Honestly, AK should just be account bound.
Agreed, there's nothing interesting about getting AK, it's just waiting 4 days until you get another one.
Honestly, AK should just be account bound.
sooo, looks like the catchup AK mechanic will go to lvl 15 in AK for 500 per note....thats actually insane...you could switch alts pretty comfortably at that lvl.
sooo, looks like the catchup AK mechanic will go to lvl 15 in AK for 500 per note....thats actually insane...you could switch alts pretty comfortably at that lvl.
Honestly, AK should just be account bound.
Honestly, AK should just be account bound.
Good for alts levelling 100-109the worst is when you get the artifact power item that is account bound but doesnt scale at all so it's always 100 artifact power. Like why even have that in the game
n o p e
n o p e
n o p e
n o p e
I think they don't want you to have a bunch of alts hence not making things account bound. They probably pushed the alts are tough mantra at the beginning of this expansion on their youtube cronies to scare people off. A bunch of alts and you could have easily just ran world bosses and emissary chests on all of them for the month and collected the gold reward to pay for your sub in NA. Notice how the gold reward have dropped ~200G since last week in addition to reduced gold in emissary chests etc. Expect this to drop even further as they introduce more ways for people to easily get alts up to speed. I haven't even sold anything on the AH since the blood vendor and I have collected more than enough gold (probably 2x what I need) on 5 different characters from all these sources to pay for a token even at elevated prices. Those tokens are actively altering game design and philosophy. Glad I don't pay with real money lol.
I pugged an 11 and it was a lot of fun, super chill group, took us 3 hours but we made itPugged a 10 yesterday.
Probably one of the worst decisions of my life.
I think they don't want you to have a bunch of alts hence not making things account bound. They probably pushed the alts are tough mantra at the beginning of this expansion on their youtube cronies to scare people off. A bunch of alts and you could have easily just ran world bosses and emissary chests on all of them for the month and collected the gold reward to pay for your sub in NA. Notice how the gold reward have dropped ~200G since last week in addition to reduced gold in emissary chests etc. Expect this to drop even further as they introduce more ways for people to easily get alts up to speed. I haven't even sold anything on the AH since the blood vendor and I have collected more than enough gold (probably 2x what I need) on 5 different characters from all these sources to pay for a token even at elevated prices. Those tokens are actively altering game design and philosophy. Glad I don't pay with real money lol.
The first legendary on my ret paladin is the necklace Prydaz.
Are you shitting me?![]()
Excited to be tanking my first Kara tonight (Demon Hunter)... can anyone recommend some good videos to prepare a bit, trash, boss strats, etc? Fatboss seems to have PTR material, not sure if has changed or not. I have not done the new Kara at all, so this will be the first time I've stepped into it since TBC.
Don't fucking move when flame wreath is cast.
PTR material is usually fine. Kara isn't overly complicated mechanics wise.
Well my WoW PvE fire kinda just died in the last couple days. Found myself more and more bored and annoyed logging in for dailies/dungeons/raids. Legion PvE was fun while it lasted for me, but I think a big turn off was the complete RNG legendary system with only 1-2 out of 8 being the godlike DPS ones that made your class/spec a lot more fun and awesome to play, overall. Just kinda over chasing that carrot while grinding out the same content.
Still going to PvP though I think.
Well my WoW PvE fire kinda just died in the last couple days. Found myself more and more bored and annoyed logging in for dailies/dungeons/raids. Legion PvE was fun while it lasted for me, but I think a big turn off was the complete RNG legendary system with only 1-2 out of 8 being the godlike DPS ones that made your class/spec a lot more fun and awesome to play, overall. Just kinda over chasing that carrot while grinding out the same content.
Still going to PvP though I think.
I pugged an 11 and it was a lot of fun, super chill group, took us 3 hours but we made it
Other times I pugged 8s or 9s and people left before the first boss
Well my WoW PvE fire kinda just died in the last couple days. Found myself more and more bored and annoyed logging in for dailies/dungeons/raids. Legion PvE was fun while it lasted for me, but I think a big turn off was the complete RNG legendary system with only 1-2 out of 8 being the godlike DPS ones that made your class/spec a lot more fun and awesome to play, overall. Just kinda over chasing that carrot while grinding out the same content.
Still going to PvP though I think.
I pugged an 11 and it was a lot of fun, super chill group, took us 3 hours but we made it
Other times I pugged 8s or 9s and people left before the first boss
Nice that the mobs from the Vrekt mobs (Helya version, not Naga) can drop the valarjar souls but yeah don't see myself farming 800 more here...
Eh? Which mobs?
Unlock the Helarjar world quests, there's one up (far as I'm aware) for a few days each time. Right now its at Vrekt (the landing on the southern side of the mountain where the Halls of Valor are, right across from that warden tower there). Normally its Naga there but its mist covered and there are Helarjar mobs there instead to kill. Need 10 and a named elite, but you can kill the humanoid Vrykul for the valarjar souls to drop. Its not a guaranteed drop from them, but it seems halfway decent, though again it seems to be approximately 1 per mob (though, saying that, I did seem to get 5 from a group of 3 so maybe not?).
So you could conceivably farm it there.
The one from a few days ago, with the Vision of Helya in northern Highmountain, rewarded about 20 or so when completed, too. So its worthwhile to do them, a bit.
Huh, which questline do you need? Im pretty sure I did the Helya questline...
I just got invited to a replaced a d/c'd DPS in the middle of a Mythic+ run. This isn't possible, is it?
It's not.
One of Odyn's crows is at Krasus's landing (by where the Hunters' giant eagle is, if you know it), with a quest to go speak to Odyn again. He has you go down into the basin below Valdisdal, you kill some mobs, see a Stormforged get corrupted, go back to Odyn who shouts in anger, and then gives you a quest to go to the Trials of Valor. At that point you have the world quests unlocked.
I'll post a picture of the location in a moment.
Apparently getting the Hunter class mount lets you unlock the ability to tame Gryphons and Hippogryphs.
That's kinda weird, but alright.
Apparently getting the Hunter class mount lets you unlock the ability to tame Gryphons and Hippogryphs.
That's kinda weird, but alright.
Apparently getting the Hunter class mount lets you unlock the ability to tame Gryphons and Hippogryphs.
That's neat
I wonder what the mage disc gives you. Maybe like, pity from other players.
Apparently getting the Hunter class mount lets you unlock the ability to tame Gryphons and Hippogryphs.
That's kinda weird, but alright.
Ability to tame Wild Manarunners (and their corrupted counters) when? I want those. So weird that Call Beast has them show up, but then I can't tame the actual one in the wild.
sorry my elemental shaman isnt showing a mage pity at any time or place