I woke up and realized I fell asleep in the middle of Rock's promo. Electrifying!
I agree. But to be fair, I think the majority of vocal fans are just expressing their frustration at the road block Cena creates from a kayfabe point of view. There is no denying that the most exciting, charismatic and talented performers tend to lose an enormous amount of momentum once they hit Cena.Your career as a wrestler hits a pit stop when you're not working anymore.
Of all the ridiculous beliefs wrestling fans have, one of the absolute most brain dead is that John Cena "berries" other guys and ruins their careers.
Yeah, I noticed that. It was very distracting and obvious.
Your career as a wrestler hits a pit stop when you're not working anymore.
Of all the ridiculous beliefs wrestling fans have, one of the absolute most brain dead is that John Cena "berries" other guys and ruins their careers.
Boo hoo.
I love how you respond to a well thought out response to your question with "Boo Hoo". Christ, why even come here and start a discussion if you obviously have no value to add to the conversation?Your career as a wrestler hits a pit stop when you're not working anymore.
Of all the ridiculous beliefs wrestling fans have, one of the absolute most brain dead is that John Cena "berries" other guys and ruins their careers.
Boo hoo.
I love how you respond to a well thought out response to your question with "Boo Hoo". Christ, why even come here and start a discussion if you obviously have no value to add to the conversation?
Everything Hex said is 100% correct and exactly why people think Jericho winning that match was a bad decision. He probably won't be here in a month and the win adds nothing to the storyline nor his overall career. Meanwhile this was an opportunity to push a new talent and keep his character momentum going and instead he loses.
That was the most random shit of that match. No entrance, not mentioned on commentary until a few minutes into the match and he did nothing. Had to have been a last minute replacement for one of the Wyatts.Also remembered Tatanka in the battle royal, but I thought that was just my drunk brain making up jokes.
The shareholders who aren't McMahons can start selling off their stock. I'm not talking about shareholders taking control of the company. I'm talking about revenues diving, and people pitching their stock. That's whats going to speak to WWE. If the stock is valued high, then they're doing their job and keeping their shareholder's stocks at a high value.
Everything now-a-days is about keeping their shareholders happy. The company is literally designed to make the shareholders (McMahons and non-McMahons) money.
EDIT: Hex, Roman winning was the right move. The issue is they should have turned him. Crowds want to see a heel Roman. Crowds will pay to see a heel Roman as champion. They're already paying to see him as a face champion in the hopes he'll turn, or get his ass kicked.
Triple H retaining the title makes about as much sense as Roman being falsely portrayed as the good guy everyone needs to love. I'm willing to bet if Roman had turned, everyone would be a lot more satisfied.
I don't even like Styles and had never seen him wrestle before a month ago. It has nothing to do with who I like. It has to do with basic writing and plot structure. Something that you don't need to give a shit about wrestling to understand.Because this is an argument I have regularly, and it boils down to a wrestling fan weeping that the wrestler he liked lost and will likely be unduly harmed by such.
It's a stupid argument, and it deserves to be dismissed out of hand.
By the way, the "new talent" you want to push is a 40-year-old man who's had a very good career. He's not some up-and-comer fresh off the turnip truck. And I'm sure AJ Styles understands that a loss to Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania doesn't mean his children will go hungry for the next six months.
WWE's "cover up the boos at all costs" attitude meant that the Network feed showed Reigns with the title to a backdrop of near total silence, and that silence was how they ended their biggest show of the year where they'd been constantly claiming a crowd of 100,000+. It sounded ridiculous, and all because they refuse to do the obvious thing and turn Reigns heel.
I don't know why you keep bringing up shit like money and if his career is hurt when I clearly said that that's not the issue with the loss. The issue is that it's a boring story that either just ended with a wet fart, or is about to get dragged on even further. Name one interesting thing that can come from Jericho winning that match.
I would argue that most people are "upset" at the fact that it is the least satisfactory result possible, from a storyline point of view.Because this is an argument I have regularly, and it boils down to a wrestling fan weeping that the wrestler he liked lost and will likely be unduly harmed by such.
I am hungover as fuck
No way they turn Reigns tonight. They would've done it last night to try and salvage the show if that was ever a plan.
We're stuck on this ride now.
Ugh. You're probably right.No way they turn Reigns tonight. They would've done it last night to try and salvage the show if that was ever a plan.
We're stuck on this ride now.
Are there any reviews worth reading/watching/listening to?
The point is, most were expecting Roman to win, but what they were also expecting logically after that was for him to turn heel. The Rock should have been used to do this at the end of the match (rather than his segment burying the Wyatts) as he comes out to celebrate with his "family" and Roman spears him and flips off the crowd, telling them he hates them as well and to suck it. This would draw nuclear heat and everyone would have a genuine reason to boo him. As you said, people would be happy to see Roman as a heel champion. In fact WWE needs a heel champion desperately right now because all the other main eventers such as Rollins, Orton and Cena are going to come back in as babyfaces. Not to mention Ambrose is also a babyface. They need Roman as a heel champion.
Rusev selling the stunner was the best part of the night
Rusev is so good. He really needs to be in the upper mid-card at least.Rusev selling the stunner was the best part of the night
Rusev selling the stunner was the best part of the night
The crowd literally only liked the finish on two matches, Ryder and Taker. What is that all about? I am very suspicious about what this means for Zack, even if using a PPV match to start a story instead of finish one seems like a thoughtful, if uncharacteristic, move. Don't let Cena anywhere near you, Zack!
If I'm not the one making those arguments then maybe you shouldn't be using those arguments as a rebuttal when responding to me.You're not the only one bleating about AJ Styles' tragic defeat at Wrestlemania.
The argument commonly goes that a loss is a career derailment, thus money and prestige. You can follow the threads to their logical conclusion.
Quality opinion. It was a highlight for sure.
So Bryan Alvarez says everybody was booing Roman during the match but after he won everbody cheered and nobody booed
Weird. There was a pop at the end, but the show went off the air with muted boos. I mean, we saw that.
I really want Raw to open with Roman tonight. It's going to be so fucking fun. I'm staying up just for that.
As soon as he speared Steph the crowd turned.
I still thought there were boos but there were definitely more mixed in cheers.
Weird. There was a pop at the end, but the show went off the air with muted boos. I mean, we saw that.
I really want Raw to open with Roman tonight. It's going to be so fucking fun. I'm staying up just for that.
The best part about WM being over is that they can stop playing that welcome to my house song. In like 2 weeks when they stop recapping that is. Damn, that song is so played out.
If there's one thing you should know by now it's that the WWE has zero respect for our time.One final complaint: 6 hours and 45 minutes is way too long of a day.
So Bryan Alvarez says everybody was booing Roman during the match but after he won everbody cheered and nobody booed
Hahaha, I knew my seats were high up, turns out they were the very top row. But they were at the 50 yard line, so head on with the big screen. Still, could only hear the big bumps, and they were a quiet little echo.
The crowd literally only liked the finish on two matches, Ryder and Taker. What is that all about? I am very suspicious about what this means for Zack, even if using a PPV match to start a story instead of finish one seems like a thoughtful, if uncharacteristic, move. Don't let Cena anywhere near you, Zack!
Romeva Mareigns (&tradehad one chant that coalesced amongst his pockets of fans near the end of the match. The rest was boos. His lackadaisical pacing didn't help at all. Please hang out with Cena.
It is just plain weird that Jericho gets to kick out of the Styles Clash and then also win. I don't care, though.