Yay, Ilgynoth down. Now onto Cenarius.... if our attendance permits it.
Had a 3% wipe on M Eye last night. Such a bummer. GL on Cenarius.
Yay, Ilgynoth down. Now onto Cenarius.... if our attendance permits it.
Had a 3% wipe on M Eye last night. Such a bummer. GL on Cenarius.
Yeah the blessing system for Ret Paladins is a huge fucking afterthought. No actual reward or utility there.
Why the hell did Blizzard remove so much haste from the Nighthold tier for Warriors? I wanna be a fly on the walls when the decide shit like this.
I keep migrating guilds FeelsBadMan
I just want a home FeelsBadMan
Get to rock out with my stormreaver boys though FeelsGoodMan
Welcome to the party.I keep migrating guilds FeelsBadMan
I just want a home FeelsBadMan
Get to rock out with my stormreaver boys though FeelsGoodMan
I keep migrating guilds FeelsBadMan
I just want a home FeelsBadMan
Get to rock out with my stormreaver boys though FeelsGoodMan
Welcome to the party.
Servers don't even matter anymore
Are you Alliance? I'm assuming so since you're on Sargeras. Stormreaver is heavily Horde, so I'm guessing neither of us would be able to join anywayIf you're both DPS/heals, my guild is looking for more people to fill out our Mythic EN group. Must be atleast 850(We still run heroics to gear up people). We're also on Sargeras >_> no legendaries required
It's not really any different than Stormlash for Enhancement, as far as its behavior, but Stormlash gets credited back to the Shaman. It's a boost that you always get when you are grouped with 2 other people (or 3 with the Empowered Stormlash talent), which is fine.. if you are in a group chances are you're dealing with mobs that are a bit harder than what you encounter out in the world.
That's the deal. It's just a troublesome talent to have in the game. If it's viable, it's not just viable, it's better because it's more consistent. And if it's not viable, it's a talent that simultaneously lowers your output and makes your playstyle more mind numbing. RtB as the core of the class and viable SnD are mutually exclusive.
But hey, let's spend all the rogue time on tuning SnD.
It's not really any different than Stormlash for Enhancement, as far as its behavior, but Stormlash gets credited back to the Shaman. It's a boost that you always get when you are grouped with 2 other people (or 3 with the Empowered Stormlash talent), which is fine.. if you are in a group chances are you're dealing with mobs that are a bit harder than what you encounter out in the world.
Yeah, I've seen people do that in pugs which is special considering the crystals aren't really expensive. I'm the type that asks if anyone needs the drop I got, I don't get that type of selfishness.
Just did Kara, some other guy got an item which was 10 ilvl upgrade for me while he didn't needed it. He immediatly proceeded to disenchant it, I asked "do you need it" (didn't even had time to finish the sentence he had already disenchanted it....)? He said "yeah" obvious lie since he had already disenchanted it. What a douche....
Once you're fully upgraded you basically just pull stuff and watch your army melt things.I completed Withered Army training for the first time last night. I had stopped running it for awhile because I was getting DC'd randomly when I played WoW and lost one of my runs because of it.
I didn't have all the upgrades, but decided to stop being a chicken and actually go in there to try to kill bosses and see what happens. Turns out I was able to kill all of them.
Why do you keep leaving guilds? I've always just join one and only left if they fell apart, been with the same guild since 2012 now since this one will probably never die out.
first guild i joined for legion i got honeypotted on
And then <Intent> stopped raiding a month after I joined b/c of issues.
Prom now? Assuming anyway. Was there for like a month before I quit at the end (the year of farm) of wod
People are still in general chat? 🤔Yeah, starting next week.
i cant wait for the general chat memes
I know I always make a bitching post after PTR builds but goddamn, yet another build and absolutely nothing for Fury, are they honestly not going to do anything with the spec? When they said they were going to re-introduce abilities that they prunned and were finally going to adjust mechanical issues with classes, what class were they speaking about? I guess at this point I have to wait until 7.2 for Fury to finally get the issues that the community has been telling Blizzard about since fucking beta.
Remember when Blizzard said they should've listened to the feedback they got in beta? Blizzard doesn't.
Being a Warrior during MoP was so good, WoD and Legion has gotten me so salty.
I'm leveling a warrior right now. I just wanna spam execute man...
Welp time to get back to the archeo grind.So apparently This Side Up (the archaeology achievement that unlocks a color variant of your "improved" artifact) is now unlocking account-wide.
Thank god.
All the artifact shit that Fury has around Execute would lead you to believe it's THE spec for Execute but nope.
All the artifact shit that Fury has around Execute would lead you to believe it's THE spec for Execute but nope.
Once you're fully upgraded you basically just pull stuff and watch your army melt things.
Stonecore makes you realise how pants on head stupid a lot of the playerbase is. And it's always Ozruk or the mobs right before Ozruk that do it.
Stonecore makes you realise how pants on head stupid a lot of the playerbase is. And it's always Ozruk or the mobs right before Ozruk that do it.
Stonecore makes you realise how pants on head stupid a lot of the playerbase is. And it's always Ozruk or the mobs right before Ozruk that do it.
Thats Renferal for me, because people have trouble moving 20 feet without walking off the edge
Oh god, I did an alt raid with this guild that some of our officers also raid in and I believe I saw hell itself.
It took 2 hours to do Heroic EN.
2 hours doesn't seem all that bad.
Cenarius ded. 6/7M!
Reminded me of this video.BREAK YOURSELF UPON MY BODY