Happy Sashamania Day everyone!
To you as well
Happy Sashamania Day everyone!
A question that can only be answered by people that attended Wrestlemania and the Olympic Games or something near similar in scale.
I just wanted to get an idea of what the audience sounds like at Wrestlemania. When I went to the Olympics, everything sounded distinctive like a Coliseum when the audience screamed, chant and everything. Does Wrestlemania sound the same as the Olympics or does it sound like any other arena? If it does sound like the Olympics then I completely understand why wrestlers said they freak out when they hear the crowd every time they go and perform at Wrestlemania.
The cheapest way to watch this is on the Network, right? I cancelled my subscription after last year's Wrestlemania, but I'm interested in getting a single dose of WWE in my life each year for Wrestlemania.
Is it still $9.99? Kind of steep for me since this is the only thing I'll watch for the month subscription.
Are there any current promotions or discounts going on?
Who the fuck is the blonde guy??
The cheapest way to watch this is on the Network, right? I cancelled my subscription after last year's Wrestlemania, but I'm interested in getting a single dose of WWE in my life each year for Wrestlemania.
Is it still $9.99? Kind of steep for me since this is the only thing I'll watch for the month subscription.
Are there any current promotions or discounts going on?
When I went in the Superdome it sounded the same as Saints games. If you've ever been to a domed NFL stadium it sounds the same. Unsure of what it sounds like outdoors.
I mean, I'm not one to judge someone's financial situation, but ten bucks for Mania (plus a month of anything else on the Network if you decide hey, why not?) is crazy inexpensive. If you're second guessing the affordability, just save your tenner.
Mania's gonna be weird.
Buckle up motherfuckers.
I know you can't use the same PayPal account.Can you keep using the same credit card, as long as you're using a new email address? Crazy if they're not monitoring stuff like that.
There must be something they agree with and are entertained by, even if it's a mess. I mean, why else would someone spend hours of their life watching something with absolutely no redeemable qualities?I think some people don't want to pay for a product they don't agree with...but then NXT.
So you probably can't use the same cc, I'm guessing. Not that I personally would ever consider doing it. Seems a little steal-y. >_>I know you can't use the same PayPal account.
Okada, njpw/nxt invasion confirmed
I've never been, I'm afraid. I've been to London 2012 Olympics Games for the 100 and 400 meters finals and it sounded like the Colosseum scene in the movie Gladiator. It was insanely bewildering and shocking when I experienced that sound for the first time:
Can you reference me to any sound recordings to the games you mentioned?
Can you keep using the same credit card, as long as you're using a new email address? Crazy if they're not monitoring stuff like that.
Yeah, it's about like that. Superdome is known as one of the louder stadiums though because it has acoustics suited for that kind of thing. Plus that was Daniel Bryan year so everyone was going nuts anyone.
It's hard to get a recording of what it actually sounds like in there but its something like this: https://youtu.be/9x27XihYBd4?t=33
That's hilarious. Crappy to do, but hilarious if WWE isn't paying attention to something so simple.Other people have mentioned that they used the same credit card and it still worked.
Hey guys quick question. I can do the wwe network free trial, watch WM tonight, cancel tomorrow and not get charged $10 right?
Okada, njpw/nxt invasion confirmed
Dont we wish. That dude's sporting shoulder ink though. No clue who the blondy in red is whose about to get kneed to death.
NXT Takeover pulls them in.
WWE drives them away.
Love the ratings, Jimmy King. Really interesting stuff.
Wwe ignorance to how bad they are is astounding.
As bad as WWE can get, it's really hard to justify not signing up for the Network.Especially when you can exploit the free first month continuously
Thank you, brother.
Are there people who solely complain? Can one not enjoy some things and dislike others? What WWE offers is vast -- specifically in regards to the WWE Network.they probably know, but they don't care because people keep giving them money, including people in this thread who complain about WWE all the time.
I didn't see the review of 30/31. I know both Cena/Rock matches were piss.
Rewatching 22, I'm shocked they kept Peter Gabriel.
Are there people who solely complain? Can one not enjoy some things and dislike others? What WWE offers is vast -- specifically in regards to the WWE Network.
Big Time is still the theme I think of when I think of wrestlemania music for whatever reason.
Yep, the dvd version spammed the hell out of it. I'd just watch the front menu since it showed highlights of every match with the song playing.Rewatching 22, I'm shocked they kept Peter Gabriel.