I finally got the bear hidden appearance. Only balance to go. I'm going to miss seeing LFRs that are 1/2 druid with most dropping after killing Ursoc, me included.
Started Spellblade Mythic progression, this seems like a pretty annoying fight with a shit ton of mechanics.
Thankfully, I'm melee so I don't really have to worry about most of them.
Sorry but you don't get to just alter the numbers involved in the conversation at will, this came up because AT THE CAP on the ptr, the last point is literally ridiculous grinding again, so are the previous points. it's EXACTLY the same as it is right now.
If that changes, fantastic, but it hasn't yet. What you're saying in this post is all bullshit until blizz adds like 10 more AK ranks on the ptr. AK is a perfect mechanism for this stuff, they even said it perfectly in their post on the matter, but their actions so far don't illustrate that being the case.
48 is barely more than halfway done, as I noted. At AK25 it's something like 200 fucking maw 10+s to get 54 right now. That's god damn absurd.
I've run more mythic dungeons in Legion in 6 months than I've run total dungeons of any sort in the previous 3 expansions combined. Out of obligation rather than desire. That's fucked.
55 wipes later and we're finally seeing some progression on Spellblade. We got to the second frost phase in our second to last pull.
Was that 55 pulls in one night? Seems like a higher amount than is normally possible. Though I suppose if you wipe quickly it's possible.
For reference, I think in a 2.5-3 hour raid night since HFC, the most pulls I've seen is maybe 40 or mid-high 30s on average, but I'd have to double check.
Nah, we did a couple before doing Botanist but then we stopped, since the officers figured it would be easier.
We did about 2 hours worth of pulls 3-ish weeks ago.
Blizzard is going to break the addons that interact with friendly nameplates.
So this
will no longer be possible in raids.
i suppose after seeing what people were doing on that boss however this was warranted now that its more public.
Maybe just have extreme diminishing returns after a certain point per week if not an outright cap on AP? Dynamically adjusted based on how much AP you already have?
At this point, I feel like we are just missing each others points somehow, or talking about different things. Do you think that the "infinite" in 7.2 is still 0.5% DPS per point? Because it isn't anymore. If I'm not saying something clearly, let me know, cause I feel like we keep talking past each other somehow hah.
Outlaw Rogue's Grappling Hook is the pre-Pathfinder MVP of Legion that the Goblin Glider was for pre-Pathfinder Warlords of Draenor. Grappling Hook is probably better with how it can help you basically ignore lots of terrain.
I made a big mistake.
Is Hellfire Peninsula always this active in chat? All day now people have been talkin up a storm. Anyways, I love this zone but, god I hate the BGM. I finished Silithus and hated every moment of it. God, what were they thinking? I'm glad the general view was that zone sucked.
I did something silly too. I decided to sub to the game. Have I throw away my life? I feel I have
Welp, for the hoooorde!
I took some pics of my experience.
Huh, Hellfire is awesome! Seriously nothing is as bad as Silithus. Was that zone just unfinished?
Huh, Hellfire is awesome! Seriously nothing is as bad as Silithus. Was that zone just unfinished?
Fuck. Normal Legion instances are the worst and I'm going to have to spend a lot of time in them because I need to level. This character was initially a 101 twink and I did the story quests in Aszuna, Stormheim and Valsharah for the ilvl800 pieces. So now I'm 104 now from doing the side stuff in those zones and all I have left is Highmountain.
Isn't dungeon leveling shit now?Use conslegion with dungeon queues while you quest. It's fast as fuck. But yeah you should be close to 110, but ya goofed.
Isn't dungeon leveling shit now?
The fastest way to level is to do a zone until you get the dungeon quest, do that, and then go to the next zone.
So you still want to do dungeons but only once for the quest cus otherwise, they don't really give a good amount of EXP.
Spellbender on Mythic is great for Fury.
You can always have BC+Odyn for ads and then you're able to always Draught between them.
Isn't dungeon leveling shit now?
Isn't dungeon leveling shit now?
Wonder when it switches over, because Arms is literally bottom tier PvP at cap.It's funny seeing how the class (un)balance changes across the level brackets in battlegrounds while leveling. At 10-19 survival hunters dominate, though arcane mage is also pretty damn good (if both fight eachother with pocket healers, mage will probably win due to better sustained burst).
At higher levels arms warrior becomes fucking insane though. On my 60ish warrior I'm constantly doing 3x more damage than anyone else.
Even with those huge class dispatities in place, the gear/stat scaling has been a huge boon to the enjoyment of bg leveling.
I'm a fury WAR and it's kinda boring. Just use wep throw+charge+whirlwind=dead. Infact, whirlwind kills everything super fast anyways. For a boss throw on berserk and war cry and burn it down. Problem is none of my skills are flashy. It's basically AA and it's disappointing. Are WARs just kinda boring in general? How are DKs? Do they get cool skills that aren't just regular attacks with the same animation?
How is survivability for Fury? I messed around with it at the start of the expansion and could barely stay alive while doing normal questing. That increased damage intake really hurts.
How is survivability for Fury? I messed around with it at the start of the expansion and could barely stay alive while doing normal questing. That increased damage intake really hurts.
How is survivability for Fury? I messed around with it at the start of the expansion and could barely stay alive while doing normal questing. That increased damage intake really hurts.
Just rejoined the game last month after like 7 or so year break and have a new account so I've been leveling all over again. Mists of Pandaria expansion has been new for me and I've really been enjoying the hell out of the zones. Been playing to where I complete all the quests in a zone before I move on (I use experience eliminator cause I like staying in the zones level range til I move on). Hit 90 just recently and finished off Dread Wastes, and oh my goodness there is so many dailies. I really like the whole farming thing going on in Halfhill and really got into the Panda cooking, have completed like 2 of the schools so far (I think Brew and Oven). Thought I was about to move on to Dreanor soon and now I learned of Scenarios and holy crap do I have alot more content to check out here. Haven't been to Isle of Thunder or TImeless Isle yet either (can't figure out how to get to Timeless Isle). Gotta say I really liked this expansion for the zones it has, plus I really liked what they did with cooking here, kinda don't want to leave it yet haha. Really want to see the raids someday, especially Siege of Orgrimmar. Want to get myself raid ready by the time the next raid comes out, but damn am I enjoying these new zones so far.