My condolences for even watching it.I only do Manias plus no way I'm seeing KOTR 95/Uncensored 96 again
My condolences for even watching it.I only do Manias plus no way I'm seeing KOTR 95/Uncensored 96 again
So what is the Rock doing at this mania? Is he really just appearing so they can tout "THE ROCK IS AT WRESTLEMANIA!"
Or is just going to be there to congratulate Roman again when he wins so they can "stop" the boos?
My condolences for even watching it.
Finn Balor debuts and is thrown out by the Big Show with little fanfare.So... what's the reason for bumping up the battle royal to the main card? Imminent Cesaro return? Someone else? Baron Corbin debut?
Finn Balor debuts and is thrown out by the Big Show with little fanfare.
WM 32 is closing with this:
Lol Mabel laughs at you for marking out to Savio VegaSavio spits on you
Nakamura's getting the Hideo Itami treatment at the Battle Royal.
Edit: wow I didn't realize Itami's been out due to injury for nearly a year.
So... what's the reason for bumping up the battle royal to the main card? Imminent Cesaro return? Someone else? Baron Corbin debut?
So... what's the reason for bumping up the battle royal to the main card? Imminent Cesaro return? Someone else? Baron Corbin debut?
So... what's the reason for bumping up the battle royal to the main card? Imminent Cesaro return? Someone else? Baron Corbin debut?
To spare me from Ryback.So... what's the reason for bumping up the battle royal to the main card? Imminent Cesaro return? Someone else? Baron Corbin debut?
Don't tease like that!!Judging from the betting odds?Randy Orton is in play
I genuinely can not believe how happy I am to see a women's match - for the title no less - with talented competitors get massively heavy marketing and is a marque match for the show.
Which slightly concerns me as this should have happened a long time ago. Then again, this is VKM/:B so better late than never. Still, seeing that promo brings a massive smile to my face. These three - and Bayley - deserve all the success in the world on the main roster and I hope they get it.
I desperately want Ryback and Ryder to win their respective matches. I think I might actually cry if Ryder wins.
Hoping Itami can have an epic salt heel run, pissed that Nak gets all the attention and glory despite coming in later.I said this in the other thread. That + Nakamura getting signed, I don't think there's much to look forward to in regards to Itami's WWE run
Is Sasha a full-on babyface now? They're sure promoting her like one on the YouTube channel.
So... what's the reason for bumping up the battle royal to the main card? Imminent Cesaro return? Someone else? Baron Corbin debut?
Do some jokes, a Rock bottom...and then back on his Jet.So what is the Rock doing at this mania? Is he really just appearing so they can tout "THE ROCK IS AT WRESTLEMANIA!"
Or is just going to be there to congratulate Roman again when he wins so they can "stop" the boos?
I think they should have a hologram Lemmy play him out.Any predictions for how Triple H's entrance will involve Snickers, like last year's sponsored entrance?
Any predictions for how Triple H's entrance will involve Snickers, like last year's sponsored entrance?
I genuinely can not believe how happy I am to see a women's match - for the title no less - with talented competitors get massively heavy marketing and is a marque match for the show.
Which slightly concerns me as this should have happened a long time ago. Then again, this is VKM/:B so better late than never. Still, seeing that promo brings a massive smile to my face. These three - and Bayley - deserve all the success in the world on the main roster and I hope they get it.
*"The Game" begins playing*
*Iron Shiek walks out onto stage and rambles incoherently*
Steph: "HUNTER, WAIT! You're not you when you're hungry."
*eats Snickers Steph handed him*
Steph: "Better?"
Mr. H: "Better."
*Cut to announcers desk, where Michael Cole is replaced by Mike Adamle talking about the wrong wrestlers again*
Hungry? Grab a Snickers.
PWInsider is reporting something very juicy.John Cena has been cleared, or will be very soon. Could be at Mania.
Doo doo doooooooPWInsider is reporting something very juicy.John Cena has been cleared, or will be very soon. Could be at Mania.
I arrive in Dallas tomorrow night. Gonna be fun!
Probably RAW after Mania.PWInsider is reporting something very juicy.John Cena has been cleared, or will be very soon. Could be at Mania.
You guys seen the latest news for the Diva's division?
They're creating a new belt and ditching the Diva's name, starting Monday.
Reigns winning as a heel - totally viable - then this guy's music hitting, and a stare down? Money. Maybe not actual money, but Vince might see this as the best possible chance at money for the coming year.PWInsider is reporting something very juicy.John Cena has been cleared, or will be very soon. Could be at Mania.
WWE has officially updated the plans for Sunday's WrestleMania regarding where the different matches will air on the show.
As of right now, and this could change during the week, the Kalisto vs. Ryback U.S. title match will take place at about 4:30 p.m. Central time, 5:30 p.m. Eastern, and will be a WWE Network exclusive.
The USA Network and WWE Network one hour simulcast from 5-6 p.m. local time and 6-7 p.m. Eastern time (which will also air at WWE.com, the WWE app, and YouTube) will have the women's ten person tag team match and the Usos vs. Dudleys match.
The 20 man Andre the Giant Battle Royal will now be on the WrestleMania PPV card.
Ryback is such shit that they don't even want him on the main pre-show. I feel bad for Kalisto.
Reigns winning as a heel - totally viable - then this guy's music hitting, and a stare down? Money. Maybe not actual money, but Vince might see this as the best possible chance at money for the coming year.