooldown. Otherwise stuns would be pointless and I'm pretty sure they're not. Obviously you won't be able to stun every AoE (unless you're a Prot warrior) and you'll need luck/positioning to take care of the rest but it can save 2-3 withered at a time.Dragons breath breaks so easy though. And most of the time they just go to recast whatever they were casting after the stun ends.
Good thing I have CC options as a shadow priest.
Well this just happened, i'm happy
Well this just happened, i'm happy
Man, those "fixes" for movement skills like Roll and Flying Dragon Kick did exactly nothing. Still get caught on anything and everything.
Oh shit, got the Brew hidden skin!
(In progress) Players should no longer be stopped abruptly when executing uncontrolled movement spells such as Roll, Fel Rush, and Flying Serpent Kick.
The size of my WoW folder is now about 43.8 GB, is this normal?
Yeah I was considering how to do it on a mage. You might have to go Fire for Dragon's Breath.
On top of switching talents you might have to switch spec as well.
You miss that part? =p
Nice! Congrats.
Congrats! Super jealous. I'm hoping to get a legendary while it's still cool. lol
Same time raids unlock.Kinda ran out of things to do once I did all the world quests worth doing. Can't get any more rep with the Nightfallen, saved to all mythics. All I can really do is run heroics, but I don't really get anything worthwhile from them so that gets boring really quickly.
When are mythic+ dungeons unlocking?
Same time raids unlock.
I hate Suramar so much, especially the city which is the worst zone in the game and just so hard to navigate. It's honestly making me enjoy the game so much less.
Kinda ran out of things to do once I did all the world quests worth doing. Can't get any more rep with the Nightfallen, saved to all mythics. All I can really do is run heroics, but I don't really get anything worthwhile from them so that gets boring really quickly.
When are mythic+ dungeons unlocking?
Next Tuesday.