Deftly priced by apple. :/
If I buy a oldMBP I want the 2,199 version for 1GB video ram and the spec bump on the processor. but then that is the same base price as the retina MBP base model
The 2,199 retina MBP there is no option for upgrading the SDD without jumping up to the 2,599 version. But since both versions have the 1GB video RAM, I am less likely to pitch in for just a processor spec bump, but I can't upgrade the SSD without taking the spec bump. I also can't save a little by doing ram upgrade to 16GB myself.
Apple tax on the 16GB of RAM on neoMBP is not that bad actually, it is only about 60 more than you would be paying currently anyway (caveat being that it won't drop in price over the next year while so-DIMMS surely will).
$400 for the bump up to 512SSD isn't bad either, but once all of this is on top of 2,199 base price it really adds up :/