I'm a fury WAR and it's kinda boring. Just use wep throw+charge+whirlwind=dead. Infact, whirlwind kills everything super fast anyways. For a boss throw on berserk and war cry and burn it down. Problem is none of my skills are flashy. It's basically AA and it's disappointing. Are WARs just kinda boring in general? How are DKs? Do they get cool skills that aren't just regular attacks with the same animation?
What's funny about this is the melee animations all just underwent a serious overhaul in 7.0. So what looks boring to you is actually pretty flash compared to what was there before.
If Warrior isn't doing it for you, I don't know what will in the melee classes outside of maybe a Windwalker Monk.
How is survivability for Fury? I messed around with it at the start of the expansion and could barely stay alive while doing normal questing. That increased damage intake really hurts.
I just logged in for the first time in three or four years and I'm so lost. And everyone's a billionaire now.
Nighthold Class Hall mission came up today, can't wait to get some useless item that will be DE'd on the spot.
what if it's a 930 draught
Huh. Dungeons are super fast xp...faster then questing. I went from 62 to 65 in the span of an hour.
Nighthold Class Hall mission came up today, can't wait to get some useless item that will be DE'd on the spot.
Tried to do Ra-Den 25 solo with my lock. I thought "hey, I did it in two tries the other day with the Hunter, how difficult could it be".
Took 26 tries but I managed to do it. Also got most of the lock set transmog in one run so at least that was nice.
Ra-Den 25 goes from absolute joke to fully impossible based on your DPS, its kind of funny. It took me like 15 tries to do on my 895 Guardian druid the first time, since tank and especially Guardian druid ST DPS isn't that great. Kept getting him to ~45% when he got the second orb and insta killed me (need to push below 40%). Tried it on my 875 ret pally and it was a joke hah. Similar to 25H Amber Shaper I guess, felt nearly impossible until I fount a way to maximize my DPS to skip all the transforms.
Luckily, Ra-Den doesn't seem to drop anything that unique or appealing, so I don't have to do it for transmog.
Huh, I managed to glitch the game and fly without a mount
Me flying without a mount
My game crashed shortly afterwards. I managed to zone into Hellfire and there were no NPCs, enemies or players.
You were probably desynched/lagging out, you can see you've got your mount buff in the top right, the spell probably never actually finished casting on your end. it happens, though fairly rarely. You crashing afterwards was the server telling your client it was fucking up.
my PC crashed though. That was the weird part. I could also talk to guildmates.
It's easily my least favorite leveling content to date.Legion's PVE doesn't really hold up for multiple play-throughs.
Legion's PVE doesn't really hold up for multiple play-throughs.
How do you beat 25h amber shaper solo? The fight resets for me when he transforms you..
Legion's PVE doesn't really hold up for multiple play-throughs.
Purely has to do with how much DPS you can do, if you hit each transition right before he would transform you he kind of skips the cast until the next time he would've done it. So get him to 70% before the first transform, then kill add asap, then kill him asap when he runs to the middle. Very inconsistent but I was able to do it on my 880 ret with absolute max burst.
I don't recommend it though, honestly just better doing 10H each week if you're going for transmog....
I can't think of a single leveling experience that holds up after doing it multiple times.
yeah weird complaint. No mmo levelling content 'holds up' for playing through it a bunch of times.
Well I soloed mythic Siege tonight. So I figure anything before that is chicken breast.(Last time I tried to solo heart of fear 25m, it was when I was like...840. NOW I AM 850.)
Ra-Den 25 goes from absolute joke to fully impossible based on your DPS, its kind of funny. It took me like 15 tries to do on my 895 Guardian druid the first time, since tank and especially Guardian druid ST DPS isn't that great. Kept getting him to ~45% when he got the second orb and insta killed me (need to push below 40%). Tried it on my 875 ret pally and it was a joke hah. Similar to 25H Amber Shaper I guess, felt nearly impossible until I fount a way to maximize my DPS to skip all the transforms.
Luckily, Ra-Den doesn't seem to drop anything that unique or appealing, so I don't have to do it for transmog.
I was able to do that up to Paragons. Getting mind controlled put an end to that adventure.. which is a shame, but not the end of the world.
Legion's PVE doesn't really hold up for multiple play-throughs.
I can't think of a single leveling experience that holds up after doing it multiple times.
I can't think of a single leveling experience that holds up after doing it multiple times.
yeah weird complaint. No mmo levelling content 'holds up' for playing through it a bunch of times.
my PC crashed though. That was the weird part. I could also talk to guildmates.
I mean, if you're doing the same thing every time it doesn't hold up no matter the expansion, but most past expansions at least offered various ways in which you could level so that you could do it 2-3 times without repeating too much. WotLK/Cata having multiple starting zone options, MoP having Krasarang/Vot4W, hell in WoD you could level a character doing no quests and just finding toys and treasures in the world. And dungeon levelling was always a reasonable option, not always the fastest but generally possible. Hell, even grinding was an option before Legion. I have a lot of alts and I've hit max level on at least 5 characters per expansion since TBC, and there was always plenty of variety in how to level.
But for Legion, if you are just interested in getting from 100 to 110 reasonably quickly you have 4 zones to pick from and will be doing 3.5 of the main stories completely, or 2.5 zones if you do all non-main story quests (losing out on the 800 pieces in the process), you will do every levelling dungeon once for the quest. Dungeon levelling, grinding, treasure finding are not options anymore, just the same 3.5 out of 4 zones on every character. Its funny, the point of the Legion levelling experience was to let you do zones in any order and make things feel like you had more choice, but in reality you have far less choice in how you level than you ever did before. And this is coming from someone who hates repeating things, and levelled every class to 100 in WoD, there were TONS of different ways to hit max level that expansion.
Blizzard is going to break the addons that interact with friendly nameplates.
So this
will no longer be possible in raids.
It will only break in raids/dungeons. Dalaran (for example) will still work fine.
I mean...you say you don't have choice, but then also in the same breath say it's just because other things aren't as efficient. I hate to break it to you, but there are more and less efficient ways to level through every stretch. All of my Legion alts have done VASTLY less content than all of it, meaning I had as much choice there (I could skip an entire zone if I wanted to on every alt I've levelled) or do some extra dungeons or whatever, the xp from them isn't actually that bad. The only reason you're seeing those alternatives as poor is because it's INCREDIBLY fast to just quest up, which I don't see as a flaw but as a blessing. Don't get me wrong, I hate levelling alts, but that's been true since the game released, given the choice I'd prefer it be faster not longer.
Like, yeah you CAN quest instead of dungeon grind at low levels, but you shouldn't. Just like you shouldn't dungeon spam in legion, but you can, it's not like it's literally so inefficient that you won't make it, it's probably like 2/3 as fast as questing.
Don't forget, you can level via pet battles!
It will only break in raids/dungeons. Dalaran (for example) will still work fine.
yeah weird complaint. No mmo levelling content 'holds up' for playing through it a bunch of times.
I agree. It was really solid the first time through but the fact that you basically have to do nearly all of the same 4 zones every alt you want to level gets old very quickly. It is hurt a lot by the fact that there are really no ways to level at a reasonable speed now aside from straight questing. At least WoD had treasure hunting, dungeons or superboost with XP potion levelling to mix things up on alts.
I really do hate those quests where you have to hunt a rare monster with a timed spawn. I spent the better part of my afternoon camping said monster, only for alliance jokers to snipe my kill. Found a nice horde guy that grouped with me and we finished the quest together. An alliance guy came by and was too late too the kill. Better luck next time!
I'm onwards to 70 soon. I've noticed the game has become kinda grindy. I''m no longer out-leveling my quest zones.
Ya gunna have to grind no matter what. Thats just the nature of MMOs. I've yet to play an MMO that doesn't have a shit ton of grinding.
What's the hardest boss on a +15 Tyrannical?
I was thinking Heimdall, Shade or Advisor but this week with Volcanic Helya and Wrath are extremely brutal.
The lady boss in HoV, the one after Heimdall.
The raid wide damage she does on the left side will kill you if your healer doesn't pop some CDs, and even then, players need to pop some defensives. It's insane how much damage that does compared to other bosses.