Mythic KJ has been downed by Exorsus! Final count: 962 wipes on 1 boss. That's insane.
Blizz really upped the ante on this tier. Only the second time KJ has been killed.
when you randomly get a legendary out of nowhere on your fresh 110 and your favorite character doesnt have one /shrug
thats the "risk" in playing 56 characters I guess. Its a shit one too, heroic leap gets 3 charges whoopedy do.
Mythic KJ has been downed by Exorsus! Final count: 962 wipes on 1 boss. That's insane.
Wait, people are still in public chat channels?
If you aren't in my guild or party (or on my friends list) I have zero interest in talking to you.
Finally got Fenryr. I overthought it. I threw on the legendary legs, basically stood still, barraged the adds, and dps'd the shit out of him. Good times.
I'm just trying to do him and I died at 1% XD.
I bet there are still people who moan that WoW is too easy now.
Man that was impressive.Method released their World First Kill video for Mythic Kil'jaeden:
Wait, people are still in public chat channels?
If you aren't in my guild or party (or on my friends list) I have zero interest in talking to you.
Goddamn, my RNG luck is beyond bad. Did a H NH, a N toS + 2 LFR ToS + LFR NH and 3 +5 M+ dungeons and got literally nothing. even on bonus roll. Meanwhile my friend gets two legendarys back to back. and titan TWF relics.
And man those exorsus KJ numbers...Method's numbers sounded insane, but not out of line with previous 'really fucking hard'bosses (which are all in the 300-500ish range of wipes for first kills)...900 is INSANE. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the most wipes any guild has ever had at a boss in the mythic scene.
Yeah, but it sounds like , up until Blizzard actually properly tuned it, it was nigh impossible.
Also, Exorsus is pissed Blizzard nerfed it even further.
I don't have much sympathy for Exorsus. The fight needs to be balanced for the vast majority of mythic raiding guilds, not for those going for world first. When you think about it, it would be almost impossible to balance a final boss fight such that it both was achievable for mythic raiders and also provided an exciting race to world first.
That's not true at all, the problem with the boss is that it was overtuned so highly to begin with. There are plenty of bosses that have been cool for the top guilds, not COMPLETELY broken (or if they were, fixed qucikly), and then just marginally tuned down after a month or so. Many bosses have not even required significant adjustment.
If KJ was going to be nerfed, it should've been when it was apparent that it was severely too hard, not literally the instant they finally kill it (I'd have been upset if I were them too). Class stacking always happens, but method's comp shows this boss was legit fucked, not unlike Paragon taking 13 druids to Neferian back in the day, whichw as also fixed INSTANTLY after they killed it. There's a line between a hard boss and an (effectively) broken boss. Hard bosses reward things like stacking because they're just exploiting efficiency. Broken bosses require degenerate strats like that.
EDIT: My bad, Paragon was 11 druids.
It was nerfed before even before Method killed it, they just took it in steps.
Even though you can start Legion content at 98, I'd recommend at least being 100 and farming some gear tokens from the north-west region of Tanaan, the Ruins of Kra'Nak, as well as farming up specific Tanaan treasures before going into Legion content. Legion's scaling is kind of wonky and ilvl matters. The quest leading up to the Broken Shore and the Broken Shore scenario itself are tuned for 650(Tanaan)-700(Invasion event/WoD raid) ilvl gear. At 98 you'll be in the high 400's, low 500's and, depending on your class and spec, you could be in for a rough ride.
At 100 Varian Wrynn should appear in your garrison starting a quest that will send you to the Iron Docks, you'll free an NPC there and that will allow you to build a shipyard for your garrison. After some minor quests, a few minutes, you'll get the quest chain to begin the Tanaan invasion. After a few minor quests you'll get access to the Alliance hub and from there you ignore everything and go farm some gear tokens and treasures.
Use the weapon and armor/trinket tab to come up with a hit list of gear you want to get in Tanaan from treasures...
Gear tokens can be farmed from purple crystals that spawn around the Temple of Kra'Nak, although it may be hard to compete for them without flying. These can net you 650 gear for your class/spec. Even just a few pieces will help.
You don't have to do any of this but you will have a better time entering into Legion content if you do. I rushed through on a toon from WoD to Legion at 98 with crap gear and it sucked in the beginning.
I think the issue here is that they didn't do something along these lines much sooner (maybe not as drastic, but less Armageddon soaks for instance). By all accounts this boss was just absolutely broken from the start. Even Method said they had 350 wipes before the boss was in a state that they could even progress on it, and that's with significant class stacking. apparently some of the timings were just ridiculous and effectively impossible due to RNG.I don't have much sympathy for Exorsus. The fight needs to be balanced for the vast majority of mythic raiding guilds, not for those going for world first. When you think about it, it would be almost impossible to balance a final boss fight such that it both was achievable for mythic raiders and also provided an exciting race to world first.
I think the issue here is that they didn't do something along these lines much sooner (maybe not as drastic, but less Armageddon soaks for instance). By all accounts this boss was just absolutely broken from the start. Even Method said they had 350 wipes before the boss was in a state that they could even progress on it, and that's with significant class stacking. apparently some of the timings were just ridiculous and effectively impossible due to RNG.
I'd be pissed too if I spent so much time on a boss that clearly either didn't get any significant in house testing or was bugged to hell, only for them to fix it this far in. Hard to not feel like a beta tester. Why not fix it 10 days ago?
Bugs / tuning issues are to be expected but this seems to be of the cases where the devs just completely dropped the ball.
If you go into the elvui menu, expand the unitframes section, select whichever frames you want to change, and then each of those also has its own pull-down menu. Select buffs and debuffs and you can customize everything. In there should be what you're looking for. I think if you want to get rid of that stuff altogether you can probably just uncheck the enable box.some of you guys use elvui right? how do I turn off this shit that pops up above mine and the enemy health bars, its basically counting down all the debuffs and shit on them and its super distracting and takes up a bunch of screen
I loved the whole Suramar storyline. Only drawback for me was that you need a lot of rep to complete it.I've heard good things about Suramar and holy shit does that place look intense from above, its humungous. It's probably the biggest questing city I've seen from above... ever.
You make it seem like such a burden that Blizzard be expected to release content that's is tested and tuned in a reasonable manner.I don't expect content to be balanced for less than 1% of the playing population. I'm satisfied if it is properly tuned when most of the intended audience reaches it, which it will be. Guilds that push the envelope should expect problems with tuning - how much time does Blizzard have to adjust it for the handful of guilds that will be involved in the world first race? IMO, they should be satisfied that Blizzard puts effort into it at all.
Blizz really needs to add more slots to Hunter stables, i just filtered my favorite pets on Petopia and ended up with 82 pets :/
You make it seem like such a burden that Blizzard be expected to release content that's is tested and tuned in a reasonable manner.
If the only thing that matters is that it's fixed for the larger portion of players, then why release it all in that state? Why waste anybody's time? Most potential answers here support the feeling like a beta tester frame of mind.
Yeah, should really thank Blizzard for being so kind to fix their own software so it works in the intended manner. Honestly they are too generous.That's right, it is a burden to release content tuned for a minuscule proportion of their player base.
Because Blizzard is more generous than they should be. Essentially my position is that Method and Exodus should be glad that Blizzard facilitates the world first race in any way at all. They go to the trouble of providing content that is initially tuned at a level such that it provides enough challenge even for the very best players in the world to overcome it.
If Blizzard was less munificent then it would just be released at the proper level of tuning that would be a reasonable challenge to most mythic guilds, and the world first race would degenerate into essentially a speed run in the first couple of hours after the raid opens.
World first guilds should be happy enough that the opportunity exists, and be understanding if there are sometimes miscalculations that take time to correct.
Yeah, should really thank Blizzard for being so kind to fix their own software so it works in the intended manner. Honestly they are too generous.
I'm sure you know they intend the bosses to be completable. You know, because they are professionals who take pride in their work.World first races are not an intended feature of mythic raiding, but I'm sure you knew that.
I'm sure you know they intend the bosses to be completable. You know, because they are professionals who take pride in their work.
The great thing is that internally they aren't likely to be making excuses for themselves but instead aiming to do better with the next raid.
I loved the whole Suramar storyline. Only drawback for me was that you need a lot of rep to complete it.
Make sure you're leveling your order hall champions because you can do missions for rep tokens. Do world quests there especially the blue ones. You can repeat the withered training for a good bit of rep depending how far you get. Kirin Tor world quests can give you a Nightfallen cache too. And yeah there's lots of quests along the way, but the very last one requires 20k/21k revered.Does this mean you have to grind rep with Suramar to unlock more quests in the storyline? I'm assuming there's a lot of quests that give rep too? Anyway to boost this and make sure I'm getting the most rep every day to make sure when I do start Suramar questing I get to progress in its storyline the quickest?
Watching that KJ kill video brings back my memories of playing WoW. I remember all those nights of Sarth3D, Algalon, Lich King...I stopped playing for a while, gave Panda a try (made a Brewmaster even), but I just can't set aside hours a night to raid. And that's too bad, because raiding (even with 10) was such a fantastic experience. So many memories.
I'm always curious about how much time you have to set aside to enjoy the raids anymore. Are they still big 3+ hour commitments multiple times a night if you're aiming to full clear in a lock out?