Haven't played in a few months. Are warlocks still trash?
Middle of the pack, but capable of greatness in the right hands. Have a moderately geared one in my guild that consistently gets 3rd or 4th place just because he knows his shit.
Haven't played in a few months. Are warlocks still trash?
Haven't played in a few months. Are warlocks still trash?
Is Demonology still the least fun spec to play though?
Not as active as it could be![]()
Can either of you PM me an invite link? ♡Would love for it to be more active tbh. I like chattin
Can either of you PM me an invite link? ♡
Their numbers are solid, Demo is amazing single target (and surprising great at Mythic + with right talents) and Destro is top on most cleave fights like Dragons and Odyn.
You just have to get past the gameplay, which I enjoy but I have been a Warlock main since I started. Most people dont seem to like it. It could use some changes. I have no idea why they made all 3 specs have the same resource after wanting spec diversity this expansion.
The gameplay hasnt changed. With enough haste, its ok to play but it is the exact same it was at launch.
Managed to get my first hidden artifact skin. Unfortunately its for feral, the only spec I literally don't play at all. I don't remember the last time I specced into it before today to get the skin.
edit: Fucking hell, can't I get a single day without infinite loading times?
Uh....I hope follower legendaries don't reset protection on legendary gear pieces....
Cause I got one out of withered training.
If they do, FML.
Oh great i finished my last quest for my affliction artifact for my warlock and i didn't get the follow up quest and i am locked out the part since i thought i could reset it and go back to get it. Made a ticket and hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Hmm, these guardian druid changes on PTR will be interesting. Messing with rage gen and reducing artifact trait cost cut to ironfur is annoying, but blizzard has to be super careful with these tweaks. I still think I might gear my warrior up, just in case.
We have a discord?
Can some one explain to me why ppl are clamoring over maw keys? is ti a really fast run or something?
Can some one explain to me why ppl are clamoring over maw keys? is ti a really fast run or something?
12 minute run. Few pulls with no annoying trash save healers. Only difficult boss is Helya. Affixes aside from Tyrannical and Fortified don't change a whole lot.
You get the same amount of AP for a Maw run as a Halls of Valor run, and Halls is 10x worse.
tab targeting has always been fine for me
when there's multiple enemies, usually adjusting the camera to the enemy you want to target and tabbing will focus on the enemy near the center of the screen
people know that right
tab targeting has always been fine for me
when there's multiple enemies, usually adjusting the camera to the enemy you want to target and tabbing will focus on the enemy near the center of the screen
people know that right
Level 88 and 1/4 of the way through Un'Goro Crater. Once I blast through Sithilus I don't wanna do Vanilla questing again for a very long time. I can't wait to be in a garrison again.
Isn't Ungoro still a 45-55-ish zone?
It is. I'm leveling through dungeon queuing, dailies and...*shudder*...archaeology while I played through all of the Vanilla zones for the questing and exploration achievements as well as earning a bunch of Vanilla faction reps.
Do you just have to murder hundreds of thousands of Bloodsail pirates to hit Exalted with the Steamwheedle Cartle? I've done literally every quest you can, even a random one in Orgrimmar as an Alli, and I'm only at Honoured with all four hubs.
Are there any alternatives to WarcraftLogs or is that the best data exporter?
Are there any alternatives to WarcraftLogs or is that the best data exporter?
Bummer, guess I misunderstood it then.you only relearn quested recipes. This is VERY few of them.