Got my second legendary for Fury today. It's Naj'entus's Vertebrae - pretty happy with that. The first was the bubble-necklace, which I wasn't thrilled about, though it can be kind of helpful for soloing.
It's really annoying. And on top of the crash, it resets some odd settings in my interface tab (locks action bars and turns off scrolling combat text, for some reason), so every time I crash I have to re-enable those settings. It really fucks with your head! I don't even risk any more, for the most part. I either do class hall stuff via the app or I use whatever hearths are available to get out of there, even if it means going Garrison -> Ashran -> Orgrimmar -> Dalaran. Beats a DC and a Being John Malkovich-esque dump out in the back end of Aszuna....
Oh shit, the other day I was bitching about my sound being completely muted, even shift+S wasn't working, I bet that's what caused that. I was really confused at what had changed settings.