The N64 controller is awful, it was bad when I was a kid and as an adult (even though I did figure out the best way to use it via pretending the joystick is a little arcade stick)...

Dude... what's up with your hands? How in the hell is this the best way to use this controller for you? Never heard this before in my life.
This YES example is the way to hold the controller. How is this uncomfortable at all, enough to make you use the stick like an arcade machine?
You see both of those pictures feel like shit, they are both wrong and I'm sure one of those is the intended way but it always felt off even as a kid, the control you get is just not good enough with that controller unless I baby that joystick like an arcade stick...
Playing a 3D N64 game, like Mario or Ocarina, there is only 1 way to play using this controller -- it's the YES option.
Maybe you were a very small kid, with very small hands, or something? I'm fascinated by this... how does the YES version "feel like shit"? Mario 64 is ALL about control, and very specific/subtle inputs. And I literally don't have the imagination to understand how anyone could think it might control better with this esoteric hand position for which you're advocating.
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