Where the fuck are the shoulder scarves
Odd, my PVP rewards for WQs reverted to 830 gear.
It's actually better cus I don't have that transmog and I need the blue gems from DEing them but it's still a weird glitch.
Hey Blizzard, can we stop with these tiny ass cloaks?
This could look so cool if it was a normal cloak but I'll never use this bib looking thing.
Guys is it possible to use Legion App to earn gold? Does it require some crazy setup to get it going? I would just like to be able to earn for the token in a month (roughly 100k a month as I'm on a EU server)
Like Vengeance but with DPS build?I'm doing my daily heroic and I'm noticing that the DH tank is taking as well as doing tons of damage, turns out he's tanking on DPS spec.. wtf lol
Like Vengeance but with DPS build?
Hey guys I have a question, I'm interested in coming back to WoW because they're giving away a free corgi pet, but I've been told that it's not mailed to you and you have to redeem it at a high level area is this true?
Does this mean I will miss out on the pet if I start a new character
I'm getting around to playing my BM hunter alt and bwuuugh, I still hate how it plays. Hati seems finicky when it comes to attacking, like it seems I gotta actually hit the attack button for him to recognize that yes, the target my primary pet is attacking, and in fact I am currently shooting, is supposed to be fought, get away from my side and get in there you dumb mutt.
Gotta get to 102 and then maybe see if MM or survival clicks for me. I don't like the idea of shelving this alt but ugh.
Just got my third legendary, this time from an emissary chest. It's Will of Valeera so that's another none-dps one but 5% HP every time I use Feint is still pretty good.
I got the absorb shield neck a few days ago after getting my first one a long time ago, so this is super quick. I still have to wait 12 days to equip a second one and I think I'll use this latest one, but when 7.15 with the change to the neck it might actually be better.
I'm doing my daily heroic and I'm noticing that the DH tank is taking as well as doing tons of damage, turns out he's tanking on DPS spec.. wtf lol
I see, so what would you folks recommend in order to clear 100k a month easiest way possible?
I'm getting around to playing my BM hunter alt and bwuuugh, I still hate how it plays. Hati seems finicky when it comes to attacking, like it seems I gotta actually hit the attack button for him to recognize that yes, the target my primary pet is attacking, and in fact I am currently shooting, is supposed to be fought, get away from my side and get in there you dumb mutt.
Gotta get to 102 and then maybe see if MM or survival clicks for me. I don't like the idea of shelving this alt but ugh.
Hey guys I have a question, I'm interested in coming back to WoW because they're giving away a free corgi pet, but I've been told that it's not mailed to you and you have to redeem it at a high level area is this true?
Does this mean I will miss out on the pet if I start a new character
I'd probably say shelf it. 7.1.5 is taking away what makes MM good, if the changes go through. I also think BM is getting a nerf too, as if it needed it lol.
Sims aren't everything, but MM is pretty much towards the bottom on the recent ones and 7.1.5 will only make it worse.
I'm waiting til the patch comes out to decide whether to stop, but since you're not that far along it'd probably be easier for you, unless you find the class fun to play. Really depends on what you plan on doing.
source: 877 MM - 4/7M, 3/3H
Wow Method with the come from behind steal for this tier.
I'm getting around to playing my BM hunter alt and bwuuugh, I still hate how it plays. Hati seems finicky when it comes to attacking, like it seems I gotta actually hit the attack button for him to recognize that yes, the target my primary pet is attacking, and in fact I am currently shooting, is supposed to be fought, get away from my side and get in there you dumb mutt.
Gotta get to 102 and then maybe see if MM or survival clicks for me. I don't like the idea of shelving this alt but ugh.
Guys is it possible to use Legion App to earn gold? Does it require some crazy setup to get it going? I would just like to be able to earn for the token in a month (roughly 100k a month as I'm on a EU server)
Hey Blizzard, can we stop with these tiny ass cloaks?
This could look so cool if it was a normal cloak but I'll never use this bib looking thing.
Numbers are easy to tweak though. They can just as easily bump it back up. Been maining a Hunter since release, so I've been through it all too. We've rarely been the best, but just as rarely been the worst. Not saying there haven't been dark times, but on balance, we've been ok.
Not trying to minimize your frustration. I did stop competitive raiding back in Cata, so eaking out the top DPS spots doesn't matter as much to me anymore as it does to someone running cutting edge heroics..
Every legendary should be a story you can tell!
Well my story is go fuck yourself, game. Just got my 2nd leg on DK. Prydaz. My first was Sephuz. Feels bad.
I thought it was the mail helm one you can buy from the Valarjar dude at revered. I guess they look similar.
Oh man, I fucking love that Method has now beat Serenity twice.
Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah
For those wondering, the headgear (the fur collar) is Collar of Fiery Allegience from Talixae Flamewreath. There's some identical models that drop from Odyn, Festerface, Hatecoil, Millificent, Dargrul, and Festerface.
Yeah you guys don't really know what happened eh
The split was mostly because of disagreements between Sco and Kuznam about the direction of <Method>. Sco wanted to market <Method> and brand it, like a tempostorm kind of thing. Kuznam said he'd rather raid, and had disagreements about how their scheduling and preperation was during wod, so he took quite a few raiders and formed <Serenity> with Pottm.
Sco wanted the $$$, Kuznam wanted the PvE. Sco's having his cake and eating it too, but there's no 'we're better than method' attitude. SMH
Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah
For those wondering, the headgear (the fur collar) is Collar of Fiery Allegience from Talixae Flamewreath. There's some identical models that drop from Odyn, Festerface, Hatecoil, Millificent, Dargrul, and Festerface.