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World of Warcraft

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Dina said:
Wow, just had something awful and sad happen to me in ICC25. So it's a pretty good pug, 5700gs+ and all that, and we've just killed precious and are at rotface. Until the MT Paladin's says.

P: Warrior, give me Precious's Ribbon.
W: Why? I looted it.
P: I saw it in the loot window but I clicked it away, I won it give it to me I want it NOW!
W: No man, I won it and it's only a shirt, who cares.
P: Either the warrior leaves or I leave.
W: *laughs*

The Paladin, who was also the raid assistant kicks the Warrior, raid rage ensues. The raidleader then reinvites the warrior, paladin kicks him again, warrior aggroes rotface and he wipes us all.

Raid disband. End of night. All of that because of a greeny. The paladin was 25m Kingslayer too, whatever that means these days.
Shirt is non tradable, should just have pointed it out and the rage would have died down immediately.

Also the paladin is the perfect example of easy class prima dona syndrome.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Fularu said:
Shirt is non tradable, should just have pointed it out and the rage would have died down immediately.

Also the paladin is the perfect example of easy class prima dona syndrome.

Unless they changed it since I played, raid loot can be traded for 2-3 hours if I remember correctly.


wow I'm dumb, I forgot I that glyph of ES is different from glyph of LHW. just switched glyphs and all of a sudden I don't have to heal tanks nearly as much. I guess this is what happens when you don't play for like 6 months.


Iadien said:
Unless they changed it since I played, raid loot can be traded for 2-3 hours if I remember correctly.
That shirt is an exception to the rule. Once it's looted to someone, they are stuck with it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Fularu said:
Also the paladin is the perfect example of easy class prima dona syndrome.
See this all the time. The disparity in class difficulty is something I'd really like to see addressed, but never will for "end game balance".


Fularu said:
Shirt is non tradable, should just have pointed it out and the rage would have died down immediately.

Also the paladin is the perfect example of easy class prima dona syndrome.

Nah, it's tank prima dona syndrome. If the raids success depends solely on you logging on you see this come up.


Didn't even know the shirt was untradeble, oh well. I'm more pissed about being locked out for the rest of the week. At least I got a vanquisher's mark out of it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fularu said:
Shirt is non tradable, should just have pointed it out and the rage would have died down immediately.

Also the paladin is the perfect example of easy class prima dona syndrome.
Once it drops, I don't think you can do anything about that shirt. It just goes to whoever's "turn" it was when it drops and can't be altered beyond that.


Angry Grimace said:
Once it drops, I don't think you can do anything about that shirt. It just goes to whoever's "turn" it was when it drops and can't be altered beyond that.
Which is exactly what I said

You can't trade the shirt.

Also Scholo's red shirt >*


FLEABttn said:
Alright, probably legendary items in 10 mans now, awesome.
Not probably, definitely. They said it in one of the myriad interviews after the press event. I'm looking forward to it because I think we all know there's going to be at least 2 if not 3 legendaries this expansion. I'm just not sure if they will bring back Sulfuras as a legendary or just make some new Sulfuras-inspired epic, but I think it's a given we'll have a 1h melee legendary (maybe a dual wield pair for DKs/shamans/rogues) and a caster legendary.


Wrekt said:
Someone has never played DotA!

I'd say WoW is a lot worse, if only because WoW players feel entitled to be as whiny, loud and obnoxious as possible because they pay $15 a month. DotA players are pretty shitty too, don't get me wrong... it's just that WoW is pretty much a glorified chatroom any time you're not in a dungeon or raid, which is probably 50-75% of the time...

I've said it before and I'll say it again;
The best reason to play an MMO is the people.
The best reason NOT to play an MMO is the people.


I've never had any real problems, WoW does not have a good community but I've never put myself in a position to get burned, either. Easy to avoid for me because I don't care about the people, I am a nice person but I will not tolorate drama except from a safe distance. Me and the real life friend I always duo with always keep to ourselves. Chat with the guild, tag along with the guild, but never really put any attachments down.

Personally, I would never pug a raid myself. I would not play if that's what it came to for me. Not to say you can't have a good one, but the bullshit you will inevitably run into would just kill my mood to play. Greater fixation on 10 man guilds will fix a lot of problems with this. My 10 man guild in early WOTLK was amazing, until everyone wanted better loot.

Ultimately though, I don't really think that WoW players are probably much worse at large than most standard game communities nowadays, unless you're talking about very specific ones. Not a compliment, just trying to say for the most part, if it's a popular game, you're going to run across pretty consistent ass hats. I'm a big fan of Left 4 Dead 2, and even on Steam, the community there was just ungodly awful.

Hell, even Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii was awful! The community in that game was worse than anything I ever encountered on WoW in person. People would sincerely try to jump in your room (they reduced room sizes from 10 to 4 in the English version to add in that shitty Wii Speak support) and try to grief by holding slots hostage, this was insanely common, along with a great many other things.

The internet is pretty much just full of jerks nowadays. I want to say that we didn't have these affairs back when I played UO, but I think I spent half my time laying poisoned food by newbie areas and trying to rob people. That was really griefers paradise, everyone griefed everyone, but at least no dudes were crying about a badly textured pink shirt I suppose.
I was kidding, it's just one of those items that people get really emo over. Most of the pugs I've been in lately people ask for the loot threshold to be dropped before fighting Precious, so that should give you an idea of how sought after it is in spite of being a badly textured pink shirt :lol

Eteric Rice

Okay, so, I reactivated my WoW and tried to log in. Didn't work, figured I was remembering the wrong password. So I changed the password to the one I thought it was in the first place, got in.

I don't play for three days and find out my account's password has been changed again. I fix it and try to log in to find that my account is suspended for 72 hours.

At this point I realize I'm getting hacked and change my password.

A few days ago I got an email saying this.

***Notice of Account Closure***

Account Name: MYNAMEHERE

Use of Third Party Automation Software

This account has been found to have employed third party software designed to automate many aspects of the World of Warcraft game play experience. Such software runs contrary to the essence of World of Warcraft and provides an advantage over other players. In addition, use of this software can lead to exploitation and destabilization of the World of Warcraft server economy. As such, this account has been closed and will not be reopened under any circumstances. The recurring subscription on the account has been disabled to prevent further charges.

Please review the World of Warcraft Terms of Use at WoW -> Legal -> Terms of Use, which you accepted when you installed World of Warcraft and established the account(s). Section 2, Paragraph C details the limitations of game play modifications and use of any third-party or packet sniffing software. In addition, Section 3, Paragraph C, parts iii and iv restrict the use of any hack, scripting or macroing software which obtains information from World of Warcraft to gain a competitive advantage over other players.

Any disputes or questions concerning this account action can only be addressed by the World of Warcraft Account Administration department. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at Blizzard Support.

Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter and respecting our position and all statutes within the World of Warcraft Terms of Use.


Account Administration
Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft Community Site

Am I fucked?

I tried emailing them, but lately I seem to be getting a lot of shit from people trying to pretend to be Blizzard, so I really don't know what emails are real or not.

What do I do? Is there any place I can contact or something?


Eteric Rice said:
Okay, so, I reactivated my WoW and tried to log in. Didn't work, figured I was remembering the wrong password. So I changed the password to the one I thought it was in the first place, got in.

I don't play for three days and find out my account's password has been changed again. I fix it and try to log in to find that my account is suspended for 72 hours.

At this point I realize I'm getting hacked and change my password.

A few days ago I got an email saying this.

Am I fucked?

I tried emailing them, but lately I seem to be getting a lot of shit from people trying to pretend to be Blizzard, so I really don't know what emails are real or not.

What do I do? Is there any place I can contact or something?

Run scans on your computer, change the password to something cryptic, email blizz and beg, tell them the whole thing.
Eteric Rice said:
Okay, so, I reactivated my WoW and tried to log in. Didn't work, figured I was remembering the wrong password. So I changed the password to the one I thought it was in the first place, got in.

I don't play for three days and find out my account's password has been changed again. I fix it and try to log in to find that my account is suspended for 72 hours.

At this point I realize I'm getting hacked and change my password.

A few days ago I got an email saying this.

Am I fucked?

I tried emailing them, but lately I seem to be getting a lot of shit from people trying to pretend to be Blizzard, so I really don't know what emails are real or not.

What do I do? Is there any place I can contact or something?

Here's a list that I copied from Blizzard's CS forum.

Blizzard said:
Account Services
Assists with: billing issues, password recovery, paid services, subscriptions, payment issues, account management, etc

Hours: 7 AM to 8 PM Pacific Time
How to contact:
Phone: 1-800-592-5499
Argentina: 0800-333-0778
Australia: 1-800-041-378
Chile: 1230-020-5554
Mexico: 001-888-578-7628

E-mail: [email protected]
Web form: https://us.blizzard.com/support/webform.xml

Contact page: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/contactbilling
International contact page: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/international

Just call that phone number and get someone on hold to help you out. You'll have to wait through a long wait time. If you can't get into the queue then redial and try again until you do. In the mean time run virus scans, change your password and e-mail address to something temporary on your account. Also think about buying an authenticator if you don't have one. I know it's optional but it saved my ass from being hacked again.
Eteric Rice said:
Okay, so, I reactivated my WoW and tried to log in. Didn't work, figured I was remembering the wrong password. So I changed the password to the one I thought it was in the first place, got in.

I don't play for three days and find out my account's password has been changed again. I fix it and try to log in to find that my account is suspended for 72 hours.

At this point I realize I'm getting hacked and change my password.

A few days ago I got an email saying this.

Am I fucked?

I tried emailing them, but lately I seem to be getting a lot of shit from people trying to pretend to be Blizzard, so I really don't know what emails are real or not.

What do I do? Is there any place I can contact or something?
My story, kinda related:

Same thing happened to me. It was in 06, I just got my own account(was renting one at net cafe before) and was playing 24/7, spent whole summer leveling, took me like 5 months to get to 60 and one morning I found out I was hacked. After few weeks they finally got my account working, I had no gear and 700 gold suddenly(used to be a lot). They sent me some of my gear AND I HAD TO PAY FOR IT LOL, was COD. Lost bank stuff, other items etc. Scanned my pc and found nothing, seems like it was picked up at net cafe I used to play at(same one where I was renting for long time). Then fast forward like a month, few days after my birthday bam ban. Account closed for 3rd party programs.
Never have I came close to using or having 1 on my PC.
After month+ of mails back and forth, explaining I didn't have anything to do with that and it was probably the hacker they would just say "Sorry, final decision".
Bought new account month later and had no problems for 4 years :/

But hell, lot of years passed, new people came probably and some things changed. I really hope it works out for you, explain them that you didn't play it, check IPs etc.


Eteric Rice said:
Hacked account question
My account was hacked recently, but not to this extent, but someone told me a tip on here that really helped.

When you call the Blizzard support line, you have an option to select automatic help options or speak to a representative. If you choose to speak to someone you'll be waiting an hour at least. Choose some automatic option that is close to what you need, and go through all the questions it asks you. At the end it will ask if this resolved your issue, if you say no you will be put to the front of the queue for customer support help, and get someone to talk to in 5-10 minutes instead of an hour.

Also, be prepared when you call to not even be able to get any options and you'll have to call back until you're able to. It took me about a day of calling to be able to talk to someone. You could also start by emailing the support to explain the issue ahead of time. Just explain everything.


Bummer. I was half hoping Worgen would sound like hillbillies, since they've been hiding behind that wall and breeding with each other all these years.


So, out of trying desperately to find something else to do in the game to keep me interested, I decided to start leveling a priest. Wow, was I wrong. Smite, smite, smite, smite, smite. Sometimes to liven it up, I'll just shield, hit "shoot", do some push ups, shield, "shoot", sit ups...
Dina said:
Wow, just had something awful and sad happen to me in ICC25. So it's a pretty good pug, 5700gs+ and all that, and we've just killed precious and are at rotface. Until the MT Paladin's says.

P: Warrior, give me Precious's Ribbon.
W: Why? I looted it.
P: I saw it in the loot window but I clicked it away, I won it give it to me I want it NOW!
W: No man, I won it and it's only a shirt, who cares.
P: Either the warrior leaves or I leave.
W: *laughs*

The Paladin, who was also the raid assistant kicks the Warrior, raid rage ensues. The raidleader then reinvites the warrior, paladin kicks him again, warrior aggroes rotface and he wipes us all.

Raid disband. End of night. All of that because of a greeny. The paladin was 25m Kingslayer too, whatever that means these days.

Getting Precious' Ribbon has been by far my favorite item in all of ICC25 and I have a bunch off heroic 25 gear. I wish there was more fun cosmetic stuff like that =/

J-Rzez said:
So, out of trying desperately to find something else to do in the game to keep me interested, I decided to start leveling a priest. Wow, was I wrong. Smite, smite, smite, smite, smite. Sometimes to liven it up, I'll just shield, hit "shoot", do some push ups, shield, "shoot", sit ups...

Priest leveling is garbage until shadow. I'm working on a dwarf hunter on Area 52 since my guild isn't really raiding these days due to cataclysm and it's awesome, despite the fact I hear the server is god fucking awful for alliance :/


funkmastergeneral said:
Getting Precious' Ribbon has been by far my favorite item in all of ICC25 and I have a bunch off heroic 25 gear. I wish there was more fun cosmetic stuff like that =/

I got it the first time we killed that trash (December was it? No later than early January). Haven't seen another since.


Really Really Exciting Member!
As you mentioned, the leveling curve all the way from 1-70 was adjusted in the past. We feel those changes coupled with heirloom experience bonuses make for a reasonable leveling experience up to 70. Since we're making major changes to the 1-60 Azeroth zones in Cataclysm, it isn't likely we'll be making further adjustments to the leveling curve there. The goal is to encourage new and old players alike to try out a new race or class and experience all of the new content and environment changes in the "old world."

As it is, Cataclysm will bring about a much better quest flow, both in terms of the way quests are given in individual zones, as well as the way in which players will be directed from zone to zone. It will be completely reasonable in Cataclysm to level from 1-60 in Azeroth solely on Kalimdor, or solely on Eastern Kingdoms. In general, there will be much less need to jump from continent to continent because you hit dry spots while questing and need to find somewhere else to go in order to find level-appropriate quests. The goal is to make sure players are given the choice to go to the zones they want to while leveling, rather than force them to the other end of the world for a level or two.

Whether or not any changes are going to be made to the leveling curve in Northrend, or additional changes made to leveling in Outland, remains to be seen. We do want to ensure that the leveling experience from 1-85 isn't too daunting. That is a lot of levels after all. Once we have the Cataclysm leveling zones from 1-60 and 78-85 fleshed out, we'll more closely evaluate the full leveling experience during our beta test.

Hopefully, they can speed up the Northrend lvling, i find that 1-70 is just the perfect speed, but once i reach 70, i'm all "Man, can i hit 71 already? D:"

I know, i know, it's still much faster than the classic korean MMOs, but whatever..., this is why i'm not playing them anymore. :lol


sparkle this bitch
Might as well just start every character at 60. Not even having to switch continents once? Less noob runs through contested or high level lands?


Bisnic said:
Hopefully, they can speed up the Northrend lvling, i find that 1-70 is just the perfect speed, but once i reach 70, i'm all "Man, can i hit 71 already? D:"

I know, i know, it's still much faster than the classic korean MMOs, but whatever..., this is why i'm not playing them anymore. :lol

With heirlooms it takes like 90-120 mins per level which is perfect imo. I've half way through level 77 on my mage and I'm only in Grizzly Hills, entered Northrend at 68 too. If I'd come in at 70 would be level 78 already and probably hit 80 in Zul'Drak :lol


shintoki said:
Might as well just start every character at 60. Not even having to switch continents once? Less noob runs through contested or high level lands?
are you seriously complaining about this

I mean have you leveled any alt from 1-58 lately, there are lots of horrible periods even with heirlooms.


firex said:
are you seriously complaining about this

I mean have you leveled any alt from 1-58 lately, there are lots of horrible periods even with heirlooms.

This, I dont even understand what he is trying to say. Switching continents? So what? How many times did you switch continents in BC? or in Northrend?

And ganking lowbies in contested zones? Cmon son, dont act like world PvP (if you can call ganking lowbies in the Wetlands on their way to Ironforge PvP) didnt die 3 years ago.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I felt like I want to do content leveling up even now but can't fit it in as level appropriate. I wouldn't mind seeing a more even leveling experience, with faster levels later on and slower levels up front. Nothing to a major extent, but if you never even have to switch continents you're talking about not seeing half of the leveling content.


Dance In My Blood said:
I felt like I want to do content leveling up even now but can't fit it in as level appropriate. I wouldn't mind seeing a more even leveling experience, with faster levels later on and slower levels up front. Nothing to a major extent, but if you never even have to switch continents you're talking about not seeing half of the leveling content.
I know, it's almost like they're making an expansion with new races and new classes for old races so you'd have a reason to play through it more than once.

This is going to be like the exact opposite of leveling up my paladin when TBC came out, and most other people leveling up their blood elf/draenei characters.


shintoki said:
Might as well just start every character at 60. Not even having to switch continents once? Less noob runs through contested or high level lands?

Just level a hunter naked without a ranged weapon if you want to run uphill in the snow both ways gramps ;D


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
firex said:
I know, it's almost like they're making an expansion with new races and new classes for old races so you'd have a reason to play through it more than once.

This is going to be like the exact opposite of leveling up my paladin when TBC came out, and most other people leveling up their blood elf/draenei characters.
I mean I get what you're saying, but if I want to experience every zone leveling up I'm going to have to level multiple times. That isn't really a good thing. The leveling could go just as fast and push you through every zone if they wanted.


Or you can go back and do it at 60, or 80, or 85 or whatever if you just want to experience the quests for fun.

I'd much rather have "too much" leveling 1-60 than not enough, and I'd much rather have it designed the way they're going for it than the other way. But then again I am an altaholic, so I can just pass heirlooms on to a different class and experience one continent instead of the other.


Guild got 10m Lich King on farm in my absence over the last month, and now that I'm back, we've had 3 nights on him and can't kill him. This should be so easy. :(
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