yall dont need pug sets, group finder shows your bag ilvl
seriously? :O
yall dont need pug sets, group finder shows your bag ilvl
Really? Nice, did not know that.yall dont need pug sets, group finder shows your bag ilvl
yall dont need pug sets, group finder shows your bag ilvl
1st world problems!So uh I finally got my second legendary.
But I was in the wrong loot specialization.
So now I feel like I have to farm up a whole new set of relics and regem/re-enchant because I won't get another shot at a second legendary.
So uh I finally got my second legendary.
But I was in the wrong loot specialization.
So now I feel like I have to farm up a whole new set of relics and regem/re-enchant because I won't get another shot at a second legendary.
Retribution is really boring to play compared to like every other melee class.
Retribution is really boring to play compared to like every other melee class.
Ret is the kind of spec that feels boring to me when levelling/practicing on dummies, but I quite like in raids/dungeons since it is simple enough that I don't mess up when my mind has other things to think about like encounter mechanics or worrying about interrupts. Now, it isn't BM hunter level braindead, that's just too simple for me, but Ret is at a solid level of interactivity for me as far as DPS goes to allow me to also perform every encounter task perfectly without negative impact to my DPS.
Ret is the kind of spec that feels boring to me when levelling/practicing on dummies, but I quite like in raids/dungeons since it is simple enough that I don't mess up when my mind has other things to think about like encounter mechanics or worrying about interrupts. Now, it isn't BM hunter level braindead, that's just too simple for me, but Ret is at a solid level of interactivity for me as far as DPS goes to allow me to also perform every encounter task perfectly without negative impact to my DPS.
Seems to be a big banwave on rotation bots, anyone's guild lost players?
Wouldnt be surprised if those guilds that sell runs got hurt the most
I love how they did this during progression.
yall dont need pug sets, group finder shows your bag ilvl
Fuuuck, did an 11 Vaults and a guildie got a 885 Faulty Countermeasure that he didn't want but couldn't trade.
Fuuuck, did an 11 Vaults and a guildie got a 885 Faulty Countermeasure that he didn't want but couldn't trade.
one more world boss and I get the blue ret fire appearance... Yiss
That's stupid. Balance of power isn't for weeks and weeks.
Have they also needed Odyn's spear in P3? It felt like it was less likely to be responsible for oneshotting a tank this time, while last time it felt like we needed a ton of space.Guarm definitely got nerfed from last week and is pretty easy now. His unavoidable trample damage before was really dumb, based on our logs it's about 35-40% less.
Odyn is fun and easy for us but Helya was a mess because of people trying to pad meters too hard.
Finally got Elerethe mythic down last night. Took longer than it should have, but such is life.
Looking forward to doing mythic dragons this weekend, looks like a fun fight. Will also hopefully have my paladin to 110 by the end of the weekend, looks like I'm re-rolling to prot paladin.
You guys aren't doing Ursoc before Nightmare Dragons?
World q in Chrimson Thicket in Suramar is bugged and spawns again at relog. Getting like 10k AP per 3minutes![]()
Prepare for a ban doe?
Yea it's def not right, my third alt takes longer than my second, and my fourth alt takes the same time as my third. My second alt takes the least amount of time (currently at AK 14)
You know you can just run when he shoots into the air bypassing that mechanic completely.
Some of our DPS is a little on the low side, but I've just been checking wowprogress and it looks like everyone does Ursoc as third boss, so actually we'll probably try for that. We'll see![]()
Ursoc is DEFINITELY easier than dragons. If your DPS can't do Ursoc you probably can't do dragons either, tbh. You can do it![]()
Never raid hungry is my first rule of WoW. Do what you gotta do.
Also since I see a couple more experienced Frost DKs are around - I recently switched to Frost and just found Koltira's Newfound WIll (15% chance for obliterate to refund 2 runes). Problem is this thing is kinda screwing over my Frozen Pulse uptime, but Frozen Pulse is really good so should I change my spec?
Switching to Glacial Advance over Obliteration is what I'm thinking of trying first. Like my other two specs I started off brainlessly following guides and am fixing things over time.
I'm also curious about weapon enchants. The other DKs in my guild said to use Razorice mainhand and Crusader offhand, so that's what I'm doing. But if you had the full Razorice artifact trait would double Razorice do more? (I don't have that trait yet)
Thinking about it, that makes sense, but how much tougher is dragons?
Thinking about it, that makes sense, but how much tougher is dragons?
OK how the fuck did Nomi accomplish this. I had put in some work orders and just before I went to pick them up, I farmed the other half for the Surf & Turf recipe. I learn it, teleport to Dala and go pick up my burned food. But Nomi somehow had Surf & Turf rank 2 recipe along with all the burned shit.
I don't like how they changed prospect with JC. Why couldn't they left it as before? Now I'm stuck with a bunch of worthless gem chips. Seems like you have to prospect a ridiculous amount to get rare gems now compared to before.