Illidan's story ends (for now) at the end of 7.3 when he becomes Sargeras' jailer. Kil'jaeden is killed in the Tomb of Sargeras ending cinematic.
Oh ok
Illidan's story ends (for now) at the end of 7.3 when he becomes Sargeras' jailer. Kil'jaeden is killed in the Tomb of Sargeras ending cinematic.
Blacksmithing gear should sell OK if you are on a big server. There's a solid chance just making demonsteel bars is a good profit since people are lazy. Long term (as in years) BS stands to benefit the most from Legion due to the mount. Depends on what they do with bloods though. It's not in as good a spot as the others but it's worth having, I think.
One thing I'd like changed about invasions is that they'd go away once you complete them. Nothing worse than seeing some WQs with a reward you need, like a recipe, then an Invasion pops and you got to wait 6 hours before being able to actually get that recipe (if the WQ doesn't expire before the invasion timer runs out).
Do you need to do a raid for Legion flying?
I don't get why they make learning to fly so involved.
I think all crafting professions are pretty close to worthless right now. Being able to do the legendaries was pretty nice for a little while, now it can be tough to sell them. That's pretty much the only reason to hang on to these profs, is just laziness and a hope that better things will come one day.
Blacksmithing gear should sell OK if you are on a big server. There's a solid chance just making demonsteel bars is a good profit since people are lazy. Long term (as in years) BS stands to benefit the most from Legion due to the mount. Depends on what they do with bloods though. It's not in as good a spot as the others but it's worth having, I think.
You need to kill Xavius in the Emerald Nightmare raid to get Legion flying. It's part of Good Surmaritan which is part of Broken Isles Loremaster. But it's super easy on LFR, easier than any dungeon.
How am I supposed to read this? The WQ for Vault of the Wardens lists Mythic under the item description of the reward. So this means no reward on normal/heroic, right? Just seems odd it's under the item name.
You can do it on normal or heroic.
Legion Tailoring and Enchanting served my Mage well, but it did take a while to surpass WoD Tailoring. It's easy to gather the mats by just doing WQ's. Usually hoover up 10K Silkweave every 3-5 days thanks to the Dreamweaver shoulder enchant and can pump out a decent amount of Imbued Silkweave Bags every week if I consistently play the mage. Which I haven't been lately. The craftable Leggo looks less worthwhile than more standard crafts given how saturated the market is and how involved the questing is to acquire the mats. M0's can be problematic to get into as a pure DPS even if there's an associated WQ, which was the main reason I've been trying out a couple of different classes (Warrior, Monk and Priest).
Jewel Crafting and Alchemy look worthwhile, so does going straight double gather.
Why the fuck would Illidan do that? Aren't they on the same side?So, 7.3 is making one of the best story decisions I've seen this game make in a long time.
So, the Illidan novel and Legion as a whole have been building up a prophecy that Illidan is the chosen one and will merge with a Naaru to become an angel of light (you know, that stupid thing they did in SC2).
However, they subvert it. Illidan, when confronted with this option, chooses to reject it and actually kills Xe'ra, the Prime Naaru. We don't have the full story as part of the story is locked behind an inaccessible cinematic, but Illidan didn't want this forced upon him.
I really like this decision.
Why the fuck would Illidan do that? Aren't they on the same side?
The reward for the WQ is a piece of Mythic Gear for completing easier content.
continuing my leveling adventures with this resub (since everytime I get to around 875+ on characters I find I kinda stop doing WQs unless theres a 880 pvp one up or something), I've been leveling my warrior and shaman (108 and 105 respectively now( through invasions, so my current impressions:
Warrior - Visually I love Fury the most, both the art and the skills. I tried Arms for a bit but the rotation seems way too boring (and im into boring rotations lately with Ret Pali and BM hunter being up there with my faves), but as you get fuck all gear from just doing invasions, I have gravitated towards Protection lately because, well at least you cant die, and I actually quite enjoy it. One question, is it worth using revenge at all outside of the free procs? It seems like its quite expensive and I would rather save that rage for ignore pain, I dunno.
Shaman - I wanted to go elemental but I've been blowing so much gold on heirloom upgrades I ended up going enhancement because I had the agility stuff. Turns out Enhancement is actually pretty fun. Quite flash too for a melee spec. Resto seems super interesting tho, I saw a little bit of it doing the artifact quest, really liked what Is saw, maybe has a bit too much bloat, I dunno.
I'm also trying to get into my DK (my only non-geared, non-mount 110) and I think a spec finally clicked with me, Unholy. Not having gear sucks tho because its very hard to get a sense for specs when it takes you 3 hours to kill things in WQs.
With DK i choose Blood for leveling but also for tanking the synergy is fantastic, with WQ it goes very good because of the self healing.
I have a 69 rogue that I might lvl next, or start with a fresh pallie. Suggestions?
I'm curious to hear about the sound de-centralization initiative he mentions in his post.
It's weird to me that they just seem to have let him go and didn't have any new position to offer him at all in their new sound department setup? The guy pretty much IS Blizzard music.
Is the crafted plate legendary worth spending 100K on? I am a returning player (only bought Legion yesterday) and I have about 500K on my main. Seems like it could dramatically speed up levelling.
I just couldn't get into Rogue on Legion. The builders across all specs felt very lacking.
continuing my leveling adventures with this resub (since everytime I get to around 875+ on characters I find I kinda stop doing WQs unless theres a 880 pvp one up or something), I've been leveling my warrior and shaman (108 and 105 respectively now( through invasions, so my current impressions:
Warrior - Visually I love Fury the most, both the art and the skills. I tried Arms for a bit but the rotation seems way too boring (and im into boring rotations lately with Ret Pali and BM hunter being up there with my faves), but as you get fuck all gear from just doing invasions, I have gravitated towards Protection lately because, well at least you cant die, and I actually quite enjoy it. One question, is it worth using revenge at all outside of the free procs? It seems like its quite expensive and I would rather save that rage for ignore pain, I dunno.
Shaman - I wanted to go elemental but I've been blowing so much gold on heirloom upgrades I ended up going enhancement because I had the agility stuff. Turns out Enhancement is actually pretty fun. Quite flash too for a melee spec. Resto seems super interesting tho, I saw a little bit of it doing the artifact quest, really liked what Is saw, maybe has a bit too much bloat, I dunno.
I'm also trying to get into my DK (my only non-geared, non-mount 110) and I think a spec finally clicked with me, Unholy. Not having gear sucks tho because its very hard to get a sense for specs when it takes you 3 hours to kill things in WQs.
Get all your heirlooms maxxed for super fast leveling. With all the bonuses, it's 50% more exp.
Ah nice one, thanks. I had no idea I could upgrade them further.