Now sit down and shut up. I won't have you disrespecting an update to the Dreadsteed. Warlocks have been asking for a flying Dreadsteed practically as long as flying has existed.
But I want a flying Felsteed
Now sit down and shut up. I won't have you disrespecting an update to the Dreadsteed. Warlocks have been asking for a flying Dreadsteed practically as long as flying has existed.
How many people do you have soaking the breath? We started out with around half of our raid in it and the charge aoe was smashing us. When we got all of our melee soaking it was easy to heal. He gains a stacking buff if not enough people soak.
We'll be doing ToV tonight, but I can't find anything that suggests specifically what's going on with the tanks during Guarm's breaths. I assume Guarm doesn't turn with the tank so we're free to move into a breath cone? Do we have to move away a little to make sure we're fully in one and only one cone?
i fucking hate their "legendary story" excuse for scrapping any sort of plan for a targeting safety net. Yeah great story I got my terrible excuse for a legendary a few weeks back from some lfr boss I can't even remember in the abomination of a raid that is emerald sleepnare so fUCKING memORABLE.
oh shit waddup dude where u get taht leg ??? some daily emissary chest. omFG dude do you remember what you were doin at the time were u eatin cheezits ???
legendary story lmao![]()
feelin soby blizz![]()
hey, speak for yourself.
(I got my third one on Tuesday from a world boss, didn't even get to loot it, just showed up in my bags)
The most riveting tale I have ever read.hey, speak for yourself.
(I got my third one on Tuesday from a world boss, didn't even get to loot it, just showed up in my bags)
Guy in my guild lagged out once, didn't even hit the boss once and got a legendary.
In this allegory, the boss is Aerys the Mad King, and your guildmate is Tywin Lannister, who showed up late to the party, didn't fight a single battle, and reaped all the rewards. This checks out.
They need to remove Raptor Strike and Way of the Makw/e.
Make it so DFG replaces explosive trap.
Reduce Mongoose fury to 3 stacks.
Make FoTE automatically give 3 stacks of fury, so it's your opener for starting your burst. Which would also make it actually usable for on demand AOE.
Lacerate/Flanking/Axes are fine.
MoC is kinda lackluster for survival IMO.
Also replace the dumb harpoon dot and dollar store windfury as the golden traits.
I opened up a daily bag and got one.
I opened up a weekly chest and got one.
Dying at this post :lol
I opened up a daily bag and got one.
I opened up a weekly chest and got one.
Lmao.Guy in my guild lagged out once, didn't even hit the boss once and got a legendary.
I mean the story of getting a legendary out of your cache is probably still better written than most of Legion
what dungeon or raid bosses have fear effects? I got a trinket off nightbane that cancels them, which would be pretty cool if I couldn't already just immune his fear with AMS. But I'm drawing a blank here aside from Dragons of Nightmare (and I don't even know what causes that one).
fake edit: just remembered a couple in Darkheart Thicket, those eyeball guys and Xavius. And those guys in Maw of Souls, but ideally you'd interrupt that.
Holy shit, got my best titanforged roll ever. 880 agil trinket with crit, but crit sucks ass for ENH. I gotta sim but I doubt this is better than my 840 appendages which is sad.
edit: Sim says 6 dps increase for the new trinket which is pretty sad. 40 ilvls increase and that much of a difference. Just shows how much stats are worth to certain classes.
I don't get the enclave class set. It's not great and it caps at 840 and yet it is gated behind reputations and dungeons and the enclave quest. By the time you get to unlock 4 pieces, you're already wearing stuff with higher item levels and obviously better stats. What exactly is the point of this thing? Even at the start of the expansion, with WQs giving good rewards, the gating was too high.
I could understand the class set being gated at most behind honored rep and half way of the enclave or class quest, or if every piece was a simple transmog with no stats which didn't cost 500g (why the price is fixed in ,my enclave but I can buy pieces at discounted prices from the rep vendors? another stupid thing) but as it stands I don't get it. You outgrow it even before you get to buy it.
especially now with the ability to send order resources to your alts so that you can upgrade the pieces to 830 really quickly.
I don't get the enclave class set. It's not great and it caps at 840 and yet it is gated behind reputations and dungeons and the enclave quest. By the time you get to unlock 4 pieces, you're already wearing stuff with higher item levels and obviously better stats. What exactly is the point of this thing? Even at the start of the expansion, with WQs giving good rewards, the gating was too high.
I could understand the class set being gated at most behind honored rep and half way of the enclave or class quest, or if every piece was a simple transmog with no stats which didn't cost 500g (why the price is fixed in ,my enclave but I can buy pieces at discounted prices from the rep vendors? another stupid thing) but as it stands I don't get it. You outgrow it even before you get to buy it.
Wait what? You can? How?
I have so many resources on my main, I don't need most of it (I've researched all I needed), I could use more on my alts.
Buy Order Caches at the Blood vendor and mail them to your other char.
Buy Order Caches at the Blood vendor and mail them to your other char.
But theres no way to turn Order Resources>Sargera blood is there?
Quite low. I think the cap on TF is 45 ilvls.I wonder what the odds of getting this from a heroic dungeon were.
That's because you have the two BIS trinkets already. If that 880 trinket had rolled Mastery, I don't think you will ever get anything better than that for Enhance.
As a resto druid, I concur.Sölf;224012325 said:But boy, Sanguine + Overflowing may as well not exist at all. Easy EU week.
Quite low. I think the cap on TF is 45 ilvls.