Faster GPU and CPU. ULV GPUs aren't as fast.Okay. I'm getting a Mac for school in August. Macbook Pro 13" vs Macbook Air 13". What are the advantages of getting a Macbook Pro?
Cheaper with education discount, a SuperDrive?, more ports, a bigger hd compared to air ssd, a revamped model, think that it.Okay. I'm getting a Mac for school in August. Macbook Pro 13" vs Macbook Air 13". What are the advantages of getting a Macbook Pro?
Okay. I'm getting a Mac for school in August. Macbook Pro 13" vs Macbook Air 13". What are the advantages of getting a Macbook Pro?
Okay. I'm getting a Mac for school in August. Macbook Pro 13" vs Macbook Air 13". What are the advantages of getting a Macbook Pro?
So anyone else going to keep the faith and hold out hope on a spec bumped 27" iMac ?
I was really hoping for a Macbook Air with Retina display.
Very pleased with the keynote. Hoping public transit integration is as robust as the turn-by-turn directions.
After a rather dire E3, it's easy to see why Apple is so dominant in everything they put their full force behind. They don't half-ass, and they know what their customers want to see and hear.
Basically the MBA is 1/3" thinner, 1.5 lbs lighter, and has a better res. MBP has a better processor and 75% more hdd space. They both are the same in just about all other respects including battery life.
I'm having a hard time deciding between those two models as well. We have a 2011 iMac for keeping our multimedia libraries and for heavy duty work. So the notebook would be for simpler work (writing, coding, designing) and play done around the apt, out and about, and while traveling.
At the same price, Air seems like it has the edge since we've got the desktop for anything it can't handle at home. But after the MBA ram upgrade and ed discounts, I'd be passing over a better processor, 75% more hdd space, and $150 for portability. Just seems harder to justify and I start to question how much I'd take it out on the road versus how much I'd need that faster processor and additional hdd space.
I know I'm the only one who knows what I want/need, but I thought posting this out might help organize my thoughts a bit. And hopefully it can help you with your decision as well.
Would it be possible for a Chrome plug-in to simulate iCloud tabs?
Question: Are external DVD burners for the MAC easily accessible?
Spent the last few minutes on newegg and it doesn't seem that easy. Do I have to find something that's MAC compatible even if it's USB. Allot of these only list Windows OSs.
Well, the new MBP is essentially a MacBook Air isn't it? What apple chooses to call it is arbitrary. Or is it the current MBA price-point you were looking for.
Update: A MacRumors reader writes in to share an email he received from Apple CEO Tim Cook after he asked about the future of the Mac Pro:
"Our pro customers are really important to us...don't worry as we're working on something really great for later next year."
Welp! You're right on calling the Macbook Pro Retina essentially an Air. I was going to respond that I wanted the lighter and smaller form factor of the Air, but upon double checking the Macbook Pro Retina is actually lighter than the Air. I totally glossed over that when I read the conference live blog earlier.
Looks like new iMacs and Mac Pros are coming next year:
What? No, not even close. the retina MBP weighs 4.46lbs, Airs are between 2.38 and 2.96lbs.but upon double checking the Macbook Pro Retina is actually lighter than the Air.
I haven't read through the last 30 pages but does anyone know if FaceTime over 3G can be disabled? It's a cool feature but my bandwidth cap is crying at the thought of it. I get 1.25 GB a month and get close to hitting that as it is now
I doubt it. Just decline the FaceTime invitations.
Why does the 13" Macbook Pro have such a shitty resolution?
The 11" and 13" air have better screens it looks like.
Wow. They must update the iMacs this year, would be crazy not to.
It runs in native res by default. However, all screen elements are 4x the normal size, so they appear the same size as on a 1440x900 screen. Same kind of deal as with iPad 2 vs iPad 3. That settings panel let you customize UI elements size though.Hmm, does this mean that if I wanted to, I could run OS X at the display's native resolution?
It runs in native res by default. However, all screen elements are 4x the normal size, so they appear the same size as on a 1440x900 screen. Same kind of deal as with iPad 2 vs iPad 3. That settings panel let you customize UI elements size though.
Shit man, I never thought I'd see someone get that desperate.Never thought I would say this, but I think I may actually transition away from Macs, at least for my main computer. I've had my iMac for just over a year now, and without a decent refresh I think I might actually sell it and build my first PC. Maybe a Mac Mini would suffice for a second machine for all my media?
Never thought I would say this, but I think I may actually transition away from Macs, at least for my main computer. I've had my iMac for just over a year now, and without a decent refresh I think I might actually sell it and build my first PC. Maybe a Mac Mini would suffice for a second machine for all my media?
That's really going to be something. Someone on Anandtech article comments suggested this:Of course. You're right.
What I had in mind was, you know, using Coda 2 at 2880x1800, with tiny tiny text.
Grab Xcode 4, run /Developer/Applications/Graphic Tools/Quartz Debug, go to Window>UI Resolution, and uncheck Enable HiDPI display modes. Report what happens. I'm thinking that will get the 2880x1800 native mode.
how much are you selling it for?
Fuck that, I can't even justify it for myself!Whitta, share your Hollywood money with me so I can afford the new Macbook Pro.
How long have the MBAs had Thunderbolt?
So I can just skip Lion then? That's goods to know since I never did bother to update to Lion after hearing such bad things about it. Lets see if ML convinces me to update.Updates Snow Leopard & Lion
Never thought I would say this, but I think I may actually transition away from Macs, at least for my main computer. I've had my iMac for just over a year now, and without a decent refresh I think I might actually sell it and build my first PC. Maybe a Mac Mini would suffice for a second machine for all my media?
Holy shit the MBA launched in 2008. Where did the time go.
Yeah, who buys an iMac if they feel like they may need to upgrade a year later?....after a year?
Makes me want to wait a few revisions on neoMBPWorld wasn't ready for MacBook Air back in 2008 and it took 2 years and the new redesign before they were ready.