Second try on Brutallus on my main... second time with no loot D:
Fuck! I forgot to do him last night!!
Second try on Brutallus on my main... second time with no loot D:
As mentioned before. it's always a double edged sword taking a group of friends in to your guild. I stopped playing, but my wife continued to play with our guild while they took in 5 very good players.I told her that it would end poorly for the guild, and that they would inevitably leave, crippling any raiding they were doing at the time. Sure enough, shit hit the fan one night and one by one they left the guild...
Today's epic storyline continuation quest is "Intolerable Infestation", which tasks you with slaying 100 demons in Faronaar or Felsoul Hold.
To be fair, we already know the Broken Shore is kind of shit. I'm using 7.2 as an opportunity to roll a new main and won't go back to the Broken Shore until you can bang out all of those filler quests in an afternoon to get your class mount.
If you have Pathfinder Pt. 2 and don't like the zone or filler content, there's no reason to go back there.
Today's epic storyline continuation quest is "Intolerable Infestation", which tasks you with slaying 100 demons in Faronaar or Felsoul Hold.
The character image still uses JPEG compression however. I was hoping for PNG. Other than that I like the new profile page.New Armory is live. It's pretty.
Item pages are no longer linked and have not been updated.
You can no longer search or filter the Pets and Mounts listing.
Professions data is gone.
Raid Progression completion bars for Throne of Thunder and The Bastion of Twilight aren't accurate.
Arena Win and Loss counts are gone.
The current title a character is displaying is gone.
Recent activity is gone.
Talents no longer have tooltips.
Achievement statistics are gone.
Other spec talents are gone.
So uh, according to MMO-Champion:
Fucking worthless update![]()
Hopefully they fix some of this shit. Some of those features were important dammit.
Yeah this armory update is pretty poor.ensive:
Indeed. I assume these will be highly sought-after so I hope the way you obtain them is something else than just doing dungeons and raids waiting for a random drop. A long quest chain, without time gating, would be nice.New legendaries granting talents is interesting, to say the least.
I swear the last few weeks of weekly Broken Shore quests have been one intern waking up in the middle of the night on Monday and going "SHIT WE NEED A QUEST FOR PEOPLE TO DO" and then just hammering out go kill 100 demons in Azsuna as content
Its getting to the point where I would almost rather have nothing because you aren't trying that hard to begin with.
To be fair, we already know the Broken Shore is kind of shit. I'm using 7.2 as an opportunity to roll a new main and won't go back to the Broken Shore until you can bang out all of those filler quests in an afternoon to get your class mount.
Troll novel coming?
I like how they finally added heirlooms for flightpaths.
I like how they finally added heirlooms for flightpaths.
I understand all the words in this sentence, yet am completely failing to comprehend it.
Edit: Ah, just found the details. Odd, I wouldn't really regard those as 'heirlooms', since I heavily associate the term 'heirloom' as gear that scales with your level, which doesn't really fit for the flightpath thing - unless maybe it gives you the flight points for zones appropriate for your level? That's be interesting.
They're flagged as Toys, so I hope that means if you buy it once every character will be able to use it. That's basically the only way 15k makes sense.
I don't even know what I'm searching for at this point.
Kind of been my issue ever since I unlocked flying in Legion. Tired of the Legendary lottery, burnt out on World Quests, don't want to PUG Nighthold into Heroic, pretty disappointed with 7.2's content and with the changes to Mythic+ rewards coming in 7.2.5 on top of everything else I'm kind of in no hurry to get this Guardian Druid to Legion content.
The main reason for rolling a Druid was to make Mythic0/+ dungeon content easier to PUG as a Guardian and (eventually) Resto versus being a pure dps. 7.2 hasn't instilled any great confidence for 7.3 and the changes to Mythic+ mostly sound negative outside of getting rid of the key depletion.
Got the Brewmaster hidden appearance today :O
Took me way too many tries, but I managed to get the challenge skin at 885 ilvl. hooray for that.
Wait, did they remove the extra 1000 rep you needed to get at Exalted to fully max the bar? Now when I mouse over my exalted reputations I don't see the number 1000/1000 like I used to, only a full bar. And I just hit Exalted with Hydraxian Waterlords last week but the bar is showing as full, which usually takes a few weeks. Don't think I have any mods that would affect that. If so, weird time to change it but I guess I appreciate it?
Which class/spec? Either way though getting it at 885 ilvl is pretty solid, congrats! I can't imagine some of them are possible below a certain point though, like the tank one. A little disappointed about that since I was hoping for skill based challenges that get easier with gear because you have to perform well for less time, as opposed to some of the current "you need X DPS minimum or you reach the enrage" ones.
Hey guys. Resubbed last week.
Trying to figure out what to do for the most part. Already doing Broken Shore, did the quest chain to open new traits for my artifact and doing the usual world quests. My item level is 887 (Havoc Demon Hunter). Should I be doing normal/heroic raid(s) and Mythics at this point?
Figured as much.You're geared for heroicsish though I'd probably do a run or two of normal to get used to the fights.
At this point I'd probably not want to get too invested in Mythic raiding right now given Tomb is like a month or so away, personally.
Edit : You probably meant mythic dungeons in which case yeah, you're more than ready for most levels of that provided your DPS matches your ilvl.