Hymdall, too. Hyrja is noticeably unconscious when she 'dies' in HoV, and Hymdall wanders off and gives you a chest at 10%.
Yeah but Hymdall I could understand, I just kinda figured Hyjra was dead, especially since we interrupt her ritual.
Communicate what exactly? Don't Cheat? If someone needs to be told that everytime they find something new to exploit they shouldn't be playing the game.People will use "creative game mechanics" if they can. So when they see a guild using it and not getting any consequences...
Honestly, Blizz really should've just had a blue post saying "guys, don't do this". But communication is haaaard![]()
Watching streams of WWs in high level arena.
I wonder when they get hit with the nerf. The Artifact ability nerf clearly wasn't enough with 11% representation in 3vs3. They seem like a bigger exception than Shadow Priests since they excel so well with trash in Mythic+ as well
WW is not really out of line with other top melee specs like Ret, Frost, and Feral. Your number for their representation seems off the mark. It's more like Monk at ~13% representation overall, but WW contributes 5% and MW contributes 8%.
I just want actual support classes back. It's why I played a Shaman in the first place. It's why I played one in Everquest.
Support classes are kind of tough in this day and age. They're my personal favorite style of class to play, but they are extraordinarily hard to balance. In a game like WoW where every number is available for DPS meters and simulations and whatnot, a support class either becomes absolutely necessary to have 1 of, or X of if it is balanced that way. Or they aren't strong enough and you never take one ever, at least if they are support in the sense that they increase DPS of others. If they are support in some other way, again they are either nearly required or absolutely unnecessary.
I think a cool idea would be something like giving them the majority of the raid CDs. But again, it is really hard to balance that and then groups would just take X number based on how much utility they need that fight...
I imagine we get a race for the next xpac
Gotta be some form of Naga, right?
Here's a left field one: one of the demon races after we ''liberate'' them at Argus.no it's arrakoa
have you seen their Obliteration/Frost strike animation? They do like a Shoryuken!
They are running out of obvious classes to add so hold on tight, after Necromancer you know what comes next!
Pandaren SRKs too (eg pummel)no it's arrakoa
have you seen their Obliteration/Frost strike animation? They do like a Shoryuken!
High Elves for the Alliance, and Nightfallen for the horde.
Just give the people what they want.
Pandaren Druids 🐼🌿I think some new race-class combos will be coming.
Pandaren Druids 🐼🌿
The best thing Blizzard could do would be to focus on "subraces" or whatever it is that would allow them to expand customization options for what's already playable. They already took the first step towards that with Demon Hunters.
Subraces would be awesome. Give me Zandalari trolls who can stand up straight or Taunka/Highmountain/Yuangol Tauren
As much as I want vrykul playable (it'll never happen) I'd be fucking thrilled if they added untainted orcs and wildhammer dwarves as cosmetic options.
Honestly, until you mentioned it (and even now, since I can't find any obvious pictures) I had no idea there were any cosmetic differences between playable dwarves and wildhammer dwarves...
Black Friday should totally offer discounts for game services like name change race change and crap like that.
Has that stuff ever been on sale?
Zandalari would probably be a little out of the realm of possibility given they have drastically different models than Trolls.
I don't think subraces are enough of a feature to sell an expansion on by themself though. There's not much 'new' to them to the average joe.
Seriously I want it so bad.
On race/class combos - there's a Night Elf Paladin in the class hall campaign, I would expect that to be a thing shortly.
I think Gallon's multi-directional shoulder charge juggle will break the game engine.Seriously I want it so bad.
Are there even High Elves around? I thought they all became blood elves after Quel'Thalas got rekt
what are good pve alliance servers?
Yes, bad luck protection does exist.
When it comes to most targettable loot from a boss (gear/mounts/pets etc.) those drops have a fixed drop chance. If "Boots of Unending Awesomeness" have a 33% chance of dropping, that chance will always be 33% regardless of how many loot-eligible times you kill that boss.
Legendaries on the other hand, if you are running Legendary-eligible content and don't get a Legendary, then your chance of getting one with increase over time. The more content you do without getting a Legendary, the higher your chance will become.