http://sunniersartofwar.comAnyone here by chance play Brewmaster? Trying to find an in depth guide on when/if to purify as well as some help with what trinkets I should be aiming for outside of Darkmoon Card. Help this gnome out!
I'd believe it. It's rare that I see one.
I think this is the chart I was remembering. For some reason I thought it also listed which specs were least played, guess I was wrong.
So is it pretty viable to farm WoD dungeons as a 110 Mage? I need a quick way to get Draenor trash gear to DE to help level Enchanting. WoD professions look like the best way, fastest and cheapest way to get to 700. My professions have been at a virtual stand still ever since I swapped out Mining/Engineering for Tailoring/Enchanting. I've actually been investing in my garrison so I can start pumping out Hexweave Bags since they still move at a decent price.
Just do current content. Leveling up a profession means nothing these days.
Frost was always good for soloing, it just gets better with gearAt some point you go beyond the Sindragosa dream and it's more efficient to just instantly murder every mob in sight with like 2 GCDs, and only use Sindragosa for packs of elites or something. It's always been my favorite spec, but now it's definitely powerful especially for questing (and if you can start killing things then Dark Succor will let you solo huge packs of tough mobs, and the shitty icebound fortitude+Death Strike trait you have to get is a godsend for those same situations, just instant full heals on demand).
So is it pretty viable to farm WoD dungeons as a 110 Mage? I need a quick way to get Draenor trash gear to DE to help level Enchanting. WoD professions look like the best way, fastest and cheapest way to get to 700. My professions have been at a virtual stand still ever since I swapped out Mining/Engineering for Tailoring/Enchanting. I've actually been investing in my garrison so I can start pumping out Hexweave Bags since they still move at a decent price.
Blood is completely and utterly unkillable by any quantity of world mobs and groups of alliance smaller than 5, which is also nice.
Blood is completely and utterly unkillable by any quantity of world mobs and groups of alliance smaller than 5, which is also nice.
God, I love doing the PVP world quests and having a few try to gank me when I'm in Blood spec.
When flying hits in Legion, will herb/alch prices drop significantly?
When flying hits in Legion, will herb/alch prices drop significantly?
Hmm, I left all 3 Emissary quests undone yesterday since I didn't have time. Today, on log in, I only have 2...what gives? Also, it looks like one of the 2 is today's (Wardens). So two of the 3 from yesterday have disappeared.
I leveled off of dust I bought from the AH. It was easier for me than buying/farming WoD gear.
But a 110 mage should have no problem doing WoD stuff.
It was only a small bit, like 450mb so it may have already downloaded.MMO Champion says patch 7.1.5 is available in the background downloader but it's not showing up for me.
It was only a small bit, like 450mb so it may have already downloaded.
Oh boy, guardian getting that armour nerf. Guess we couldn't be gods forever. Least I'm leveling resto in case they fuck guardian.
Hey guys. Getting back into the game. Haven't played seriously since Ulduar was a couple months old. I played a couple months in MoP but I plan on sticking around for awhile this time.
I reupd my sub yesterday and started my warlock into WoD. In the honeymoon phase so I went ahead and picked up Legion. Look forward to being part of the community here.
Warlock (tailor/skinner) is typically my main he just hit 91 and My plan was to just grind through and check out the new content with him but I could always do that with one of my other characters. I have a DK at 80 and druid at 66 on the same server as my lock. Then I have a 90 rogue on a separate server that I played on with a buddy.
Should I keep grinding to 100 and get a look at the WoD content first (not sure how relevant it is) and boost another character?
What server are you on? May or may not be dead - a lot of servers have changed since then. Inform us before you boost something or get too committed, as you may want/have to transfer to get a better experience.
Pushing for +15 this week. Finished a +13 BRH last night. Our 14 key is an Arcway.
We got 15 Halls.
Any reason Stormrays have skyrocketed in price (Sargares here)
Just sold a stack of 200 for 8.7k...
I know it's for versatility food, not sure what else.
Also, what faction on Sargares?
Nice. Didn't know there were other Sargares players but then again I've never asked.Alliance
Nice. Didn't know there were other Sargares players but then again I've never asked.
Is there a list of players in the thread? I know I have a few from the Hearthstone thread.
I know it's for versatility food, not sure what else.
Also, what faction on Sargares?
Oh god, the "what is the most you've ever spent on a game" thread had me calculating the estimated total I've spent on WoW. I should not have calculated that... Pretty much 12 years of sub fees alone are close to $2000. Oof, sometimes ignorance truly is bliss...
That's really not that much for the amount of time you could get out of WoW in 12 fucking years.