you can't put a price on sparks
i want 50 slots for hunters!
Death Knight (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
DK - Blood
* Veteran of the Third War (+stam/expertise)
* Death Rune Mastery
* Heart Strike
* Vengeance
DK - Frost
* Frost Strike
* Icy Talons
* Blood of the North
DK - Unholy
* Impurity
* Master of Ghouls
* Scourge Strike
* Reaping
Druid (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Druid - Restoration
* Swiftmend
* Restoration Druid (pushback reduction on healing spells)
* Meditation
Druid - Feral
* Mangle
* Feral Druid (?)
* Vengeance
Druid - Balance
* Starsurge
* Balance Druid (pushback reduction on balance spells)
Hunter (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Hunter - Marksman
* Aimed Shot
* Marksmanship Hunter (+ ranged hit, pushback reduction)
Hunter - Survival
* Explosive Shot
* Survival Hunter (+ ranged hit, pushback reduction)
Hunter - Beast Mastery
* Intimidation
* Beastmastery Hunter (+ranged hit, pushback reduction)
Mage (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Mage - Arcane
* Arcane Barrage
* Arcane Specialization (+arcane damage)
Mage - Frost
* Summon Water Elemental
* Frost Specialization (+frost damage)
Mage - Fire
* Pyroblast
* Molten Armor
* Fire Specialization (+fire damage)
Paladin (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Paladin - Holy
* Holy Shock
* Meditation
* Healing Bonus
Paladin - Protection
* Avenger's Shield
* Touched by the Light
* Vengeance
Paladin - Retribution
* Two-Handed Weapon Specialization
* Divine Storm
* Sheath of Light
* Divine Purpose
Priest (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Priest - Disc
* Penance
* Discipline Priest (pushback resistance)
* Meditation
Priest - Shadow
* Mind Flay
* Shadow Priest (threat and pushback reduction on shadow spells)
Priest - Holy
* Desperate Prayer
* Holy Priest (pushback reduction on disc/holy spells)
* Meditation
Rogue (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Rogue - Combat
* Dual Wield Specialization (+offhand damage)
* Blade Fury
* Vitality (+energy regen)
Rogue - Assassination
* Mutilate
* Improved Poisons
* Assassin's Resolve (if dagger, +max energy, +damage)
Rogue - Subtlety
* Sinister Calling
* Master of Sublety
* Shadowstep
Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Shaman - Elemental
* Eye of the Storm
* Thunderstorm
* Elemental Fury
Shaman - Restoration
* Earth Shield
* Purification (+healing)
* Healing Focus
* Meditation
Shaman - Enhancement
* Dual Wield
* Mental Quickness
* Dual Wield Specialization
* Lava Lash
Warlock (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Warlock - Destruction
* Conflagrate
* Destruction Warlock (+hit, pushback reduction)
Warlock - Demonology
* Summon Felguard
* Demonology Warlock (+hit, pushback reduction)
Warlock - Affliction
* Unstable Affliction
* Affliction Warlock (Bane and Curse GCD = 1sec, +hit, pushback reduction)
Warrior (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator)
Warrior - Arms
* Mortal Strike
* Anger Management
* Two-Handed Weapons Specialization
Warrior - Fury
* Dual Wield
* Dual Wield Specialization
* Bloodthirst
* Precision
Warrior - Protection
* Shield Slam
* Vitality
* Vengeance
notworksafe said:EDIT: Also Holy Paladin gets Shock! All my baseline are belong to Masteries.
notworksafe said:Some of these are beyond OP. Felguard for Demo Locks! Avenger's Shield for Prot Paladin!
EDIT: Also Holy Paladin gets Shock! All my baseline are belong to Masteries.
Retro said:Not sure how final this is, but here's what MMO-Champ is showing for the new trees;
(If link fails, try this one and just pick whichever class you want)
Yoshichan said:Good luck in the next patch Blizzard!It's gonna be one helluva balance ride!
Door2Dawn said:Why is imp crusader strike in the protection tree?
J-Rzez said:After looking at a couple class's trees, I have to say to them good luck on that as well. Both in PVP and PVE. The trees are interesting, but I don't see them "getting rid of the cookie cutter" builds. There will still be builds that trump others no doubt.
PVP is going to be a MESS. I wish I was in this beta like in Wrath, watching how horrible imbalanced things were in there and how they'd tune things left and right.
Yeah I'm only seeing a few 'important choices' in the trees I've looked at. Most talents are must gets, or must skips.J-Rzez said:After looking at a couple class's trees, I have to say to them good luck on that as well. Both in PVP and PVE. The trees are interesting, but I don't see them "getting rid of the cookie cutter" builds. There will still be builds that trump others no doubt.
PVP is going to be a MESS. I wish I was in this beta like in Wrath, watching how horrible imbalanced things were in there and how they'd tune things left and right.
ciaossu said:Yeah I'm only seeing a few 'important choices' in the trees I've looked at. Most talents are must gets, or must skips.
That being said this is the first release of the rework and I haven't played the beta so I guess I'll have to wait and see.
On your second point, I'm sure PvP will be a horrible mess for quite awhile :lol
Retro said:Can I take this opportunity to state how much I hate the idea behind Divine Sacrifice? I get that it's supposed to be a group-wide damage reducer, and yay for all of that... but it's always struck me as something you need to pop only when the healer is ready for the spike, can be canceled prematurely, and is far too 'math-y'.
I'm only bringing this up because maybe it means druids will get Moonkin form at level 10? The would be sort of silly, heh. Probably just some sort of error with the tree or mmo-champion's posting of it.mmo-champion said:Druid - Balance
Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance.
* Starsurge
* Balance Druid (pushback reduction on balance spells)
Q u o t e:
4. Can we get a sneak peek at which other abilities are becoming base line? Moonkin Form, Tree of Life, Hammer of Righteousness, Bestial Wrath?
Ghostcrawler said:We're not ready to announce them all yet, but I will give you a hint that you're 0 for 4 with the ones you mentioned.![]()
Weenerz said:That would be sort of crazy to give them boomkin at 10, since they will get cat at 10, bear at 15 and travel at 16.
Mr Nash said:Speaking of bastard-esque ways to get people in world pvp, is it still possible to play a rogue, and stunlock someone underwater till they suffocate, so they die and take the armor damage penalty?![]()
DK trees have a couple of suspect things, notably; you are forced to take Hungering Cold to get Howling Blast, despite Hungering Cold being just as useless as it was in WLK.Outdoor Miner said:New Demonology tree is terrible. You are forced to take talents for pets you will never use!
A 0/10/31 spec looks to be the most fun for Locks IMO.
I think it's an error; that makes no sense at all because Crusader Strike is a shitty talent to use for Prot Paladins because Prot only generates bonus threat on Holy Damage; Crusader Strike does pure weapon damage; you wouldn't even use CS as Prot. even if you had it.Weenerz said:Because its a base ability now, so prot paladins can use it.
Also, the new trees are worrying me a little bit. Looks like it'll be hard to be different when it comes to talents. Everyone will have the exact same build or they will be lacking in a key area.
Duki said:a lot of these trees suck, wtf
The reason people are pissed off is because they claimed they were done and they had spent months on them when they clearly spent like 2 weeks.JesseZao said:Well they are very rough, so it's not much to look at now.
The lock trees are funny though, affliction basically has no options, they can pretty much take everything.
I like that they want to trim the fat, but I think it would be more interesting to have every row be four across filled with different and interesting talents to really specialize your role. (I suppose they don't want the balancing headaches, but they better have more than one talent empty after you hit 31 pts in a tree.)
:lolPuncture said:25 man raiding
Yep. Still, level 32-ish compared to level 40 isn't bad, and there's dual wielding and Lava Lash at 10 now. On top of that, Primal Wisdom looks nice, and I like that they just rolled Imp. GW and Ancestral Swiftness together.speedpop said:Stormstrike at lvl 20 holy shit :lol
Wait, that's wrong since they said talents would alternate per level, right?
My guess is it was when GC said:Weenerz said:I don't remember reading anywhere that Blizzard said they were done with talents. They won't be finished with talents until the game ships, and even then they will constantly work on them. People getting upset about changes in beta :lol
Ghostcrawler said:We want to unveil the entire enchilada in the next beta build or so. Everyone here worked really hard to get the whole package to a relatively playable and polished state. In essence we're not announcing a future plan -- we're telling you how the game works today. It's all done.
JesseZao said:I like that they want to trim the fat, but I think it would be more interesting to have every row be four across filled with different and interesting talents to really specialize your role. (I suppose they don't want the balancing headaches, but they better have more than one talent empty after you hit 31 pts in a tree.)
Who knows what crusader strike does now since it was changed to a basic ability? I just know it's meant to be part of the single target paladin tank set.Angry Grimace said:I think it's an error; that makes no sense at all because Crusader Strike is a shitty talent to use for Prot Paladins because Prot only generates bonus threat on Holy Damage; Crusader Strike does pure weapon damage; you wouldn't even use CS as Prot. even if you had it.
There's a few other fucked up things; i.e. Imp. Scorch can only be raised to 66% chance to apply Imp. Scorch, you are required pointlessly to get Dragon's Breath (which is entirely useless outside PvP) to get Living Bomb, and you are required to put one point into a random PvP talent to get to tier 3 of the fire talents because there aren't any DPS talents to take.
As I had feared, they obviously thought up this talent redesign only a couple of weeks ago. There's not enough talents for them to have this many errors :lol In all seriousness, It's actually pretty disappointing how awful and rough these trees are right now given the rhetoric Blizzard was putting out about how well thought out this scheme was.
Angry Grimace said::lol
Looks to me like they are in a "relatively playable" state. I don't see the word "final" in that statement at all. There will be plenty of changes made. Blizzard has said they haven't worked out everything on every class. I think he just meant that the idea of 41 point trees isn't something they are changing, not what every point does. Blizzard betas get pretty crazy with the changes, so don't expect a lot of these to be final.Angry Grimace said:GC Promised me a pony.
While this is a first pass on all of the talent trees, death knight, druid, paladin, warlock, Arcane mage, and Assassination rogue trees are not as far along as other specializations.
Closer to 30 I'd say. Although I'm not sure I like old level 60 talents being supposedly level 70 talents (since they said you'd hit 31 points at 70).speedpop said:Stormstrike at lvl 20 holy shit :lol
Wait, that's wrong since they said talents would alternate per level, right?
Not being final isn't the point I'm making. It's more that these trees don't look like they have the alleged "months" of work in them; this looks like a few hours worth of work once they figured out it was going to be too much work to balance 76 talent points in the trees and still make stuff competitive.notworksafe said:Looks to me like they are in a "relatively playable" state. I don't see the word "final" in that statement at all. There will be plenty of changes made. Blizzard has said they haven't worked out everything on every class. I think he just meant that the idea of 41 point trees isn't something they are changing, not what every point does. Blizzard betas get pretty crazy with the changes, so don't expect a lot of these to be final.
Angry Grimace said:What I'm getting at is that I don't actually believe them when they claim they were working on this several months ago. I think they thought this up a few weeks ago.
Retro said:Can I take this opportunity to state how much I hate the idea behind Divine Sacrifice? I get that it's supposed to be a group-wide damage reducer, and yay for all of that... but it's always struck me as something you need to pop only when the healer is ready for the spike, can be canceled prematurely, and is far too 'math-y'.
Why not just make it a flat 30% damage reduction instead of having the entire re-direct mechanic? I seem to recall that's how it originally worked. As it exists now, I don't even waste points on it because I know I'd never use it. I don't trust pug healers to keep me above 20% with the way damage spikes, and there's rarely a situation where the entire group needs that kind of damage reduction.... and besides, most puggers don't deserve that kind of sacrifice anyways :lol.
That said, the Paladin trees are no where near done so maybe it's getting an overhaul soon.
HixxSAFC said:double edit: Prot Paladin tree is so weird. 30+ sec consecration, instant exorcism, changed infinite divine plea (which is nice tbf), Holy Shield either has a terribly worded tooltip or seems clunky compared to the other tanks crit immunity...