Even worse. There's a Diablo anniversary going on and not a single Diablo game is on sale.No Legion sale for Black Friday. Boo
Blizzard don't care.
Even worse. There's a Diablo anniversary going on and not a single Diablo game is on sale.No Legion sale for Black Friday. Boo
The first boss in Court of Stars has a big AOE that definitely hits areas that it's not under. By quite a large radius. We've learned to get a safe distance from the defined edges of it.
Even worse. There's a Diablo anniversary going on and not a single Diablo game is on sale.
Blizzard don't care.
I just keep getting more and more disappointed with Legion. Leveled my monk a few days ago and started research immediately. 3 days later, I'm at AK 1. This is so amazing, I have to literally wait weeks to get to normal AP level to be able to do anything normally. Fuck you Blizzard.
I just keep getting more and more disappointed with Legion. Leveled my monk a few days ago and started research immediately. 3 days later, I'm at AK 1. This is so amazing, I have to literally wait weeks to get to normal AP level to be able to do anything normally. Fuck you Blizzard.
Sölf;225343485 said:Yes. I like.
any Resto Druid changes in 7.1.5 so far? I havent been keeping up
Any way to speed up my load times? I saw the "delete your cache" boilerplate answer and that didn't work. Shits driving me bonkers. Sorry if this has been asked. Haven't lurked the thread much. TY!
FF XIV is a weird game. It has a really cool combat system that is basically ignored until you've played for 50 hours or so. The 2 second CGD is brutal and feels really slow, but the entire game is actually based around a rotation of on-GCD abilities and weaving off-GCD abilities between them. In actuality, the APM of a raider in FF XIV is often higher than that of a raider in WoW. The problem is you don't get most of these off-GCD abilities until like max level and finishing the entire story campaign and hundreds of hours ingame, so for pretty much the majority of time you're playing you're stuck with this 2 second infinite GCD and everything feels like molasses.
Though I really do like the way they handle ground effects in FF XIV, wish they would adopt that style in WoW. It is used even with the very basic early mobs, training players early what things to avoid.
Get the addon MoveAnything. First thing I did was move that stupid window from precious bottom middle screen real estate to the side, and shrink it a bit. Really dumb that there's no option to move it by default.
The ground graphic thing...I can take it or leave it. Wildstar does it better, FF14 does it better than GW2, but ultimately it's very videogamey and extremely unimmersive. It's the kind of thing that HAS existed in wow with AVR, and it trivializes mechanics, it's not interesting and it takes you out of watching the game and into watching for circles and lines on the floor.
Completely ruined my transmog and I don't have a great green and dark one.Now I need to do 100 dungeons to get the right color.
Talking about immersive in a game in which your UI can look like this during a raid doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Clarity, especially in high-end content, beats out other concerns imo.
Although once BigWigs kicks in I lose all that screen real estate. I think WoW's in a weird spot where the Raid designers have always been in an arms race with the UI modders. For every complex encounter, the modders will create all sorts of trackers and indicators to simplify the raids, necessitating ever more busy encounters (lul Odyn and Helya). FFXIV encounters, though I was never really a hardcore raider when I played, all seemed to stay within the bounds of the default UI. It makes the fights less complex than I'd like but it also reduces the need for UI bloat.
Depends if you want immersion (fun) or cutting-edge performance.Talking about immersive in a game in which your UI can look like this during a raid doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Clarity, especially in high-end content, beats out other concerns imo.
Depends if you want immersion (fun) or cutting-edge performance.
So pissed my brother got an orange from a world quest or sumar quest but I haven't gotten anything
Is 835 really a good enough ilvl to do the pickup raid? If I watch a video on the fights or read up on wowhead?
even for a tank?
So pissed my brother got an orange from a world quest or sumar quest but I haven't gotten anything
Is 835 really a good enough ilvl to do the pickup raid? If I watch a video on the fights or read up on wowhead?
even for a tank?
LFR? If you can get into LFR you're good enough to do it. It's designed to be facerolled.
Anyone with knowledge about Enhancement Shaman, can you point me to which talents are best to choose?
I feel like I'm kinda flailing about on my alt. Its been a long time since I played this spec (it was gathering dust until the pre-Legion event where I used the invasion to power level it) and it plays a bit differently now with maelstrom and whatnot.
I feel like I'm either starved for maelstrom or filled to the brim, too. So yeah, talents, general rotation, any tips would be welcome!
So I see WoW is on sale for $4.99 for Black Friday. Is this only for new accounts or can you apply the expansions you get in this bundle to an existing account?
Feral Lunge
Whichever, but I like Lightning Surge
Ancestral swiftness
Crashing Storm
Anyone with knowledge about Enhancement Shaman, can you point me to which talents are best to choose?
I feel like I'm kinda flailing about on my alt. Its been a long time since I played this spec (it was gathering dust until the pre-Legion event where I used the invasion to power level it) and it plays a bit differently now with maelstrom and whatnot.
I feel like I'm either starved for maelstrom or filled to the brim, too. So yeah, talents, general rotation, any tips would be welcome!
Feral Lunge
Whichever, but I like Lightning Surge
Ancestral swiftness
Crashing Storm
Hailstorm over AS, unless you're only doing open world content but even then I like to stick with Hail just for rotation purposes
Hailstorm over AS, unless you're only doing open world content but even then I like to stick with Hail just for rotation purposes
With the talent setup Anoregon provided (which is pretty much the only talent setup we have rn), you'll want to maintain your buffs (boulderfist/landslide, frostbrand, flametongue) and then prioritize stormstrike over anything else. Crash Lightning should be used for AoE as well as ST because of Crashing Storm and it has a chance to proc Stormbringer since its a main hand attack, so use that whenever Stormstrike is on cooldown. Other than that you can use Lava Lash when you're about to be capped on Maelstrom but both SS and CL are on CD and you can't do anything else.
Transferred my main to another server, anyone know if I can keep the settings/addon settings? It fucked up everything, I use default UI but when I logged on after transferring, it enabled all my addons and such. All the addons are as if I just installed them fresh.
Some addons have "character profiles" and they might have been keyed to a specific character. Check the individual settings for those? You shouldn't have lost it all with a character transfer. Did the same happen to your alts?
I only transferred my main. It was very weird, I had elvui on when I don't use it. I use Vuhdo and it was configured as if I freshly installed it. I don't see my quests on the right. Auto loot was off also.
It's not a big deal but I know I put some minor settings I wanted and it's gonna annoy me later on when I can't figure out a problem.
I only transferred my main. It was very weird, I had elvui on when I don't use it. I use Vuhdo and it was configured as if I freshly installed it. I don't see my quests on the right. Auto loot was off also.
It's not a big deal but I know I put some minor settings I wanted and it's gonna annoy me later on when I can't figure out a problem.
Add-on profiles are configured by realm/server-character name. Just go into your add-on folder and change the server folder name to your new server
If I fail a Nightbane run but killed two bosses can I try again in another group the same week?
If I fail a Nightbane run but killed two bosses can I try again in another group the same week?
Yup, I had a full clear the first week before people knew how to spawn him and then did a Nightbane run before the reset that same week.