Friend Verendus, you need to cut down on your sodium intake a tad.
Also fans latching onto ratings is WWE'S fault. Have you completely missed how WWE jerks off to all of the ratings talk from their past?
Because I don't tend to care or follow WWE's business model. The heck do I care about that. If you're all really that interested, maybe you should make the effort to actually learn what it is you're arguing against, because even without looking into it myself, I can blow holes in these kind of dumb arguments.
For example:
You said viewership is down to pre-attitude era levels. Well, here's the problem there friend. Viewership isn't just on TV now. The landscape has changed pretty drastically in the past fifteen years. You'd need to know their numbers for online viewing right now, dvr, as well as any repeat shows they have on other services, when these components became a factor, and whether there was a noticeable shift or hit in their viewership, and you'd have to compare and contrast over the many years (including the shift from 2 to 3 hours), while also factoring in whether other aspects of their business such as attendance, something that directly correlates to consumer interest, has taken a hit or whether it's stable or increasing etc. This is important since Raw is a huge advertisement for their brand, which is currently what you'd call a niche product. And I could go on and on here. Does that mean ratings aren't important? No, they are. Does that mean you all tend to look at ratings in a vacuum and come to conclusions without really knowing what you're talking about? Yes, it does.
Let's be honest, none of you are capable of this. None of you would have a clue where to start because you're not "businessmen" no matter how much arm chair analysis you do based on some ratings reports you get and occasionally look at while ignoring everything else. That's not me being harsh or taking in sodium (what is this, some way of trying to say I'm salty? come on friend, don't be childish), it's simply the truth.
Business talk in these Wrasslin' threads is worse than business talk on the gaming side. I have no idea why you all do it, and most of the time, it's just to get in some potshot against something you don't like. It's like if negativity had sex with negativity and gave birth to Satan.
What has the New Day been teaching you all? Has the lesson of the power of positivity suddenly disappeared? People died for this.