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Would Sony screw up their PS5 launch by skipping E3 again next year?

Speculation suggests from the inside, that Sony may skip E3 again in 2020, at a time they would arguably need it the most. They have a new console coming out next year so it would be essential for them to appear. However, the talk on the sheets is that they aren't going to show up.

A blunder this bad would be more horrific than the $599 PS3 presentation. In America and other select countries, E3 generates excitement that goes into the holiday season impacting sales. Children rely on videos and news coverage of E3 to help their parents know what to buy for them for their birthday or on Christmas Day.

Do you think, assuming Sony's skipping E3 next year, that they will be devastated at launch or do you think they can still have a successful launch without E3?
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Definitely not. They skipped it this year because they had nothing to show and that was a good decision. Next year nobody is skipping anything
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If they hold their own presentation, what's the difference? Hell, plenty of companies do that already when they want to announce their own product.

Or they could also do other tradeshows like Gamescom, PAX, TGS, etc.

A blunder this bad would be more horrific than the $599 PS3 presentation. In America and other select countries, E3 generates excitement that goes into the holiday season impacting sales. Children rely on videos and news coverage of E3 to help their parents know what to buy for them for their birthday or on Christmas Day.
But bringing up PS3 clearly shows it's not the case?
If you mess up something else, you get the opposite reaction.

Or look at Xbox One when it was revealed. Expensive price + always online did more damage than Microsoft simply revealing it.
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2 years in a row and when you release your new console? I think that would be a HUGE mistake.
Even if you do your own event. It's still E3, where normal press covers stuff that happens.
And that would give more spotlight to the competition.


2 years in a row and when you release your new console? I think that would be a HUGE mistake.
Even if you do your own event. It's still E3, where normal press covers stuff that happens.
And that would give more spotlight to the competition.
That's assuming if the other consoles have an equally or more impressive showing.

Right now Switch/Nintendo are doing their own thing, and Microsoft are still in catch-up mode.

That's not to say they CAN'T get it right this time, but nothing right now is a given that simply showing up at e3 will somehow boost their popularity.

How many e3's where SEGA at when they still did consoles? Even Dreamcast getting everything right completely still paled in comparison to the PS2 spring backing off the PS1's fanbase.
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Sony is on the verge, edge of next gen beginning. with so much known, so many rumors, so much attention. it would be suicide to skip e3 or any type of special event to unload all details more on the playstation 5. sony is going to do everything in their power to keep momentum going forward.
It wouldn't screw up PS5, but it'd be dumb and I'd question '*why* they wouldn't do it, unless they have another PUBLIC event planned (but why would you skip E3 and then attend gamescom a month later?!).

E3 has become less and less important , even if they do miss it they always have there own show to showcase the PS5.
The PS5 will be successful because of the global following they have.

E3 is still important, the only difference being that Sony wasn't there this year.
Even Dreamcast getting everything right completely still paled in comparison to the PS2 spring backing off the PS1's fanbase.

The first problem with your post was thinking Sega did everything right with the Dreamcast, which they didn't. ;)

The second problem is comparing E3 in the 90's to E3 after it became a much larger event. When Sega was going to E3's, E3 was pretty much the definition of an exclusive club unless you were the press, and even then not all the press went there because CES was still the major gaming event at the time.
The PS4 was revealed in February 2013 - at an event specifically put in place for this - everything else that came after was just riding on the insane level of hype they had built up to that point, they could have made their june conference outside E3 nobody would have cared. Look at how Nintendo has fared since they started ignoring E3.

Most people don't go to E3 anyway, we watch what we care for on YouTube.


E3 doesn't feel as relevant as it once was.
Having no big event and conference dedicated to the PS5 would be a mistake, but if that conference is done at E3 or as a standalone thing on some other date doesn't seem like it would make much of a difference.


The first problem with your post was thinking Sega did everything right with the Dreamcast, which they didn't. ;)

The second problem is comparing E3 in the 90's to E3 after it became a much larger event. When Sega was going to E3's, E3 was pretty much the definition of an exclusive club unless you were the press, and even then not all the press went there because CES was still the major gaming event at the time.
With the exception of the Japanese launch and bridges burned with Saturn, the Dreamcast did all that it could for a 1999 machine.

First console with internet access, best version of multiplats, arcade perfect ports, an actual mainline Sonic game (after the previous console had NONE), innovative controller + memory card.

PS2 mostly killed it based on hype alone.
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E3 is dead. Sony doesn't need it anymore. Nintendo realized that a couple years ago. Once MS drops out in favor of their own events, who is going to pay attention to it?

The big three are now able to hold their own events which will generate their own attention rather than having to share it with their competitors.


I would love to see them at E3, but I can see them doing their own thing. Sony missing E3 hurts E3 more then it hurts Sony. Look at this year. Sony still did amazingly, but E3 sucked.


E3 is not dead, its still a big deal where the gaming world is watching. They only skipped thsi year because they had nothing new to show and didnt think the expense was worth it just to show TLOU2 for the 5th year in a row..
First console with internet access,

Not accurate.

best version of multiplats, arcade perfect ports, an actual mainline Sonic game (after the previous console had NONE), innovative controller + memory card.

PS2 mostly killed it based on hype alone.

Most of this is subjective, it didn't have many console multiplats initially and the selection that they got was mixed in quality if you go by reviews. The Internet while not first, was an interesting gimmick but had flaws and didn't take off as much as Sega hoped it would. The Sonic game that launched with the Dreamcast couldn't even sell 3 million units despite being bundled. The IP had already lost appeal on the Genesis if you look at sales figures so Sonic wasn't as big as people though it was when the Dreamcast launched.

The controller is mixed even in 2019, some people like it some people hate it, the VMU is basically an enhanced pocketstation so it was definitely unique, but the VMU itself wasn't a reason to buy a Dreamcast.

You also need to keep in mind that initially the Dreamcast was only doing really well in one country, the US, and that it never made profit after the launch year. I know it's popular to believe that the hype for the PS2 was a major contributor, but even if we remove that Sega was still going to run out of money.

Back to the point though, E3 back then wasn't as big as it was in the mid-2000's onward so E3 wouldn't have been able to do anything for Sega back then.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The guy that made them skip E3, Shaun Laden, no longer works there.

We'll see what happens I guess.


I think E3 has been on a decline in terms of relevance for many years now. It definitely doesn't hold the same level of importance as before.
Sony could skip it easily and either hold their own conference and/or attend others such as TGS, Gamescom, PAX, etc.
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Ps5 is huge, they don't need e3 for coverage. There wont be a single person that is interested in the playstation brand or interested in gaming that wont know about it when they unveil it.

E3 is a useless show anyway. It used to be important back like the 3 times I went. I went twice in Atlanta and 3rd when the show returned to la. Back then it was still important somewhat because the internet wasn't still a major component in everyone's life and there was no smartphones for people to have constant access and such. But now everyone has the internet all the time everywhere which invalidates e3 as any company can announce anything anytime and it will get instant worldwide coverage and instantly picked up by game sites where they can instantly put it on their site. You can watch any company do live presentations on YouTube. Etc.

Shows like pax are the only relevant trade shows because those are done for the fans. But e3 is just news and nothing more.


I think E3 is valuable from a hardware reveal standpoint. They'd be silly to skip this one.


Maybe E3 every other year or something is a better plan. Those conferences are getting fucking boring. How many times do I need to see an extended look at some Ubisoft trash I will never play, even for free?

How many extended racing game segments do I have to sit through? I also don't necessarily like how the entire conference has just turned into a playlist of trailers (and most of them fucking CG bullshit ones). I could go on youtube for that afterward. And no, Sony, I don't need some math teacher playing a 1000 year old flute, either.


Gold Member
Children rely on videos and news coverage of E3 to help their parents know what to buy for them for their birthday or on Christmas Day.


Children rely on videos and news coverage of E3 to help their parents know what to buy for them for their birthday or on Christmas Day.

Hahahahaha.......kids don’t watch news coverage of anything besides what’s on the social media feed and if anything.
I can tell you definitely don’t have any kids and it’s funny for you to think E3 is the only way kids get info on video game news.


There is reliable speculation from the inside that Sony may skip E3 again in 2020, at a time they would arguably need it the most. They have a new console coming out next year so it would be essential for them to appear. However, the talk on the sheets is that they aren't going to show up.

A blunder this bad would be more horrific than the $599 PS3 presentation. In America and other select countries, E3 generates excitement that goes into the holiday season impacting sales. Children rely on videos and news coverage of E3 to help their parents know what to buy for them for their birthday or on Christmas Day.

Do you think, assuming Sony's skipping E3 next year, that they will be devastated at launch or do you think they can still have a successful launch without E3?
Voost, Sony was supposed to be doomed when they skipped E3 2019, now their next console is doomed if they don't appear at E3 2020...…...Sony does not need E3, E3 needs Sony. As a matter of fact, I think the PS5 will be even more successful without E3, take that money and invest it in a new IP.....Give it to an indie studio to make an exclusive, give it to RAD, give it to Bluepoint for a remake......That money is better served there.....

Any game Sony want to unveil they can do so on Youtube, they can unveil hardware specs in a simple interview with Cerny, the internet will go wild.......E3 is not a necessity....
Pretty sure the PlayStation brand is several times larger than E3, if anything, E3 will be the only thing that suffers next year from Sony not being there. People who are in the know, aka the only people buying this shit on day one will be there regardless. The people who are still buying the PS4 didn't make their purchase based on whether or not Sony revealed their console at E3
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PS5 will sell itself.

I mean they could do a bunch of video's and States of Play and it would be way cheaper then those venues. The average gamer just looks at trailers and bases their game/console purchase on them.
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With the exception of the Japanese launch and bridges burned with Saturn, the Dreamcast did all that it could for a 1999 machine.

First console with internet access, best version of multiplats, arcade perfect ports, an actual mainline Sonic game (after the previous console had NONE), innovative controller + memory card.

PS2 mostly killed it based on hype alone.

I remember articles like:

PS2 Emotion Engine: Can a videogame make you cry?

Shit was out of control back then. The craziest thing I heard when playing Soul Calibur and my friends jaw hitting the floor, instead of praising Sega and Namco for such a masterpiece, he said OMG imagine what the PS2 is going to be like and got super pumped for the PS2 :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I don't know. Not coming to E3 and doing their own event, just might benefit them more.

However, they are in a very delicate situation right now. I certainly wouldn't like to be in their shoes right now, regardless of whether what they do works or not. The smallest mistake could cost them.. Sony is in a very tough spot right now. Everybody is looking to them for leadership.
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It would be a questionable choice to skip E3 again. Like it or hate it but E3 is still consider one of the premiere events to showcase stuff from the video game industry, lots of news outlets participate to circulate the news, it probably wouldn’t bother us since we tend to keep update on shit but when it comes to the casual crowd, it might be a bad idea to let your rival steal that show.


Gold Member
Voost is back!? This is legendary!

LMFAO @ "Specualation Suggests"

What does that even mean? Who is speculating? I miss these threads a tiny lil bit.

Why when I read the OP do I imagine Mandark from Dexter's Labs voice?

To add my 2 cents, if Sony skips E3 I don't think it would be smart...they've had all their greatest media victories at E3. Remember the $299 drop mic moment? Disc sharing demonstration after Xbox's DRM fiasco? This is yet another opportunity to really drop megatons for greatest effect.

It's just...less hype if they make these announcements in the confines of their own safe space presentation. I wanna see some got damn good old fashion competition.


Gold Member
Sony will be there.

2020: Promote PS5 with indies and third party games because first party games won't come out for 3 years

2021: Promote indies and third party games because first party games won't come out for 2 years

2022: Promote third party games and first party games

2023: Promote first party games

2024: Don't show up and promote nothing


Gold Member
I don't think they will skip E3, but do they actually need it? Nintendo unveiled the Switch with that video in October or November and launched in March - to great sales. Nowadays companies don't *really* need E3 when they can put out a video and get hundreds of thousands of people to watch it live.


I hope Sony skips e3 purely for the meltdowns from the usual suspects saying that PR isn't important.
Sony won't hand all the free publicity to Microsoft this year
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