You can use everything for alchemy at skill level 1, flasks and all. None of my legion alchemists started at past 1. Engineering is a good point though since you need like 425 for mailbox or 600 for blingtron.
Pretty coolThey talked to all of the artists on the team that would be working on the mounts and assigned the mounts to the artists that actually play that class. The artist was given the task of creating a class mount.
just roll a druid then u can be all 4 specs no problem
except feral is hard as fuck to play jesus christ im trying to learn the rotation right now
also lmfao only 10 guilds have killed heroic helya. what the fuck
Pretty cool
New caster animations are still in the works and the team is trying to figure out if they can use weapons for some of the animations.
The team is talking about how they could add weather that has a gameplay impact in the world, similar to the new battleground brawl.
The problem with that is players that go AFK are slowly pushed across the area.
Wow, I guess I'm no longer salty about N TOV pugs requiring AOTC.Sucks that Trial is apparently overtuned, the dudes I roll with only really do normals (we only killed the first EN HC boss) and you would think normal should be able to do the next normal etc, especially when we diss 80% of the EN normal gear by now
Wow, I guess I'm no longer salty about N TOV pugs requiring AOTC.
just roll a druid then u can be all 4 specs no problem
except feral is hard as fuck to play jesus christ im trying to learn the rotation right now
also lmfao only 10 guilds have killed heroic helya. what the fuck
most good guilds did splits of EN before going into heroic TOV, you will see a ton more kills by monday friends of mine whos guilds decided to just go straight in said it wasnt hard in their splits.
however i will say i have heard some things about mythic being tuned quite higher than what it should be purposely, so as to keep the instance artificially around longer and to prove they can actually kick players asses after the 2 day shitfest that was EN.
will see on tuesday.
there's a couple cheese strats you can do for guarm that'll make it pretty easy
I ran my Survival Hunter in a normal EN and while the damage was decent the amount of efforty ou have to put in to get it there is insane. For your core rotation, we're talking Lacerate, Murder of Crows, Explosive Trap, Hellfire Grande, Flanking Strikes, Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike, Fury of the Eagle and Throwing Axes. That is your core rotation. Not your 'occasional exceptions' rotation. For eh damage. I have so many other melee spec characters that are so much easier to play and do about the same damage with way better cleave.
With the other specs getting traps, I wonder if Blizzard just intends for every single hunter to play MM. Because that's how it is now. And that's how it's going to be until they do something about it.
The Death Knight ghoul is a good example, as once it is updated, the new model will appear everywhere in the world where there are ghouls. The likelyhood of that happening is higher than something that is a model just used by one class or in one place in the game.
there's a couple cheese strats you can do for guarm that'll make it pretty easy
I am the founder and only member of the Sephuz Fan Club. As a mythic+ Blood DK, a 10 second sprint on demand is a game changer. I wish they'd give every class/spec some way to proc it on immune enemies, though. When I'm Frost or Blood I have no options at all, Unholy can only do it every 1.5 minutes with the abomination pet. I expect after the legendary re-tuning they will let you activate it on demand at the cost of a severe nerf to the proc's strength and I don't know how I feel about that.
As for ToV - Odyn seemed fine. But as I said Guarm's damage is super out of whack for normal mode. Far beyond anything in heroic EN. I don't think we were doing anything wrong in his charge phase, but it was absolutely crazy.
Err im going by what people arw saying here btw, I havent actually tried it![]()
Question: I remember there being some sort of full armor appearance thing for each armor class from the Trial of Valor, or at least there was one datamined.
Is that still in somewhere? I ask because I noticed the pieces the Trial of Valor has don't include helms (and shoulders, I think), and I want the whole set (when possible).
After you beat Odyn, he offers a quest to collect 1000 mcguffins that gives you the armor set.
Ah ok. Hopefully there's the LFR variant, I like the darker colors.
This has been a big issue with Trial and Karazhan.Sucks that Trial is apparently overtuned, the dudes I roll with only really do normals (we only killed the first EN HC boss) and you would think normal should be able to do the next normal etc, especially when we diss 80% of the EN normal gear by now
We did about 8 or so pulls on heroic Odyn, it seems damn hard for a 4/7 mythic guild. A lot of people have been saying this, and I completely agree, that the gear you get from there is not representative of the loot you get.
This has been a big issue with Trial and Karazhan.
Legendary items are special and when you receive one it gives you a story to tell.
The team knows that getting the fantasy for each class mount right is very important.
It is very clear when you are doing a piece of art if the artist was behind it from a passion perspective.
Some of the talents that everyone is taking are going to be baked into the class.
Things that people aren't using will be buffed or removed.
Rewards will continue to remain relevant as patches are released, with the increase of item levels or additional rewards.
We're definitely considering adding reforging back due to the current item level issues
I am levelling my affliction lock (first and main raiding character in vanilla) to 110 and boy the mechanics are sheer clunk.Oh. So they'll be removing Affliction Warlocks and Elemental Shamans completely.
My story is like yours but before you fixed the imgur is the tru story of my legendary
Warlocks get a HORSE. A HORSE. You know how many horses and wolves I already have? Thank you for horse #7. Bet it took a lot of effort to come up with the concept of ANOTHER HORSE. Passionately.
Now sit down and shut up. I won't have you disrespecting an update to the Dreadsteed. Warlocks have been asking for a flying Dreadsteed practically as long as flying has existed.