I should probably use addons if I'm going to heal with any frequency.
Just finished up a week off where I played as much as I could. Got my Enhancement Shaman to 841, but I'm way short on Nightfallen rep. My partner unlocked the Mythic-only dungeons days ago and I'm still 4k rep away.
How much rep do you need? Im at like 7k or something
You need 8000 into Honored to unlock the 9th quest line for the Good Suramaritan achievement, and the Suramar dungeons.
At least get Clique if nothing else. That lets you heal via combinations of modifiers and clicks on the party frames. I won't heal without clickcasting in some form in this game; every other way is just way less efficient. Note that other party/raid addons have this functionality, like VuhDo which is what I use.
do i keep pouring all my effort into my 812 frost DK or do i level my warrior to tank
I just make macros for all of my healing spells and put mouseover modifier on them.
Me personally would never play a dk again after the cull. Go unholy till frost gets love. Warrior tanking is broken with ignore skill, and arms is a caveman spec that does good st damage.help
do i keep pouring all my effort into my 812 frost DK or do i level my warrior to tank
I'm ridiculously behind on Nightfallen, I'm not even close to honored with them yet. I just keep doing world quests instead of Suramar things. Instant rewards are too tempting.
Nothing is going to be as crazy as IP spam right now but bears are pretty good.What's the secret to bear tanking, dudes? I'm used to Ignore Pain spam getting me through everything.
Suramar quests give the most AP in the game, it's infinitely more rewarding than WQs![]()
Mouseover healing feels weird I don't like it. D:
Do you need to be honored with The Nightfallen to start 'Building an Army'? I was given the quest that says to talk to her once I'm ready, but I don't have that option? I got a quest to get honored with them at the same time
I think mages should have more utility. The trade off in old(er) wow for having lower utility was that mages were almost always among the hardest hitting DPS specs in the game. That's no longer the case; mages are middle of the pack DPS wise but they still have only barebones utility (TW is the only major thing; remove curse is gone; spellsteal is borderline worthless in PvE; ice block is useful in specific encounters for specific things). I dunno what kind of suitably magey thing they could add though.
What kind of utility would you like? You already have better mobility, dps, interrupts, cc and defensive abilities than my Warlock. Would you like to be able to conjure healthstones? hmm? Summon other players?
Maybe you'd like a goddamn voidwalker to go with your goddamn snack table, mage.
I think mages should have more utility. The trade off in old(er) wow for having lower utility was that mages were almost always among the hardest hitting DPS specs in the game. That's no longer the case; mages are middle of the pack DPS wise but they still have only barebones utility (TW is the only major thing; remove curse is gone; spellsteal is borderline worthless in PvE; ice block is useful in specific encounters for specific things). I dunno what kind of suitably magey thing they could add though that doesn't intrude on the utility of other classes (not, to be fair, that blizzard have any qualms about overlapping utility).
SV is a blast, a damn glorious blast. I played every iteration of SV since WOTLK (except Draenor) and I absolutely loved it and I love the new SV. The burst is amazing and the rotation is so busy that you don't even have time for the filler Raptor strike (which is probably one of the worst abilities in the whole game btw). Of course nothing matters now, but nevertheless I've been topping the meters too.
Screw the "right" spec to play, I'm going with fun this time around.
Well I think Warlocks need more works than mages from everything I've read but I don't play one so I can't comment in more detail.What kind of utility would you like? You already have better mobility, dps, interrupts, cc and defensive abilities than my Warlock. Would you like to be able to conjure healthstones? hmm? Summon other players?
Maybe you'd like a goddamn voidwalker to go with your goddamn snack table, mage.
Arcane, but AFAIK even fire is barely in the top 1/3rd of DPS specs right now. Which is fine; I mostly would just like a bit more texture to the class.Middle of the pack? I guess if you don't spec fire or something..
Well I think Warlocks need more works than mages from everything I've read but I don't play one so I can't comment in more detail.
SV IS the right spec to play if you want to top meters as a Hunter.
this motherfucker for the 8k+ nightfallen rep quests wants 1200 mana >_>
thats for my next withered run damn you
edit: oh wait its only one or the other? I still have the quest but I dont see it on the map anymore after I helped the other lady
No it's both. The map marker just disappears for the 1200 mana one.
Has Fire ever been 'middle of the pack'? Fire is always one of the top DPS specs and at times the best spec in the whole game and it's currently doing really well, too.
wtf...sigh off to wowhead I go
Has Fire ever been 'middle of the pack'? Fire is always one of the top DPS specs and at times the best spec in the whole game and it's currently doing really well, too.
I mean, arcane has often had that spot as well, or warlocks, or rogues or hunters back in the day. Mages as a whole were legitimately awful in Sunwell also. (Just worse warlocks)
I'm showing my age here, but for the first three expansions mages were only top dos in two instances - fire mages in original Naxxramus with the stacking ignite and the first fight in th cho'gall instance where mages could spread ignite to everything. For most of vanilla and all of TBC mages were one of the worse dos in the game. Either because you had to spec frost as everything was fire immune, or because mages were nerfed off the bat at the start of TBC and that was left in place the entire expansion.
Again, showing my age!
MoP Warlocks were good, I'll admin. WoD Warlocks were average (they had a small stint with Demo being badass, but that got nerfed quickly). Legion Warlocks are bottom tier. And before anyone comes at me with "The sims say Demo is good!" I goddamn double dare you to try that out in practice. Go run some Mythics alongside any spec that has burst damage.