So what was the "huge" surprise that was planned for WM? That was the big rumor all weekend.
$9.99 went to a good place.
Reading this thread made me realize the people who watch the most wrestling, hate wrestling the most.
I didn't even pay attention to the last match. I give this WM a 6/10, though.
$9.99 went to a good place.
Sometimes I think its just an elaborate troll to get the smarks to come around on Cena...but that would take too much forethought and planning.
Apparently it stayed a rumor.So what was the "huge" surprise that was planned for WM? That was the big rumor all weekend.
I feel like I'll have to watch that match every day for a week to recover from that 5 hour shit show we just saw.
Is this on the network yet? I missed it.
I actually really enjoyed this show up to and including the tatanka sighting.
Reading this thread made me realize the people who watch the most wrestling, hate wrestling the most.
Is this on the network yet? I missed it.
get mad over a WM in 2016 brehsFuck... You must be the target market that Vince appeals to.
Fuck this shit. I'm going to re-watch NXT Takeover Dallas. Fuck that bullshit WM. Not happy.
Let's see...
Owens lost
Zayn lost
Styles lost
New Day lost
Sasha/Becky lost
Shane died for nothing
Roman won
That crowd was dead during that final match ending.....ouch lol. Not sure why this guy isn't a heel yet. Just embrace it. Not sure why they're fighting it every step of the way. He'll never get those cena pops.
$9.99 went to a good place.
It's on now.Is this on the network yet? I missed it.
Nothing will be as bad as 27
"This is the worst Wrestlemania I have ever seen"
See you next year kids!
You excited for his feud with Jericho, bro?
So what was the "huge" surprise that was planned for WM? That was the big rumor all weekend.
get mad over a WM in 2016 brehs