If I could play a Troll that looked like this...
I would drop whatever to roll a Troll Warrior.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: Legion is the best wow expansion since WotLK
Still too much grinding to see some of the content. The Suramar questline is one of the best in the game, but I doubt I'm ever going to grind out Nightfallen rep again to replay it.
I can't be bothered doing it again either. In MOP they introduced 100% rep bonus items (Grand Commendation of the X) purchasable at revered that applied to all your characters on your account. I'd love to know why they tossed that awesome, alt friendly idea out.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: Legion is the best wow expansion
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: Legion is the best wow expansion
Sort of where I am at. I really like M+ and other things, but so many if the systems are so nakedly cynical that my overall enthusiasm drops way down.I wish I shared your enthusiasm. There's certainly things I really like about Legion (Artifacts, class halls, Demon Hunter, the Highmountain zone) but overall this expansion has me feeling jaded.
I love Legion overall, but the legendary system is indeed dookie.
Definitely feels like that sometimes.It feels like a punishment system rather than a reward system, personally.
They really screwed up the potential when they decided to Make it a replacement for the glyph system, damage modifying talents should never have been considered
Brew could get both belts as 1 and 2 before they made the second belt less likely if you had the first. Sort of amazing that went live.Best example I can think of for the Legendary system is Mantle of the Master Assassin being BiS for every rogue spec by a wide margin and pre-nerf Sin'Dorei Spite being BiS for every Warlock spec despite being only on the demo loot table.
For some classes it is less important then others, but Mantle of the Master Assassin is so dominant
I said that from start, absolutely agree. I'd even say this is the best wow has ever been.
Still, my fondest memories are from vanilla/bc because of the community.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: Legion is the best wow expansion
Yes I agree. The community was heaps better back then.
Maybe it's different on RP servers...
The class design/class balance in legion really sets this expansion back a lot. Probably the worst it has ever been, probably worse than vanilla wow. Retreading the same problems with poor scaling, band aid fixes, specs left to die because reasons, shitty talents that aren't even competitive, a relic system that highlights how much better specs benefit from weapon scaling than others. I can go on and on. I mean there's specs that have had the same problems for almost 4-6 years at this point. They weren't as bad in MoP because everyone had some broken shit, but jesus christ. They need to surgically fix some shit and stop waiting for next tier. The wod team also makes some of the shittiest encounters ever that encourage class stacking.
The class design/class balance in legion really sets this expansion back a lot. Probably the worst it has ever been, probably worse than vanilla wow.
Like way back in vanilla you didn't have things datamined months in advance, sites with a decade of game knowledge one click away so you could look up anything instantly (or at least if they did exist I didn't know about them).
not at all, raidfinder and in my case especially cross realm pvp have destroyed the community in no time. I do think it also had obvious advantages, probably for most players, since most are casuals, but it absolutely destroyed the community
Warlock feels in a weird place, going after that mount now dunno what to choose either affliction or destruction..have mixed feelings about demonology.
Also TBC was a mess in terms of classes..i played Warlock main i had one terrible spec it was a nuke build something put together Demonology/Destruction.
That was really true for most of the classes, there was one viable build with little wiggle room and that's it. Old talent system is vastly overrated, everyone just looked up the optimal build on the Internet and ran with it anyway.
Is the armory app a total piece of shit for anyone/everyone else, or is it just me? It can't stay connected.
The old armory app is in desperate need of a revamp. Still has MoP challenge mode stuff in it for example, I think.
In general, the armory, even the new website one isn't very good.
Is the armory app a total piece of shit for anyone/everyone else, or is it just me? It can't stay connected.
Alright Mage tower question guys, with Raest. I'm affliction but don't have the cheese ring. So in phase 1 I can slow dps it and my infernal holds aggro and is super simple. The problem is it seems completely random whether or not it will work. Karam either fixates me where the pet has no effect, he is not targeting any frames either, or my pet can smack his face and I just slow burn him with dots. It seems like a bug on the forums from April and still has not been addressed so i'm just not doing it for now. Anyone else experience this bug?
I think your first mistake is trying to do that without the ring and portal pants tbh
Alright Mage tower question guys, with Raest. I'm affliction but don't have the cheese ring. So in phase 1 I can slow dps it and my infernal holds aggro and is super simple. The problem is it seems completely random whether or not it will work. Karam either fixates me where the pet has no effect, he is not targeting any frames either, or my pet can smack his face and I just slow burn him with dots. It seems like a bug on the forums from April and still has not been addressed so i'm just not doing it for now. Anyone else experience this bug?
I think the infernal is broke. I can turn off both of the taunts and sometimes he will pull aggro and die randomly in a dungeon. I wear the crafted amulet just so that I will laugh at his stupid ass when he dies and I'll know what happened. Try a voidwalker instead?
not at all, raidfinder and in my case especially cross realm pvp have destroyed the community in no time. I do think it also had obvious advantages, probably for most players, since most are casuals, but it absolutely destroyed the community
I had Implosion specced an entire 15 Court and forgot to use it a single time and we still 2 chested it easily. Why do I spec into that thing, I feel like its always a DPS loss unless you are pulling by the dozen
It is a DPS loss pretty much always, because the extra imp generation from the other talents is too good. With the T20 4-piece, I've been using the same build for every kind of content: Demonic Calling, Improved Dreadstalkers, Hand of Doom, Grimoire of Synergy, Soul Conduit. It's the only balanced build I've found for Demo. It can do single target, low target cleave, and AoE and perform pretty well at all of them.