This Side Up isn't account wide?
What the fuck
This Side Up isn't account wide?
What the fuck
This Side Up isn't account wide?
What the fuck
Nice to see the WQ system being used in old zones for holidays.
what is this
Call of the Scarab micro-holiday, being tested on PTR.
oh neat
any good rewards?
The only reward is that whichever faction gets the most Commendations on that day gets to fly their flags over Ahn'qiraj for the entire year.
From what I understand that AQ event refers to the person who opened the gates by name, but it's the guy on Medivh who opened them first. That'd be a real disappointment if it's not just a PTR thing and that's how it is on all servers. When I first heard about the event I assumed they'd celebrate it on the day your server opened the gates and reference YOUR scarab lord. We busted our asses to open that gate, we should be remembered not some random jerk on another server.
oh neat
any good rewards?
I like how the first thing asked is what are the rewards
Blizzard is in for some angry people
Darkheart +11 with teeming/skittish/fortified was somewhat shittier than anticipated. Holy crap those bears and triple Keeper pulls. Ended up just barely failing the key, but we had a depleted +11 Eye we tackled again. We only failed that before due to some fuckups from being overtired and easily cleared it on the second try. Lucked out and got +12 Court of Stars which, as expected, isn't bad except for those Inquisitors. And wow are those ever awful. The worst part of Teeming is in full effect as well - you have to make 3-4 extra pulls just to hit 100% clear, even including the extra mobs already in each pull. So stupid.
Didn't even mess with the insanely huge pack (2 inquisitors, a robot, some other stuff) on the bridge in the second boss' area. I'm not sure that group is even beatable without Bloodlust.
Anyways, once again I have a shot at an 885. But considering the massive loot table it pulls your mythic+ cache from, you'd think I'd get something other than mastery bracers.
How much balance do you expect we will get for one token, in $ or ?
I am hoping to buy Overwatch, the last store wow mount and some Hearthstone card packs from my excess gold.
Yep, you can cleave them down at the beginning, but our guild stopped doing it cause it made the tank swap harder.So my guild is hitting Mythic Dragons for the first time tomorrow, does anyone have any good tips? I've checked out the Fatboss video relentlessly over the last few weeks.
Is it viable to cleave them down at the beginning for two stacks and then separating them? Literally any help would be appreciated.
This Side Up isn't account wide?
What the fuck
I haven't even bothered doing any of those quests. I think I've done 2 of them?
So I have to do it on each of the characters I want the artifact color on?
Should be $15 (maybe 14.99) because it has to still be enough for one month of WoW. I'd definitely max out on tokens now if you haven't already, I'm sure when the change comes prices will skyrocket.
edit: This week's Suramar quest had me wondering who voices Elisande. I never heard her voice before (I play with sound off usually) and its so familiar.
Turns out, Jennifer Hale. Yeah that explains the familiarity.
People had reported that from beta, but yeah, now for more people to discover it.
Hopefully pressure gets put on Blizzard. This is god damn absurd and needs to be an account-wide unlock.
It takes FOUR MONTHS at a minimum to get. For one character.
Archeology really is fucked in every way this expansion
That already happened after the information was datamined last month. Tokens went from 32k to 78k in a couple weeks time on speculation. No idea where they are at now, I gave up and just started paying for subscription again for the first time since April 2015.
Just did Kara, some other guy got an item which was 10 ilvl upgrade for me while he didn't needed it. He immediatly proceeded to disenchant it, I asked "do you need it" (didn't even had time to finish the sentence he had already disenchanted it....)? He said "yeah" obvious lie since he had already disenchanted it. What a douche....
Yeah, I've seen people do that in pugs which is special considering the crystals aren't really expensive. I'm the type that asks if anyone needs the drop I got, I don't get that type of selfishness.
I was seriously hating trying to farm the rares in Underbelly and figured getting that would be a nightmare but it only took about 10-15 rares for it to drop so... yay!
I absolutely hate levelling so if anyone has any tips on speeding up this chore of a process please feel free to chime in, the plan is to just spam dungeons dripping in heirlooms.
Being a tank or healer is the only way leveling can get faster. The queue times are gonna go from 10-15 minutes to half an hour or longer as a straight DPS once you get past 60. I'm leveling a Mage right now, level 84, and it's taking forever to get through the Cata dungeons. So close to MIsts and WoD, but so far.
Maybe that's a Cata thing, but WotLK and TBC weren't that bad for me. Sub-10 minutes during prime time for the most part, longer in the early morning.
Maybe that's a Cata thing, but WotLK and TBC weren't that bad for me. Sub-10 minutes during prime time for the most part, longer in the early morning.
Whats that? You didnt get a bis legendary? Guess youre shit.![]()
BRB throwing self off cliff.
3rd legendary, still not Anger of the Half-Giants.
damn why is melee holy spec so fucking fun
I love beating things over the head with The Silver Hand and then zapping shit with Holy Shock and then healing the fuck out of everyone near me