I think I could at least think of one optimal subrace for each of the races except Pandaren.
Human - Vrykul, or make it more differentiated if someone is from Kul Tiras, Arathi, Alterac, Lordaeron etc
Dwarf - Dark Iron, Wildhammer, Earthen
Gnomes - Mechagnomes? Leper gnomes (probably not)
Night Elves and Blood Elves - Take your pick from any of the elf spinoffs.
Draenei - Uncorrupted Eredar like Velen, Broken.
Worgen - Okay this is a hard one. Maybe just make some different looking Worgen? Night Elven Worgen? I think the original worgen were night elf druids who went too far speccing into feral
Orc - Take your pick from Mok'nathal, fel orcs, orc clans.
Troll - Take your pick. Zandalari, Amani, Gurubashi.
Tauren - Take your pick. Highmountain, Yuangol, Tuanka.
Undead - full on skeleton man, dead elves like Sylvanas
Goblin - There are those fish goblin guys. edit: GRUMMLES PLEASE
Lore wise a lot of these wouldn't make sense if you start a new character but Worgen Death Knights make absolutely no sense either timeline wise. Most importantly would be giving us trolls and orcs that stand up straight.