I HAVE a level 60 warrior on Dragonmaw, my nickname is Grosbill and I'm in the Attrition guild, we have an MC run tomorow night and we'll see how it fares (the last one.. well uh.. didn't go well

I'm not begging for a cap rise but so far, when you are a level 60 all you do is either :
- Raid UBRS
- Raid UBRS
- Raid UBRS
- Oh throw in some AV so as not to lose some rank
- Do your week's MC run
- Maybe do the week's Onyxia one
- Sometimes help some guildies!
In my guild, we won't be attempting BWL until MC has a farm status (we managed to get to Ragnaros though, after getting pwned time and again by Luciferion).
Sure those times are challenging, but I'm *not* paying 20$ a month (15 US) to play once or twice a week with my lvl 60 character, there is definitely *not* enough lvl 60 content, versus the more than aplenty lvl 1-50 content. And that'S an issue Blizzard itself knows it has to adress. In the latest article on the website, they acknowledge that LVL 60 players are getting *bored*, and what did they give before? Farm the cards for the fair... great now I'll run Scholo or Strat 50 times a week to get my set