Me and my friend keep getting CoEN keys. I fucking hate CoEN.
In better news my Paladin got the bis belt but I can't equip yet as I don't have a helm to replace Justice Gaze because I'm a fool.
I got the Subtlety skin on my second box. Also got the Blood DK one on my first run through Withered Army Training. RNG gonna RNG.
But I still don't have the Guardian or Feral appearances, or the Elemental Shaman/Assassination Rogue drops from the Underbelly, or the Army of the Dead one for Unholy, the Eredar heads for Demo, or the Grimoire for Affliction, or any of the Warrior skins. Or the ones that require exalted reps like Holy Priest and Balance Druid though I'm working on it!
I wish I had that kind of luck. I did the scenario 7-8 times and opened more than 22+ boxes, one time 6 boxes one after the other because I got lucky with key drops and yet I haven't seen the skin drop.
Developers' Notes: We raised the Knowledge cap from 40 to 50 very late in the 7.2 PTR cycle, out of an abundance of caution: We wanted to ensure that players of all playstyles, as well as alt characters, would view the Concordance trait as accessible. However, between the additional Artifact Power gains added in 7.2 and others that were hotfixed in after the patch released, we're now well ahead of that mark. Knowledge 40 now seems more than sufficient for players to reach Concordance, and the prospect of months' worth of additional Knowledge still left to research makes some players feel like their efforts in the interim aren't meaningful. Therefore, we're rolling the cap back to 40.
Fine with me, 40 is plenty to get from 0-concordance quickly enough, and anything past concordance is worthless and the more they convince players not to try for it the better. Also lets me stop having to play the annoying metagame of "well I have a new AK finishing in X days so I won't pick up Y until then" sooner.
Trust me when I say it will be so damned anti-climatic when it does drop.
"Off of a fucking rat!?"
They went waaaay too overboard with the pure rng drops. The whole impetus behind the move away from purely deterministic drops (I farm x to eventually get y) so players could have something exciting occur while doing any activity in the game has been anything but that in my experience.
My eRT said 56 pulls or so. It was only like 2.5 full raid nights. But it was spread out over a couple weeks due to some slowdowns clearing the rest of the instance. This week though we cleared all of farm in one night really fast. Now we have a full day to work on Gul'dan on Monday.
Not sure if we're gonna extend till he's dead or what though.
Fine with me, 40 is plenty to get from 0-concordance quickly enough, and anything past concordance is worthless and the more they convince players not to try for it the better. Also lets me stop having to play the annoying metagame of "well I have a new AK finishing in X days so I won't pick up Y until then" sooner.
Regarding the "Wyrmtongue Caches" quest. When I'm on an alt who's not on the quest I see chests, but when I'm on my main (same server) who is on the quest they're not appearing for him.
I'll log off by a chest, go there on my main and it's missing, log back on to alt and it's there. Phasing fucking up? Stealth conspiracy nerf? Why is this questline so fuckin' awkward?
So two more weeks until class mounts, right?
Actually hyped for the shaman one.
So two more weeks until class mounts, right?
Actually hyped for the shaman one.
Yeah, I love how unique it is. I'll get them at basically the same on my shaman and DK. The frost DK one isn't nearly as unique as the shaman ones, but I like how it looks.Yeah, that elemental mount is really nice. It will be the second one I go after.
:lol yeah I can see why mounts would feel a bit pointless for druids.As usual, I'll do it on my druid and then never actually use the mount. Nothing new
As usual, I'll do it on my druid and then never actually use the mount. Nothing new
I stopped using this for a lot of my characters as it isn't character specific. I know it's sort of stupid, but I like using certain ones for certain characters.The real question is whether the class mount will come up if I use the random mount button.
If not, I'll probably never see it. I know the Deathcharger, Pally Charger, etc. don't.
Oh shit, that's pretty cool then.Remember, the Lunarwing Owl for druids from this questline is a new flight form. It's not a mount, strictly speaking, but it does allow you to carry a passenger.
Remember, the Lunarwing Owl for druids from this questline is a new flight form. It's not a mount, strictly speaking, but it does allow you to carry a passenger.
Remember, the Lunarwing Owl for druids from this questline is a new flight form. It's not a mount, strictly speaking, but it does allow you to carry a passenger.
I'm still confused on how this works. Will it be listed in the mount tab and count as a "+1," or what? A few months ago Blizzard mentioned that the player has to go to Moonglade and activate or deactivate it but now I saw a topic on the druid forum with people mentioning it's nothing more than a glyph that you apply.
It's not a glyph. There are NPCs in Moonglade and Dreamgrove to toggle it on and off. Sentinel glyph takes priority apparently and overwrites it for those specs, so you'd have to disable Sentinel to use the new one.If it's a glyph, then I'm going to need 4 of them for all of the specs. They don't carry over from spec to spec. My Balance spec has the Sentinel Owl, but the other specs still have the old troll bat. That's pretty weak sauce.
God damn, getting the prot warrior hidden skin is a pain in the fucking ass. it's not even a bad one, it just feels stupid.
Remember, the Lunarwing Owl for druids from this questline is a new flight form. It's not a mount, strictly speaking, but it does allow you to carry a passenger.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah baby:
And I've only run this place like <10 times.
So someone in my M+ group finally rolled a tank alt, and I've been thinking about messing around with a DPS alt for a change of pace from tanking. Anyone have suggestions on a DPS class that isn't super legendary or raid set/trinket dependent (like DH with the ring, or fury war with Draught/CoS respectively) and is also actually fun to play? Don't have a ton of experience on DPS classes this expansion. The only class that's out of the question is Druid, since I already have two of those hah, not gonna level a 3rd.
Did a series of 5 timewalking dungeons with the same group, and the rogue in the group outdamaged everyone else so much it wasn't funny. I was expecting the rogue to be wearing all mythic stuff, instead the mythic items were just a few (trinkets mostly), most stuff was, apart from the mop leg cloak, the 2 legion legs and the Khadgar ring (not the leg one, the one before the ring becomes legendary), pretty much old items, as well as old set items. Got me thinking if old sets work when doing tw stuff or the bonus effect stays inactive. In case the bonus effect doesn't work, what would be the upside of using an old set vs using the current set? The sockets?
What talents are you rolling with? I feel like I'm doing something wrong on my frost DK.Frost DKs are amazing....even without legendaries, even without high ilevel, even without proper talents I'm still top DPS. Even when I'm not our class is so much fun to play and feels strong.
Done with Havoc legendaries.
What do I do now?
So someone in my M+ group finally rolled a tank alt, and I've been thinking about messing around with a DPS alt for a change of pace from tanking. Anyone have suggestions on a DPS class that isn't super legendary or raid set/trinket dependent (like DH with the ring, or fury war with Draught/CoS respectively) and is also actually fun to play? Don't have a ton of experience on DPS classes this expansion. The only class that's out of the question is Druid, since I already have two of those hah, not gonna level a 3rd.