Immortal Technique
Whoaa... I got a quest to kill Gul'dan now! Good stuff on the whole Suramar questline, I really liked it, and it felt more significant unfolding a bit every week rather than powering through it all at once.
If they're trying to make Illidan a more sympathetic figure for his eventual redemption with these X'era vision quests in the order hall campaign, they're not doing a very good job of it.
Dude who asked for 870 declined me when I told him I was 875 and yet he's 872.
It's kinda irritating how the legendary situation is for those playing multiple specs. I sweat bullets every time I put my Brew lootspec on for specific trinket since I need a healer/dps lege next and if I'm unfortunate enough to get a third tank legendary it will take foreeever for the next one to drop.
Not to even mention bad leges. It's much more efficient to play an alt rather than multispec 1 character if you want decent chance at getting good leges.
Dude who asked for 870 declined me when I told him I was 875 and yet he's 872.
His group.
Blizzard needs to release the AK purchasing ability now, because their current alt catch up mechanic is completely broken.
I have 7 level 110 characters (I have commitment anxiety)
They're are in order of hitting 110 (all of them have their their relic slot)
Demon Hunter
Death Knight
My DK is my main, it takes my DK 3+ days to research, it takes my rogue and paladin 2.
My DK is ilvl 872 with a AK of 4. My Paladin is at AK 8. I leveled my DK and paladin simultaneously hitting 110 like a week before my DK.
Actually wondering if I should idle my Shaman until 7.1.5. I have 3 legendaries and after the 4th one it supposedly takes a lot longer to get more. I haven't been too fussed about it because they are all good. Emalon's Charged Core and Spiritual Journey combo is godly in Mythic+.
Speaking of fun with the premade group finder, I had a question for DPS players.
Do you think it's easier as a melee or ranged to get into a group? Or maybe it's needed to go into more detail and talk about classes instead? Just curious about what people think.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to 7.1.5 just for the AK catch-up. Not messing with any alts until I can boost them up with it.
Speaking of fun with the premade group finder, I had a question for DPS players.
Do you think it's easier as a melee or ranged to get into a group? Or maybe it's needed to go into more detail and talk about classes instead? Just curious about what people think.
Speaking of fun with the premade group finder, I had a question for DPS players.
Do you think it's easier as a melee or ranged to get into a group? Or maybe it's needed to go into more detail and talk about classes instead? Just curious about what people think.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to 7.1.5 just for the AK catch-up. Not messing with any alts until I can boost them up with it.
And? He should accurately list his own group.
You can't list a requirement for a group higher than your own, so even if he personally requires 890 the system won't let him set it that high, he technically has no way within the system to beg for a carry aside from how he is doing it now. Silly, but thats the way it is.
I think..corrupted starlight might be a better trinket on my fire mage?
i'll use my instinct
He can list it in the title and the ilvl requirement he did list was lower than his current one and a higher ilvl than his was too low for his liking.
People improperly listing groups is a pet peeve of mine.
If the guy wanted to get carried by 885s in a heroic EN, then by all means do it, but at least list it correctly.
All you have to do is type in your name and the trinket and it'll do the rest.
I think you're overthinking things a bit, unless I'm misunderstanding what he did. If he didn't have any ilvl requirement in his group title, but you moused over the group and it said "Item Level Required: 870" he just put the easiest whole number below his current ilvl because thats all he can do, there's nothing wrong with doing that. Unless you're super salty that he didn't put 872 instead? He just can't put a number greater than 872 in that box. And if he makes a group, he can invite whoever he wants.
Now, if he had in the title "LFM 870+" and didn't take an 875, sure that is dumb. But he also shouldn't be forced to put an ilvl requirement in his title either, maybe he just wants to see who applies and take the highest he can get, but isn't sure what ilvl people will be applying. As much as a lot of the emergent behavior coming out of LFG kind of sucks, people should be free to make their own bad decisions. Not saying his group criteria were correct, but he didn't really do anything shady with the system itself (unless he did have it in the title, in which case I fully agree with you)
does it take into account my rune of power, aoe, and combustion us-
oh. patcherwerk you say.
I think I'ma test it out~ Try it out a bit(11k difference which isn't bad)
Sorry for trying to help you out with a quick way to sim gear, I'll make sure to never make that mistake again.
holy shit master trainer flummox is up
he exists
What's this?
holy shit master trainer flummox is up
he exists
Kil'jaeden's plan finally worked.So I was doing a Murloc quest when 4-5 of us got trapped in a hole.