Is there any competing with others for the orbs? Comments aren't too clear on that.
No. It's just a big travel slog and some challenging mobs in caves and such that you can probably bypass.
Is there any competing with others for the orbs? Comments aren't too clear on that.
No. It's just a big travel slog and some challenging mobs in caves and such that you can probably bypass.
I cleared Mythic Siege of Org this week, come at me bro.
Seems like your group is right around where mine is, we've been clearing our +10s but still working on getting one in the time limit because of Kara. They nerfed the ability to reset Nightbane the night before we started working on that, which kind of sucked, and last week both the +10s we got were HoV (don't recommend that one with Tyrannical/Necrotic, first boss is really hard to drop Necrotic on, 2nd boss hits DPS players for ~1.7 million), though probably without Necrotic we could do HoV+10 in the time even Tyrannical now. We're hoping this week to get a good +10 that is actually doable on Tyrannical. Sanguine does make me wish I was a DK/DH (or we had a DPS DK), sometimes when those mobs move into the pool of 5+ sanguines then start to cast 3 non-interruptable abilites in a row I die a little inside. Hope we both get our +10 timers in this week, then it is the fun yet ultimately thankless grind to +15...
I think the problem for my group with Court of Stars is that everyone hates it aside from me, so no one is willing to learn it to optimize because we always do poorly on it (because we don't know it). Doesn't help that our healer refused to do Suramar at first, so he only got attuned well after we had been doing Mythic+, so like 3 of the people in our group never even did the dungeon until our first Mythic+ run, and that is not the time you want to be learning the dungeon.. And now there is no way I can convince them to do it on Mythic0 to learn it when we could just do other keystones, hah. But for all I dislike about CoS, at least it isn't Arcway, also RNG elements but 3x as long... Getting a mythic+ arcway that starts right side just feels like the game is telling you it isn't your night.
Oh, good. Mount isn't worth waiting an hour for something to appear only to have someone else come by and get credit for it.
What do you mean, someone else get credit for it? They fixed that, that can't happen.
I didn't know if it still worked like that.
no fury item
so that's another... 6 weeks? until i might maybe get a chance at one of the three items i need for the fury appearance
The hidden appearance stuff off the bosses are now guaranteed drop. You just need to meet the requirements.
What's your artifact knowledge? And are you exalted with the Valarjar?
I think that change was just for world bosses.I am AK 10 but I also didn't get credit for the world quest for killing him because of how buggy Warden WQs are. Maybe that's why?
Are the appearances guaranteed for dungeon bosses now too? Like Thunderfury?
I am AK 10 but I also didn't get credit for the world quest for killing him because of how buggy Warden WQs are. Maybe that's why?
Are the appearances guaranteed for dungeon bosses now too? Like Thunderfury?
Dunno if you know this but you can still reset for Nightbane. We had cleared past Curator and were getting the thing where it zones you in and instakills you at his portal.
We have an attuned alt that we keep parked outside of the instance. When we need to reset we invite him, zone out, have him reset and zone in, then send someone else in with him and we're good to go. But yeah, we got a night of practice in when it was still easy. And then we got even more 'practice' when it bugged out and despawned the final crystal...but I'm riding an ember wyrm now so it all worked out eventually.
Funny thing about Necrotic is even though it's considered the anti-DK affix, clever use of AMS lets me drop it off on many bosses without needing our cat or paladin to taunt it off me. If I ever find the legendary cloak I'll be able to drop it at will since that will make AMS last 10 seconds.
all this armchair talk about mythic raiding but does any1 actually have good progression in mythics? Frustrating tbh reading this
I should have done this Fathom Dweller pre-quest stuff on my DK instead of my Hunter. I don't have the water strider mount so I'm doing a lot of swimming.
Just buy one of those goblin glider kits, get down onto the rip of Dalaran, face the Eye of Azshara, jump and use it. You'll get relatively close, I imagine.
(Also BM hunters can get the water strider pet which lets you water walk)
I have those, I even have Gunshoes (best item in the game) but there's still a fair bit of swimming involved. Didn't know about the pet though, I should look in to that even though I don't play BM.
A tip for not running out of fatigue, you can coast the Broken Shores coastline until you get close to the Eyes coast that way you odn't have to worry about fatigue
What is the correct way to deal with BRH bats?
Do you chain pull all the way to boss gate, or make stops at each demon pack?
I noticed a similar problem at one point for me, turns out that I wasn't noticing how one change (in this case, the third champion reduced mission time) actually ended up invalidating a buff (one of the other champions had a buff that increased success rate for missions over 8 hours, champion #3 reduced it below).Has anyone else had an issue with followers not giving what they should towards class hall missions? Especially warlocks with Shinfel Blighsworn? It almost seems like her curse of agony ability is working as a negative.
Here's what happens, I add her as a follower and my chance to complete actually goes down, even though it should go up substantially. And her items alone should provide 25% towards the mission (in addition to at least 15% for her item level). And it wasn't just on this mission either, I've been seeing it for a while now.
Edit: sorry about the large image size, they're screencaps from the app on my phone.
Stops at each pack. Can't do the full pull unless it's normal/heroic and you're overgeared. The problem is twofold. One: Fel Frenzy buffs every wrathguard. With a total pull you might be managing something like 7 stacks, which is 700% damage. Two: Sic Bats, which has all nearby bats focus fire a target. Again, with a full pull the bats will oneshot anyone they touch.
3rd legendary on my hunter. What in the fuck.
oh boy, the next step on suramar requires 10 WQ on suramar and I already did the dailies....
I noticed a similar problem at one point for me, turns out that I wasn't noticing how one change (in this case, the third champion reduced mission time) actually ended up invalidating a buff (one of the other champions had a buff that increased success rate for missions over 8 hours, champion #3 reduced it below).
May be something similar here.
Was about to put the 100 coin on my Shammy but then the profesion bonus dont work on tiral characters so I have to level up a fresh char for the bonus.
I dont want to do the pandaran storyline again
Can gift them to me?![]()
kill me
Can gift them to me?
I don't mind getting a legendary, any legendary.
Can gift them to me?
I don't mind getting a legendary, any legendary.
What do you need the profession bonuses for? Nothing in legion crafting or gathering requires anything over lv 1 plus doing the quests.
Bad legendaries reset your bad luck protection, so don't just wish for anything.Can gift them to me?
I don't mind getting a legendary, any legendary.
For all we know, it resets on any warforge haha.Bad legendaries reset your bad luck protection, so don't just wish for anything.
Enginering and Alchemy, for the toys and utility plus alchemy for flasks