I mean. WQGF is just using the blizz finder anyway, it's not that it can't do that stuff, it's the automation (which is what made it break the servers) that made WQGF so good to begin with. IT's not like you can't join or make a group easily, but it's enough harder to make it not something you'd bother with.
Like, I can do a WQ in 30 seconds by myself, or 15 seconds in WQGF. It's worth it when it's literally 'want a group?' and I click yes, but otherwise it's not, so I just won't do it. Extrapolate that out to large parts of the playerbase and it all just slows down.
Sucks, but having been crippled by the lag it caused, I get it.
Conversely, from my perspective, WQGF was pretty much the only thing that allowed me to do WQs as someone who plays on a PvP server heavily weighted to the other faction. I can do WQs in 30 seconds by myself when no one is around, 15 seconds with WQGF, or over 10 minutes getting repeatedly camped if it is an emissary area or somewhere on the Broken Shores. It is so ridiculously hard to do WQs on my server on my faction that I routinely use an alt on my 2nd account to invite my main to a PvE server to do the ends of invasions. This addon breaking will drastically decrease my enjoyment of Legion's content, and is making me heavily consider transferring to a PvE realm.
That said, it doesn't seem like this change should fully break any chance of WQGF working, is the addon author just being salty? Doesn't seem like it would be too much work to make a popup confirmation for a group being posted, or for requesting to join groups. Sure, it would be like 5 clicks when I enter an area instead of 1, but doesn't seem different from when they changed Auction House addons to require a confirmation per item bought, instead of automating buying multiple items at a time. Hopefully someone else decides to make an addon that works this way, since it would work perfectly fine for me and doesn't seem to be THAT much of a downgrade from how it worked before. 90% of the time I apply to 5 groups or less with WQGF anyway.
Doesn't blizzard have it's own autogroup feature they just added. Or did I miss hear something?
It exists, its just so much worse than WQGF. It opens a search with that quest, but you still have to click each group and click join, which is slow and a bit annoying. Kind of like buying multiple stacks from the Blood of Sargeras vendor before 7.2, it didn't take THAT much time, but moving your mouse between two things and clicking a bunch of times was a bit tedious. If everything was just in one spot it'd be a lot better.