I finally get it. Crowd is now too tired to boo.
Jesus this will never end
LmaoThey piped in boos for HHH coming in at 30 at the Rumble? lol
How does Cena heal so fast? Science has to study him for his secrets.
How did WWE squander the opportunity when Roman finally got over for a couple of weeks?
How did WWE squander the opportunity when Roman finally got over for a couple of weeks?
I love how they added boos when Triple H came out at Rumble
It's still going? I'm running behind, I figured it'd be over by now lol
All night the endings have been not what we expect. But this one will be exactly what we expect.
This is what hell is like.
Wait, AJ lost to Jericho? Whaaaaaat?AJ loses
New Day and LoN smothered out for geezers
Wyatts given salt in the wounds
Shane loses and has a whatever match
Ambrose given a shitty match
Reigns probably going over
This is the darkest timeline
This is going to be nuclear.