Ryder got his last year, Mojo gets his this year.
Weird booking.
Off to an awful start
God help us all
Off to an awful start
God help us all
WWE once again showing it's not about what you can do or who the fans are behind.
At the end of the day it's about who you know outside of the company.
I remember a lot of things from WM30 I thought would lead to something.Remember when Cesaro won this battle royal by throwing Show over the top and you thought it might lead to something?
Took Zack Ryder 15 years to get a Wrestlemania moment. Mojo got one his first year on the roster. What a world we live in.
She was trying to save usCredit to that security guard.
This WrestleMania fucking sucks.
What the hell is the point of this stupid match anymore.
Im gonna take a stab at this too.
Lesnar VS Goldberg - Lesnar
HHH VS Rollins - Rollins
AJ VS Shane - AJ
Wyatt VS Orton - Wyatt
Owens VS Jericho - Owens
Cena & Nikki VS Miz & Maryse - Cena Nikki with proposal
Undertaker VS Reigns - Reigns
Raw Tag Team Titles - Enzo and Cass
Women Fatal Four - Charlotte
Smackdown Women Match - Naomi
Ambrose VS Corbin - Corbin
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Mojo
Neville VS Aires - Neville
Monty Brown did Mojo better
I think the battle royal is officially celebrity fodder after what we've seen the past few years.