Today's quest, the Sentinax thing.. Ugh. UGH. What a shitshow.
Getting 100 marks from harder Sentinax mobs isn't gonna be too fun for me. Managed to tag 3 but only 1 dropped 2 marks.
I found Roar of the Seven Lions in an emissary cache on my hunter. Finally a nice one! Now to hope for the shoulders next before 7.2.5 with the nerf so I can experience what it's like to have 2 frenzy charges with the reset mechanic.
Got one of those class items to upgrade the class hall set armor. Weird that only 1 character out of 6 got it as a reward. Every other character got just 238 as a reward for the same WQ.
Today's quest, the Sentinax thing.. Ugh. UGH. What a shitshow.
Khadgar's trolling was better.
But I've always been a big fan of 3 player scenarios and think they should bring them back. It is very easy to design them with punishing mechanics despite not having a healer or a tank, and a good way to "teach" players about avoiding certain mechanics. Was also nice to have something to do between long ass dungeon queues on my DPS toons in MoP.
Wait a day or two, they'll probably tweak it. And even if they don't, at this point there's no benefit to getting it done quickly anyway.
You could basically get all the rep mounts prior to legion with good ol fashion grindin, LOL.
The Netherdrake quest still takes a good month of grinding. Don't expect Blizzard to take the gloves off when it comes to paragon mounts or the epic class mounts.
Did the Sentinax quest by just joining a group in the Premade Group Finder. Took me about 20 minutes and two lieutenants. I guess I got lucky though, the quest doesn't seem very well designed.
Between this and last week's meme quest they're really spreading this content thin, huh.
Netherdrakes aren't that bad now. Did it in a week or less earlier in the expansion. No competition for eggs really helps. If I wanted to no life it I could have done it in 2-3 days.
The Netherdrake quest still takes a good month of grinding. Don't expect Blizzard to take the gloves off when it comes to paragon mounts or the epic class mounts.
The new weekly quest sounds more annoying than it really is. Joined a group and it didn't take long at all to finish it.
The new weekly quest sounds more annoying than it really is. Joined a group and it didn't take long at all to finish it.
I dunno, kinda depends on what server you end up joining. The one I was on had ~3 groups of 5 and some randoms doing portals, and we went a good 30 minutes before someone even got a blue beacon to empower the portals so that they could summon mobs that drop 2 marks at a time. Took like an hour to get to like 50 marks. Took a break, joined another group, someone got an epic beacon summoned a lieutenant and bam, 50 marks in 5 minutes. The rarity of the epic beacons is an issue (but only for this, since people using them during normal Sentinax farming is still counterproductive)
Took me many hours and 2 lucky bosses getting spawned in between lots of nothing worthwhile. Otherwise it was just a lot of grey and a lot of no drops.
Decided to kind of level an alt. Priest order hall being on another planet was not something I expected.
Like, they can just port to this place for years and the legion somehow has not found it after all of this time?
I think a hotfix went out recently for that.Oh I finally got my letter from Maximillian of Northshire, about 10 days after being qualified for it.
Are people able to get the class mounts yet? I saw someone broadcast that they were exalted with Legionfall but I didn't think to ask whether he got the quest for the Warrior mount.
I don't believe so - think the class hall mount is associated with the 'completion' of the last part of the weeklys.
Not 100% sure, tho.
Oh man, new story quest sounds awful. Sentinax farming couldn't be less fun.
Have to wonder what Blizzard was on when they a) initially came up with the crappy sentinax idea and then b) decided to make it even worse with this horribly restrictive tagging system.
Just don't get it. Love Blizzard, but some of the decisions they make truly boggle the mind.
Yeah, I get the 'no raid' tag system, but stuff should really, REALLY not have a tag limit in this instance.
Between this and last week's meme quest they're really spreading this content thin, huh.
The Broken Shore makes Tanaan and even the Garrison campaign brilliant by comparison and from a lore stand point they're short changing the Horde. There could've been some sort of character moment for Sylvanas or that could have served as an introduction for Rokhan being the new leader of the Darkspear, which he apparently is? I hope they have something planned for the Horde at least later on in The Broken Shore campaign.
Feling like Argus will probably be pretty damn crazy if they went this light on Broken Shore.
Keep going. Your interest in this aspect of the priest hall gets expanded on in a fun way.
Did you do the Paladin class campaign already, by chance?
The fuck, I can't get audio in the game. Never had this problem before.
Yes, I CTRL + S
Hit exalted today with legionfall. Woooop de doo. Human? Darkmoon hat buff? Been farming The Broken Shore every day and only have like 9K/21K
I hit it too and I barely tried beyond Revered. Just a combination of doing most dailies, most quests, some lucky mission board rep tokens.
I hit it too and I barely tried beyond Revered. Just a combination of doing most dailies, most quests, some lucky mission board rep tokens. Human? Darkmoon hat buff? Been farming The Broken Shore every day and only have like 9K/21K
You just need to kill mobs under the sentiax, right? I killed about 50 pre hotfix and got 0 marks.Surprising nobody, Mark of the Sentinax has been hotfixed.
You just need to kill mobs under the sentiax, right? I killed about 50 pre hotfix and got 0 marks. Human? Darkmoon hat buff? Been farming The Broken Shore every day and only have like 9K/21K