Well yes, the one shot mechanics for the most part aren't RNG, they're just obnoxious. But the Burnstachio fight most definitely does have RNG, where the orb pops up is entirely random and I've waited as long as 20-30 seconds before it was possible to get to it from the rain clearing, which basically ruined any hope I had at winning. It also kills me every few fights instantly if I don't move immediately to the right upon spawning. And yeah, I'm sure on the whole I'm better off as a pet class having the offtank but they've definitely built some mechanics in to counter it, which is fine I suppose. But these fights on the whole seem to be much much less forgiving in terms of the one shot kill mechanics and quite frankly that isn't much fun.
If you're taking damage on Burnstachio especially as a pet class it is just a bug or you're getting hit by things even though you don't think you are. You also don't have to be on the exact square of the ball to grab it, you can be one over from it and still pick it up (not sure about diagonally). The enrage timer on that one is super lax, honestly if you're running into enrage issues you might just be trying it without enough gear, and you'll hit a wall on upcoming fights anyway. In
this video the DH does very poorly on orbs, and hes only attacking the boss for a total of 38 seconds the whole time, spends ~20-30 seconds to pick up each orb, and he still kills it 30 seconds ahead of enrage.
I know that's just one example you brought up, but Brawl Guild really is about figuring out how things work and executing, the entire point of it is unless you watch a video you won't know what to do and you'll die to mechanics, then learn them and stop dying to them. But any time there is even the most minimal RNG they give you more wiggle room with the enrage timer and boss HP.
Thinking about wanting to make an alt character finally (especially since I still have the level 100 boost). Planning to make a new class and level it to 60 (since I heard if you do that before using your level 100 boost you get a good boost to your professions).
My main is a Restro Shaman with Enhancement Off-spec.
Still can't figure out whether I want to make a Warrior or a Druid. Leveled both to 20 so far, and I know with Druid I would go with Guardian main spec with either Restro or Balance as the off spec (not sure whether I want or need a second healing class, depends on what it plays like). With Warrior I have no clue what to go for, they started me on Arms so that's where I've been at, though I've been thinking Fury along with Prot would be good? What's a good leveling spec for Warrior and what's the better DPS spec at end game Arms or Fury? Also how is Prot overall as a tank? Looking for something that's fun to play
I'm very biased here but I absolutely LOVE playing a druid in Legion. I have two at 110 now (long story) but I mainly play Guardian. Lots of people would say it isn't fun and it is easy, but I don't really feel that way at all. Guardian is a super smooth tank in legion, very strong, great soloability, lots of tools for different situations, both proactive and reactive. The only downsides to me are that they are being a little heavy handed with nerfs in 7.2.5 so far taking away a big source of magic mitigation which will probably end up fine for raids but kind of suck for 5 mans, and that the majority of the rotation involves AoE abilities even in ST rotation, which gets annoying sometimes. But for me, I've been playing a tank since mid-Vanilla and I think current Guardian druid is as close as the game has ever had to an optimal tank design.
That said, Druid also gives you great off-specs. Balance is, to me, one of the smartest and best designed legion specs (gameplay wise, not necessarily power wise). Good ability to shift focus between AoE and ST based on talents, spells feel impactful, fun to play. Resto is awesome also, another example of what I believe to be the optimal state of resto druid since vanilla. I use a decent variety of spells and I feel like I have tools for most situations. Feral is a bit weirder, being a bit weak in burst AoE and being a bit difficult to play overall, but I like it as well.
And druid offers a lot of random conveniences, such as instant cast flight form (and looting in flight form, you can do some WQs without ever leaving the air), travel form, stealth as a cat, shift to cat for extra movement speed, etc. I have a warrior at 110 but I haven't played it too much so I can't comment on strengths of war, except that they get the "automatic WQ completion" research and druids don't.