Can anyone recommend some good Mac Air cases/covers? Something that fits around the computer at all times? I feel like looking for something like that has been a crapshoot.
I wouldn't read any more into it than the bolded. It's going to be a slow transition, that's all.
It took them a year to transition the entire product line to intel, this may take as long or longer.
I agree, but you can lower the res. I wish they would have done more games testing at 1/2 res. it should still look great on that screen.Their image of Diablo 3 had 27 fps listed, and that's one of the least demanding areas in the game. Not that encouraging :/
IIRC you haven't actually used your Air yet, correct?
You might want to try using it for a week or two before you decide you need a case or cover. I mean, I transport mine in my laptop bag most of the time, but I can't imagine any scenario where I'd want or need a case or cover. I'm not saying this to be unhelpful, obviously if you want it, you want it.
It's actually exceedingly easy to carry and it's got a great grip thanks to the tapered shape.
True, but if the next iMac is a year away still I would have suspected that it'd get a modest spec-bump like the other existing models did and then overhauled in the next rev or something.
We're not going to end this year without a new iMac (I wouldn't think). Is the desktop-class components available not that compelling like the Ivy-Bridge Intel CPUs or something like that right now?
By going Retina with the MBP, I suspect any new revision of devices should have Retina...but at 27" we're talking a resolution of 5120 x 2880! Almost 15 million pixels! FUCKING BONKERS!
I'll give that a try. Hopefully my bank allows it.Why not make a payment to your card provider first, e.g. £50, putting your balance into credit?
We could still get a spec bump later this summer. They don't have to turn over the entire line on one day.
Havent used one yet, but I'll definitely wait on a case now. Thanks Stump!IIRC you haven't actually used your Air yet, correct?
You might want to try using it for a week or two before you decide you need a case or cover. I mean, I transport mine in my laptop bag most of the time, but I can't imagine any scenario where I'd want or need a case or cover. I'm not saying this to be unhelpful, obviously if you want it, you want it.
It's actually exceedingly easy to carry and it's got a great grip thanks to the tapered shape.
Argh, help me Mac gaf. I have multiple options here.
Hold onto my base MBA (2gb ram, 64gb HDD lol) until next year, hope the airs get retina. I admit my air gives me no issues now.
Sell the air and get a 13" MBA, upgrade to 8gb of ram. Cry if retinas hit next year.
I'm leaning towards hold on. Especially since I just got the iPad and I'll be upgrading my iPhone 4 in the fall. Oh yeah and that mortgage thing I just took on.
Argh, help me Mac gaf. I have multiple options here.
Hold onto my base MBA (2gb ram, 64gb HDD lol) until next year, hope the airs get retina. I admit my air gives me no issues now.
Sell the air and get a 13" MBA, upgrade to 8gb of ram. Cry if retinas hit next year.
I'm leaning towards hold on. Especially since I just got the iPad and I'll be upgrading my iPhone 4 in the fall. Oh yeah and that mortgage thing I just took on.
Without checking, this is probably not true. There's a high chance that the Airs have a lower clocked Ivy Bridge class GPU.
Stumpokapow said:It's actually exceedingly easy to carry and it's got a great grip thanks to the tapered shape.
Oh I know, I'm just saying that I'd be shocked if the next iMac actually was Retina given the resolutions it'd need to run to do it...but Apple is increasingly setting the expectation that Retina is going across all products.
I'm watching the rerun of this and I can't help thinking the Retina MacBook reveal could have been so much better.
Phil Schiller didn't do a bad job, but Steve Jobs would have milked every single moment of suspense.
Why would the Airs get retina next year?Argh, help me Mac gaf. I have multiple options here.
Hold onto my base MBA (2gb ram, 64gb HDD lol) until next year, hope the airs get retina. I admit my air gives me no issues now.
Sell the air and get a 13" MBA, upgrade to 8gb of ram. Cry if retinas hit next year.
I'm leaning towards hold on. Especially since I just got the iPad and I'll be upgrading my iPhone 4 in the fall. Oh yeah and that mortgage thing I just took on.
NONE. Seriously, it will make no noticable difference what so ever.
Even 8gb of ram is more than adequate for 99.99% of what people do. And 256gb is plenty of storage for the OS and all your software. If you need to store pictures and what not, just buy a third party 3tb external drive or 1.5tb 2.5mm portable external drive to store those.
I think the base $2199 Macbook Pro with Retina Display is the one to get unless you have extra cash burning a hole in your pocket.
Argh, help me Mac gaf. I have multiple options here.
Hold onto my base MBA (2gb ram, 64gb HDD lol) until next year, hope the airs get retina. I admit my air gives me no issues now.
Sell the air and get a 13" MBA, upgrade to 8gb of ram. Cry if retinas hit next year.
I'm leaning towards hold on. Especially since I just got the iPad and I'll be upgrading my iPhone 4 in the fall. Oh yeah and that mortgage thing I just took on.
same. Unless you burn a ton of DVDs, I can't see any reason to buy a 13" MBP.
13" Macbook air is the same price
- is thinner
- is lighter
- is faster in day to day use (slightly slower CPU more than offset by much faster SSD)
- has a higher resolution (1440x900 same as 15" MBP). This is the killer for me. 1280x800 is horrible on the 13" MBP. Full screen mode and hiding the dock helps but its not ideal
The reason to buy a pro is because you can upgrade everything yourself and not pay the ridiculous prices apple charges for Ram/SSD's. I can have 2 HD's in the pro while air users have one, I can have 16gb of Ram while the Air users are only able to have 8gb max. Also if my fans or anything mess up I can open it up and not worry about voiding the warranty. The processors are faster then the air is also. All in all the Pro is better for college students that want the most bang for their buck, the air is great but without being able to upgrade anything yourself you have to pay the overpriced values that apple charges for bigger HD's and more Ram.
The reason to buy a pro is because you can upgrade everything yourself and not pay the ridiculous prices apple charges for Ram/SSD's. I can have 2 HD's in the pro while air users have one, I can have 16gb of Ram while the Air users are only able to have 8gb max. Also if my fans or anything mess up I can open it up and not worry about voiding the warranty. The processors are faster then the air is also. All in all the Pro is better for college students that want the most bang for their buck, the air is great but without being able to upgrade anything yourself you have to pay the overpriced values that apple charges for bigger HD's and more Ram.
All depends on the needs of the end user. I switched from a 2009 MBP to the 2011 Airs, and it was a great transition. There are a lot of people who simply have no need for multiple HDD's or 16 GB's of ram for a everyday laptop.
The Air is incredibly fast, has a better display, is lightweight and it has a very small profile. Currently, I vastly prefer those features over any theoretical speed increase that I won't ever notice because I don't play games or edit video for a living.
Your talking about the old pro's right? Can't upgrade the new models.
The reason to buy a pro is because you can upgrade everything yourself and not pay the ridiculous prices apple charges for Ram/SSD's. I can have 2 HD's in the pro while air users have one, I can have 16gb of Ram while the Air users are only able to have 8gb max. Also if my fans or anything mess up I can open it up and not worry about voiding the warranty. The processors are faster then the air is also. All in all the Pro is better for college students that want the most bang for their buck, the air is great but without being able to upgrade anything yourself you have to pay the overpriced values that apple charges for bigger HD's and more Ram.
in a 13" 1280x800 laptop? Your description sounds more pro than those consumers are likely to need.
How is Diablo 3's performance on one of the new Macbook Airs? I have the 21" imac from last year's revision and it runs things well enough for me: can I expect comparable performance?
AnandTech has some early impressions up, screen and SSD performance:
I need to figure out how I could justify getting the new 15-inch retina as a student for one more year.
I've got a 2009 13-inch which has a 2.26 Intel Core 2 Duo and a really terrible graphics card. It's out of warranty and it's just quite slow now. I only use a laptop and don't plan on having any other computer, as I can do pretty much everything I want with one. I would however, like to play a few games on bootcamp, something I did for a little bit on this laptop until it got too outdated.
Now, I realize this jump would be a pretty huge one in specs for me which makes it sound worth it. I was already considering the low end 15 inch, but the retina is only 300 more...
I have money available, it's just part of my savings that I was going to use as a nest egg. I would really like a new laptop for school though. Also I assume these specs will last me for quite a while.
Eh, I dunno.
I think I'll get the new 13" Macbook Pro withou Retina and will upgrade it myself with a SSD and 8GB RamIt's the best solution right now and I'm pretty hyped to get a Mac OS system, pretty cool!
for somebody that plays games occasionally on my laptop I would not want to have that high of a resolution with that mobile GPU.
Not even close... discrete graphics on the iMac vs. integrated graphics on the Macbook Air.
To be honest after this update I would only recommend the 13" Air or 15" Retina Pro.
They're two great devices and trump all the other options.
A more fair comparison is the 15-inch entry-level Pro versus the entry-level Retina Pro. Here the price difference is only $400.
That's still a lot of money, but with it, you get the incredible screen upgrade, a substantially slimmer and lighter machine, a much faster (though smaller capacity) hard drive, twice the amount of RAM, and twice the amount of video RAM. It's a good deal.
Sure, you lose an optical drive, but that's meaningless they're all but dead at this point. In my mind, the 15-inch Retina MBP versus the 15-inch non-Retina MBP is a no-brainer.
Likewise, on the other end of the spectrum, the 13-inch MacBook Pro models versus the 13-inch MacBook Air models also seem like a no-brainer in favor of the Air. The two models of each are perfectly aligned in price. With the Pros, you get faster chips. But with the Airs, you get significantly thinner and lighter machines with much faster flash hard drives. And the screen is actually higher resolution on the Air.
Again, it's a no-brainer for most consumers. Go with the Air in that situation.
Why not the 13" air?
Diablo 3 on low level settings ran on last years air. Should be absolutely no problem on a 2012 air. Blizzard has always been really good with maxing apple hardware.I don't feel like the Air is powerful enough for me.. I want to play be able to play Diablo 3, and I think this should be possible on the Pro, right?
To be honest after this update I would only recommend the 13" Air or 15" Retina Pro.
They're two great devices and trump all the other options.
NONE. Seriously, it will make no noticable difference what so ever.
Even 8gb of ram is more than adequate for 99.99% of what people do. And 256gb is plenty of storage for the OS and all your software. If you need to store pictures and what not, just buy a third party 3tb external drive or 1.5tb 2.5mm portable external drive to store those.
I think the base $2199 Macbook Pro with Retina Display is the one to get unless you have extra cash burning a hole in your pocket.
True, unless the MBA CPU/GPU is throttled due to excessive heat and poor heat disspiation.Rummaged up the clock speed info from Anandtech.
2011 MacBook Air GPU: 350MHz/1.2GHz
2011 MacBook Pro GPU: 650MHz/1.2GHz (1.3GHz if you have the i7)
It seems that at idle or battery mode the Pro has a faster GPU, but plugged in, both systems should have roughly identical graphics performance (the Pro would win out thanks to a faster CPU, however)